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Everything posted by covetoys

  1. Wow, I guess she really is a carpet specialist!
  2. OMG Shook, please use a dictionary or spell check or something before you post. You are giving us all headaches trying to decipher your psychobabble. You do know what decipher means don't you? How about dictionary? I'm sure someone on your block owns one, right? ....there, there simple man
  3. Always have enjoyed this one.
  4. A ViViD Girl vs. a ugly, bushy, chunky bucket-full-of-love. hmmm? Still can't figure out who I would kick out of bed? :hang:
  5. covetoys

    russian blondes

    Or a really fat one for Darth! he he, lol
  6. I meant sister not girlfriend. You and Baru (sp?) must have been quite close. Lol. Seriously. I truly believe your visual receptors are malfunctioning, Darth. You need an upgrade fast! DGModel has the ideal meat girl, right here.
  7. Pretty much. Some of them are even alive when I am fucking them! I'm not saying thin, bony girls are the only way to go, but I just think that picture of your girlfriend was quite terrifying. lol. I usually look forward to your selection of porn pics and what-not...truly
  8. I hope that we all still believe in romance and we can get past the club land sex/rock star/drugs/drinking lifestyle that has made so many of us shallow twats. People talk about their romantic interludes all the time on this board, I don't think there is problem with people not still believing in it.
  9. Agreed. It is ok to have meat on your bones, or even a bit fat on your buttocks, but darth, I'm hoping you realize that woman is hell-a-ugly. Did you get her from trailerparkpigpussy.com? If you were to sleep with a girl like that, you may be able to claim her on your taxes for charitable wages or at least a religious contribution!
  10. If you are going to get physical with someone, why waste your energy on a slap, when there are many other physical releases that are much more pleasurable?
  11. covetoys

    Kama Sutra

    Meow >lifts paw and makes scratching noice<
  12. Wow, Shook! Your choice of words and grammar are quite amazing. Your muse must feel very lucky to be on camera with you? You know that is unethical, immoral and highly illegal to record, transmit or duplicate the physical image of another person without their written consent? Gross! :blown:
  13. covetoys

    Kama Sutra

    "Kama Sutra" is Sanskrit for "Aphorisms of Love" You are correct. BTW, there is a DVD from Penthouse about the basics. For all you newbies out there.
  14. covetoys

    is this cheating.

    The real truth is, does she think it's cheating? If I did something like that, I would feel guilty, maybe not so guilty as to tell my partner and hurt them unintentionally though. She has to decide if she wants to stay with your friend, than she has to remember when she is out and about, home or away, drunk or sober, she has an interest in someone already. That is what is fundamentally wrong.
  15. Did you ever know anyone that was incredible when they were just barley covering their private parts and as soon as they unleashed them it all fell apart? I think this is what gave Henry Miller nightmares.
  16. A nice Merlot always gets me heated.
  17. Oh my lord, this is getting very good. Yes, scarface, less than zero, bright lights and twin town! Twin Town is such a good movie, it should be in everyone's library. Now Fear and Loathing that was a fucked up drug movie. And than there is True Romance and let us not forget Dead Ringers! Oh, the list goes on.
  18. covetoys

    dvd porn!!!!!

    It's all about the Angels fucking! I couldn't get over that scene. Yes the b&w scene is good too, but the ANGELS. Wow. Very very top notch.
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