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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Btw - it is M-A-L-A-N-E-E. Pronounced "May-lanee." In case you were wondering.
  2. Well - he's definitely not getting into VIP! *lol* How was your weekend btw?
  3. I wasn't personally offended. I just think you lack tact and find it amusing that you try and foster community and friendship by coming to a place like this and telling people their scene stinks. But, I'm sure you'll have no problems putting together a warehouse party with that magnetic personality of yours! *quietly sipping her tension tamer tea*
  4. malanee


    I do have bars over the windows. I also need bars over the doors. (see story about 3 months ago when a crackhead kicked the door in) However, the historic preservation society feels it is more important to preserve the ghetto than preserve my safety!
  5. malanee


    Well, dumbass, I don't have air except in the bedrooms. So maybe I should just lock my myself in my room all summer? Got any more smart ideas?
  6. Harsh? He said our scene "reeks." Has he looked at the Buzz line up lately? How about Trust? Or even 5? This place is alive with not only great local talent but incredible international DJs. If the "scene" isn't to his liking, then perhaps he isn't really about the music. Personally - the crack heads don't bother me. Heck some of them are my best friends! I'm there for the music. Period. If you can't have a good time with all the incredible talent we've been lucky enough to get in the last year - then somethings wrong. I mean - all I need is my group of friends, a good DJ, a decent sound system and I'm ready! Of course, maybe your ever so tactful friend is having a hard time making friends? Just a guess...
  7. Hey ketkat - instead of putting down our scene - why don't YOU try and get something started? Or was this your ever so tactful way of doing that? If you want to get people in this area into that type of party - I wouldn't start by insulting their scene. PLUR? The R does stand for respect, right?
  8. I'll be boating w/ A1Wave and her parent's that weekend. And lets just say, cocktail hour begins at noon with them!
  9. malanee


    I like #1 - but I'm not sure it's legal in DC where tenant's rights are a joke. At any rate - I can't afford to front that kind of money! So it'll be me in a turtle neck and sweats hanging out all summer!
  10. I'll take the blender, I already have a mixer!
  11. malanee


    Or Mama... I'm not picky!
  12. malanee


    Right - so you want to foot the bill of at least 10 custom made screens for a house that I don't even own???
  13. malanee


    Can I just tell you how much I hate mosquitos? And because I live in a house owned by a slumlord, he refuses to replace the screens - so my house is usually infested with them. And oh yeah, I'm allergic.
  14. Scratch!!!! I'm so jealous! Did you rock the casbah or what? Do you even know what that means?
  15. You don't like red vines better???? What's wrong with you???? I think that's hilarious, actually - me and my West Coast roomie make our Mom's send us red vines all the time!
  16. You didn't answer my question! What - am I chopped liver? Do my questions mean nothing to you??? Shirts or no shirts? I MUST KNOW!!!!
  17. Nautilus - did you and your friends take your shirts off????
  18. I like you so much better when you are visiting Mangladesh. You're not so quick with the witty comebacks then, are ya???
  19. I lost my gold ring on Thursday. Consider it a sacrifice to the Party Gods....
  20. Well they may be "free" drinks at the time - but I always end up paying for them later! Wait, that didn't sound right....
  21. Entrance in free - but add in the numerous drinks and sacrifices to the Party Gods...
  22. Aw Shady - where's your sense of adventure! I think it would be fun! And w/ 100 DJs in the room - one of 'em is bound to be h0t and worth stalking, no?
  23. I hadn't heard abou that! Heave is where I got my start in the EDM scene! Wed. were notorious for pounding techno. I probably won't be able to go, though. I'm po' this month.
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