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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Are you guys sick of seeing my part pics yet? http://www.ofoto.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?showSlide=true&autologin=true&UV=611572686389_41423953403&US=0&Un=200501010&Um=11423953403
  2. Ouch - low blow! Am I going to have to bring my doctor's note? I was only at work 17 days this month. But, they think I'm doing such a stellar job that they want to send me to UC Santa Barbara for a week to learn about Spatial Analysis. SUCKAS! I've already rented the convertible!
  3. Ernextnation - where did you get that picture of me and my boyfriend?
  4. I can't go - doctor's orders! How was your Trip, btw?:
  5. And sorry that happened to you! That sucks!
  6. No matter where you're parked you should do this. Break in into cars is one of the highest crimes reported to the police.
  7. Soccer? Who cares about soccer? *ducks again*
  8. No Buzz for me. I would love to see Zelda - but I gott take this week off. And I hate Deep Dish anyway. *ducks*
  9. Awwww - Vic is old fashioned! Are you going to have sex before marriage?
  10. 1 MORE DAY!!! Ya freak!
  11. I'm not going to make it.
  12. Crap - I really got to get with the program! *pad*
  13. I changed my mind. Can I be 1 zillion instead? That's not going to screw you up, is it Nautilus?
  14. I would like to be 1 million please. Spank you very much.
  15. Nautilus - if my Mom lived here I would totally live with her! She is awesome and exceedingly cool. She'd be down w/ my after hours parties. In fact - she'd probably make us all fruits salads to help us keep up our strength! *lol* Anyway - I really don't miss being a kid. My childhood was kind of weird and not all that happy and the last 4 years have been some of the best in my entire life. Besides, even though I have more responsibility, I'm careful to make sure and keep my adult stresses to a minimum. Also, I strongly believe that even though you have to grow older - you don't have to grow up! If you like finger paints and puddle jumping - then do it! What's stopping you?
  16. Shady - as if you haven't earned your red wings thousands of times over!
  17. Shouldn't you be working Mr. "oooh - look at me I'm so busy" - Pblttt!
  18. I think, in part, it is selective attention. There are still tons of kiddies at Buzz - trust me! I think also, as our little group grows, we introduce each other to friends of friends of friends - who all tend to be a little bit older. Last time I was there for Lawler - I looked around and it was me, Crank, Buster, Brian, Adrianne, Sauvee, Tinybutterli, nautilus, therunner and all the friends they came with. A pretty large group when you think of it! We owned a corner of Buzz!
  19. Shady: CPs Goodwill ambassador!
  20. Shady - have I mentioned I hate you lately?
  21. Shady all I have to say is:
  22. Why can't I find the smiley where the one smiley is kissing the other smiley's ass?
  23. malanee


    Kuro - I can almost guarantee there will nothing interesting going on in my bedroom this summer. Maybe Jenn will let me switch rooms....
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