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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Which ones? Are they single???? *lol*
  2. Why don't you just rub salt in my wound.
  3. You gonna fly me down early? You are sooooo sweet!
  4. We should get there very close to 10:30 - especially now that we don't have to pick up Katie. Her flight was cancelled. She's trying to get another one - but chances are she'll be there much later.
  5. Ellywelly - I did get the elph and I really like it! Unfortunately - I have no way to upload the pictures right now and have to rely on the generousity of my friends!
  6. All this time on the internet and you can't post a phoking link???
  7. Shaved head=more face to sit on! Damn - I have to stop hanging out here - I'm starting to get just as crude as the boys!
  8. As my Mother tells her 2 year olds "Use your words!"
  9. Noooo dragongrrrl! Now I'm going to be singing that song all day!
  10. *points and laughs* You will forever more be known as fart boy to me!
  11. To add insult to injury my work email address is receiving Korean spam and computer services won't let me download a program to deal with it. AND, they won't let me download software so I can use my digital camera at work. They suck hairy monkey balls.
  12. Dragongrrrl - how do you survive? I'm about to lose my sanity! Pluryou - you can get a department store card or a card from places like best buy with little to no credit history. Then, when you have those - the credit card companies will never leave you alone! Trust me! Zags - you are soooo dead!
  13. Wait - some of those guys are F-O-I-N-E! And some of those girls are bowsers! WTF?
  14. I got a new computer at work 2 weeks ago and the sound is STILL crappy! I can't listen to any music and I'm going insane!!!! Computer services SUCKS!!!!
  15. In highschool, for freshman orientation - they would call your name - and in front of the whole school - you would have to join your advisor and your "pod" at the front of the auditorium. They called my name and I tripped down the stairs, sprained my ankle, and had to be carried out by two guys. For the first two weeks of freshman year - I was on crutches and known as "that girl who tripped down the stairs." *lol*
  16. I know - aren't I pathetic? Let me just keep the fantasy that I might not go alive for one more day, pretty please?
  17. *lol* I told you - you need to lay those poor shoes to rest!!! I have so many embarrassing moments - it is hard to know where to start. Most recently, Ravermania was giving me a hug goodbye and we both ended up on the floor in Modern in front of a couple of cute guys. There was the time I was dancing on the podium at 5 and fell off. Or the time I was running up to the line at Nation and totally bit it. Snuggletini night was just one long, embarrassing adventure. *lol* Oh well - I got my "cool kid" card revoked a long time ago!
  18. Awww man - I'll be up in Jersey City for work. Well - I expect the rest of you guys to check this party out for me, okay?
  19. Nice! Now that's the way it is supposed to be done! Have fun and be safe! You know I had to say it.
  20. Oh - and I'll be seeing PVD in Boston that Thursday! WOO HOO!!!
  21. I've been on Vixen's list a few times. Don't hold your breath.
  22. I've decided any PVD is awesome to work out to. He is GOD! I can't wait to see him in Boston!
  23. malanee

    DT vs. DH

    Is anyone coming up Friday? You can stay with me and then we can go shopping in NYC!!! Yeah - you know you want to!
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