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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Millie!!!! You are a posting machine!!!! I actually DJd the first hour of my pre-party a few weeks ago. It wasn't too bad! I need to do that more often!
  2. Are you serious Millie? Did you give him the look of disdain? Once a guy in a club told me my butt was like an onion - it made him wanna cry! WTF???
  3. Grrrr! I'm so pissed! Yahoo won't let me order prints! I've tried like 6 times!!! Katie - you need ofoto.com!
  4. Exactly! I thought a waddle was that underhanging chin skin that old people get!
  5. Those are awesome A1! Thank you for posting those! I'm going to see if I can order prints!
  6. I'm not sure yet. I'm going to see how I feel on Friday...
  7. Do you plan your music out for the day? What are you planning on listening to today? I have Music from the last temptation of Christ on today. I brought Jambi's new techno CD he made me for my B-day AND Agent Oranges new techno CD. Then I'll play it by ear!
  8. Have a great time! We expect lots and lots of good stories!
  9. Shady - why don't you just admit your gay? It's okay! Being gay is cool!
  10. 1. What is your name? Ruth 2. Backstreet Boys or *N Sync? Britney Spears 3. When was the last time u showered? This morning 4. What color pants do you have on? Black 5. What song are you listening to right now? Flamenco music 6. Snow White or Cinderella? Snow White - 7 men waiting on her hand and foot? Hell yeah! 7. Who is right next to you? No on - I love having my own office! 8. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 5807 - don't call me - I hate phones. 9. Formal or Casual? Casual 10. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple 11. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Do I have to get married to go someplace cool? 12. Do you have a lava lamp? no, but i have lots of black lights 13. How many buddies do you have on your E-M list? What's that? 14. How's the weather right now? Gorgeous! 1. Have you ever smoked pot? Yes - I hate it. 16. What did you do last night? Watched AI, dumbest movie ever! 19. How are you today? Superfantabulous 20. How do you eat an oreo? By the bag. 21. What makes you happy? Good friends, good food, good music, good sex, good books. 22. Favorite CD? Sander Kleinenberg's Essential Mix. I can't get that first song out of my head! 23. Do you have any Nicknames? 4'14"; Rudy; Princess; Ruthie; Delicate Flower. 24. Hair color? black 25. Eye color? brown 26. Height? 5' 2 27. Do you wear contacts? No 28. Siblings and their age? Sister, 28 29. What school did you attend? University of WA; Penn State 30. Do you have a significant other? Not anymore 31. What's the best advice ever given to you? Be true to yourself. 32. Car: I want a BMW M3 REALLY BAD! 33. Have you ever won any special awards? Yeah - but I'm not telling you guys because you'll think I'm a geek. 34. What do you want to be when you grow up? DJ Superstar and club owner 35. Favorite food? Thai 36. Who are the funniest people that you know? My friend Bob. 37. Porn name: Malanee Swann 38. Favorite movies? Fight Club; Human Traffic 39. Favorite month? May 40. Favorite girls perfume? Channel Allure 41. Favorite guys cologne? Romance 42. Do you like to dance? FUCK, YEAH 43. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Nope/ 44. If you could change your name, what would it be? Malanee 45. Worst sickness that you ever had? Chronic tonsilitis 46. What is the stupidest thing that you ever did? Got SWEET tattooed on my ass. But someone else has DUDE - so I got off easy! 47. What will you name your child if it's a boy/girl? No kids for me. 48. Favorite Drink? Snuggletini 49. Do you like scary or happy movies better? Happy or stupid. I like thrillers and dramas too, though. 50. Night or day? Night 51. Summer or winter? Summer 52. Lust or Love? Love 53. Do you have a crush? I wish. 54. Kisses or hugs? SNUGGLES!!! 55. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would be more patient. 56. Do you consider Cheerleading a sport? Ummm, HELL YEAH #1 sport. Anything with a short skirt is a sport. 57. Do you want your friends to write back? yeah, ok...i am bored at work... 58. Elevator or stairs? stairs 59. Al Pacino or Robert De Niro? Edward Norton 60. Thick skin or sensitive soul? Sen-si-tive 61. Scubadiving or Skydiving? scuba 62. Long skirts or mini skirts? pants 63. Blond or Brunette? guys=brunette; girls-blondes 64. Exotic or All-American? Exotic 65. Diet soda or regular? not a fan of soda 66. Classic or funky? Funky 67. Snoopy or Garfield? *snoopy dance* 68. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Trek 69. Up At Dawn or Sleep Till Noon? Up at dawn, unfortunately! 70. Jetsons or Flintstones? Jetons 71. Self-park or Valet? Self-park 72. Cream cheese or butter? Behold the power of cheese... 73. Sesame Street or Mister Rogers? Def. Sesame Street 74. Batman or Superman? Spiderman 75. Low cut or turtleneck? Low cut 76. Wonderwoman or Catwoman? Catwoman 77. Broadway or Hollywood? Hollywood 78. Lights on or Lights off? Lights on 79. Believer or skeptic? Skeptic 80. MTV or CNN? MTV 81. Tomato sauce or cream sauce? Tomato 82. Gold or silver? Silver 83. Tits or ass? Can I say both?
  11. Are you still going to get a new car?
  12. I had sushi from cafe asia for lunch. Yum!
  13. I'm still undecided. The honey buckets are my major complaint. *shiver*
  14. A long night of making techno babies????
  15. http://www.ofoto.com/PhotoView.jsp?UV=394944993035_58878471403&US=0&collid=23999941403&photoid=22950051403
  16. Dammit! The stars are definitely out of place on that one! D'oh! I didn't realize you had a camera on you at the party sneaky Kuro!
  17. Prplhz - that's one of my favorite quotes! I have it taped to my computer!!!
  18. Oooh! I like that idea! I'll keep a stable of cute DJs in my basement for special occasions. Hmmm, lets see: PVD; Buster; DH; Dieselboy......
  19. I can't wait to meet all the Boston CP folk!!!
  20. Yeah - the bouncers totally suck. That's why if you're a guy I would recommend making it a little dressier - that way they can't deny you entrance for that at least!
  21. Here's a link to their site: http://www.panoramai.com/v2.0/frames/frames_glow.html Lines are bad and you'll wait twice as long in VIP w/ no guarantee you'll get in. If you want to avoid the lines - def. show up before 11pm. The place is a little dressy - no sneakers or jeans. The diner in Adam's Morgan is a good after hours eating spot and isn't too far from Glow. Drinks are decent but pricey. I would wear really comfortable shoes. They don't have a real dance floor and the concrete is hell on your back and knees! There are plenty of places to sit down and the bathrooms aren't too disgusting. ENJOY!
  22. http://www.ofoto.com/ShareLanding.jsp?UV=813847336712_38912061403&US=0&Upost_signin=BrowsePhotos.jsp%3FshowSlide%3Dtrue&Un=666383103&Um=24988651403 OMG - I still can't believe he came over and played records until 2:30pm!!!! *swoon* Thanks to everybody for making Friday night one of the best nights of my entire life! Who knew turning 30 would be so damn fun!!!
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