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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Yeah - you know you had a good weekend when you can't get your sorry ass into work until Thursday! Hahahahahaha! But it was worth every minute! :roll:
  2. WOO HOO!!! Why didn't someone tell me getting my 100th post would be so, so, so....ORGASMIC! Are you happy Pgiddy?
  3. I only have 4 more posts until I get my clubber status!!! WOO HOO!!!! :D :D
  4. EWWWWW! Mil - I'm scarred for life now! *lol*
  5. Mmmmm.....DIRTY!! :-) ~Malanee
  6. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone, but I'm not going out Friday! I'm trying to save my $$$ (and what brain cells I have left) for NYC!!!!
  7. Hmmm, that's wierd! Have you tried clicking the PM link up at the top? Anyway, I was just wondering if you had more info on the female DJ who is spinning Saturday night. Is she from DC? Where does she usually spin? Do you know if she'll be spinning anywhere anytime soon! Thanks!
  8. I'll be up in NYC with the fun box crew! Hey Mil - where are we having Club Millele - Magenta???
  9. I'm going to be up in NYC! Check your PMs.....
  10. I've been clubbing for a while and I have yet to see a female DJ in action! How about you? Who have you seen? Who do you like? What do you think about female DJs?
  11. And that's why even the people at the door were like "Yeah - Jason lies to a lot of people." You didn't tell us to ask for Sasha - you totally screwed us over! That ain't cool. If you'd like to send me and my friends our $15 - then maybe we can talk.
  12. Not only did you not have a guest list, but the people at the door said, and I quote "Jason lies to a lot of people." The worst part is, I could have called a REAL hook up if you hadn't offered! Don't even bother showing your face around here again! We don't need fake people like you cluttering up the board.
  13. And the best part was we got to meet D:Fuse and he gave us some CDs! He was such a sweetie about it! Mil and you guys - I wish you had been there - he threw down some sick sh*t!!!!! It was too bad the crowd wasn't more into it - although it did leave more room for us in the fun box! Insomnia is a nice club, too, I hope they can attract a good crow there! :D :D
  14. Hey! Just wanted to say welcome back:D
  15. Yo Jasontowns! A1Wave and I will definitely be there Saturday - can you hook us up on the guest list! We saw D:Fuse down in Miami too - he was incredible! Great energy, innovative mixing skills - lets hope he comes through this Saturday! :D
  16. Well, I liked his set in Miami better - but I'm sure he tailors it to the crowd. It was pretty good, though - you know, traditional oakie! I'm really excited about hearing D:Fuse on Saturday, though. He'll probably throw out some really progressive sh*t!
  17. I'm sure I didn't drag my lazy bum out of bed for that one! What a disappointment! Thanks for calling Saturday Mil! I was dead to the world!
  18. I don't have any cheese whiz - can I use body cheese instead???
  19. Hey Mil! Yeah - it was an incredible weekend! Of course, I'm paying for it now! I called into work sick yesterday and I'm still feeling icky today! BTW, do you know anyone who would want my Oakenfold tix?
  20. Definitely bring glow stick Eggy! You da bomb diggety, yo! :D
  21. So fellow crack heads, what's the plan for tonight! Party for A1Wave and then 1223???
  22. Oh no you didn't! *snaps in a circle* You betta RECOGNIZE! I ain't no skinny chicken and we all know you like those dirty pigeons anyway!!!!
  23. Y'all are a bunch of crack heads. But I love ya! Mostly because you share.... :D
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