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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Do we need to designate a meet up place? Is there anyone coming who doesn't know the CP crew?
  2. Welcome to the board! We're having a meetup this Thursday at Modern. Some peeps will be at Buzz this Friday too. Meet up at 1am in the hallway to the main floor bathrooms.
  3. I dont' think I'll be making it - but I'll see some of you at Modern!
  4. This just confirms what I already suspected. The Russian Mafia is running glow!
  5. Damn! I'm never telling you anything again! And he had nice biceps...
  6. I don't think it has been slow lately! Maybe you just have more free time than you used to? SLACKER!
  7. Who's your pappa? Wha? Saeed on the 14th *happy dance*
  8. I'm having trouble accessing the Buzz shedule of events. Does anyone happen to have it handy? Spank you very much!
  9. What time does the show start?
  10. Kuro - you're done w/ school - right? You're fawking going!
  11. That was funny Gina! You are a regular comedian!
  12. That's perfect Vic - just go straight to work from Modern!
  13. Who's in for this Thursday? Buster is sure to put on an amazing show and the guy with the congos is pretty damn cool too! So who's coming? We could do a dinner meet up first - if y'all are interested! ~Ruth
  14. You are officially my favorite person! Mwah Mwah!
  15. Oh - and Shady - how was Mangladesh on Friday???
  16. BREAKING NEWS: Club Planet guy actually lands cute chick! I thought Lawler was great - best set I've heard out of him yet! I hear he is a bit of a primadonna, though. Apparently he had Buzz black out the window in VIP so nobody could watch him spin. WTF? Anyway - I thoroughly enjoyed myself and met lots of cool new people - of course I'll never remember their names! I also got to see Saeed and I was wearing the addictive records t-shirt he gave me! *beam* He was there with his cutie girlfriend. Cocomama - it was great getting to see you again! I'm so bummed we missed each other May 10th!
  17. I didn't wake up until 6pm last night! Gotta love Ambien!
  18. Damn! Does somebody want to burn this for me? I can't download it at work.
  19. The easiest way to transport a body is to first chop it up into 6 separate pieces. That's what I heard anyway... Does anybody want to pre-party?
  20. I'm thinking about going. So much for taking it easy this weekend! *lol*
  21. Wideskies - let me just interrupt these idiots for a moment to say: YAY!!! Another bouncing buddy!
  22. This is indeed a momentous occasion!
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