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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Deal-breakers: Suggesting Burrito Bros. on a first date. Foul breath slobbery kisses Dirty home/room Republican/Conservative Spends first 1/2 hour of first date on cell phone with parents Doesn't like dancing or "that music" Has man boobs Noxious body odor Asks me 1 question for every 20 question I ask him No sense of humor Doesn't like to snuggle (can you imagine?) I'm sure I'll think of more...
  2. It's especially nice because we can barely see you!
  3. I like my job most of the time. Criminology is interesting and allows me to use my brain, on occasion. Right now my dream job would be to open up my own clothing store in San Francisco featuring my own fur creations and other club clothes made from fabrics expressly designed for the tactile experience. I would move my tables to the shop and spin while patrons shopped. I'd offer made to order club clothes too. I'd carry a petite line too, for obvious reasons. I'd also love to own or be part-owner of a club or lounge for a couple of years. Anyone want to loan me a few million to get this party started?
  4. I'm just going to keep replying to my own posts, because I find it very entertaining! I'm a brilliant conversationalist!
  5. Or did any of you slackers go to see them?
  6. In case you hadn't guessed - that was me accidentally using A1wave's account!
  7. I'm off to Boston to wreak havoc!
  8. I'm not supposed to be here lurking - so I'll make this quick. Drugs and chemicals are not the only thing that affect brain chemistry. Thought, mood, environment, exercise, sex and many other things also influence the way neurotransmitters are transmitted and how new pathways and connections are formed in our brain. We notice the influence of chemicals introduced into our system because the reaction time is quick - but I would hazard to say that the other "slow reaction" changes are more important in the long run - which is why it is imperative to be mindful of these things not just from a spiritual stand point, but from a biological standpoint as well. In our society we tend to separate the mind, body and spirit instead of seeing them as part of a larger whole. Okay - crap - I gotta get some work done!
  9. And I would add that prayer doesn't have to have anything to do with a higher being. It may be something that simply calms you and helps you connect with the world and yourself. I think we often underestimate our own powers when it comes to influencing outcomes that seem out of our control. If you believe life is energy and you are a part of that energy - changing that energy with the help of meditation or prayer isn't that outlandish of an idea.
  10. Yeah - just tell them "Hi - I'm Shlongus - Ruth's internet friend..."
  11. I'll be in Boston - have fun w/out me! But not too much fun...
  12. malanee


    Done right - porn is great. We are visual creatures and there is nothing wrong with nekkidness and sexuality, IMO. But bad porn is HORRIBLE and does anything but turn me on! Anything with animals (sorry Shady), pre-buscent girls/boys, dead people and excrement is out.
  13. I was raised Buddhist. I believe that we are all part of the same pattern, the same universe. I strongly believe in Karma. Organized religion of any kind scares the crap out of me. How many people need to die in the name of God before we humans see the light? BTW, in the tradition I was raised - we were not taught that other religions were bad - but that there were many paths to enlightenment.
  14. They changed the dates I'll be in Jersey City. I'll now be there from the 25th-27th, because that's more convenient for my boss. The bastard. I couldn't really make the argument that I needed to go at the end of the week so I could attend an all night rave w/ 2 awesome DJs - so no DH-DT for me. On the upside, I can go to the Snowball Party at Murali's now!
  15. This from the girl who tried to use several male CP members as bait for Scott Henry!
  16. Ahhh, the ole "disc-jockey cock-block" - a DJ whore with an ounce of pride wouldn't pay attention to things like "privacy" and "personal space."
  17. Like you didn't see more of Saeed than I did at WMC!
  18. Yes! *applause* Now lets just hope it doesn't crash on Friday...
  19. There's nothing in there about stalking????? Hmmm, since I've never slept with a DJ - does that make me a wannabe? Or is being a DJ Whore something completely different? Vic - you would know! I mean, I don't bargain w/ sex, I don't seek out the most vulnerable DJs - just the one's whose music I really like - and I have female friends. I DO however giggle a lot when I meet my favorite DJs and I have yet to turn down free gear, VIP or music!
  20. It says Saeed and Palash on Lemurgene. Aren't you Lemurgene's bitch? Shouldn't you know these things?
  21. Don't count your chicken fingers before they are fried Vic! I may be here this weekend. I'm sure Saeed will be overjoyed to see me!
  22. To me something has soul if it comes from the heart and stirs something within you.
  23. Has anyone else noticed Kuro's avatar change?
  24. Okay - I don't get it. What's wrong with her avatar?
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