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Everything posted by covetoys

  1. they do rule the world. lands have been conquered and wars have been lost over pussy. there's no and/if/but about it. Women (through the power of pussy) rule the world and have made it very obvious that they keep us in charge, so that way there is always someone to blame.
  2. According to the New England Journal of Medicine (watched a show on this on BBC the other night) the average person farts/breaks wind/squeezes one off/bakes bread/bakes brownies/floats a loaf/passes gas a minimum of 20 times a day. As you get older your liver and kidneys don't work as well, allowing less gas to be absorbed into your digestive system and more gas through your digestive system. The farting actually helps you loose weight as well. On avergae the leaner the body fat on a person, the more they fart, about 40 x daily for 10% body or under. You also expell other toxins into your digestive system when you fart, including undigested food (aka the wet fart), nicotine and even small corpasals that can turn into cancer sists or "stones". So, let one go!
  3. covetoys

    you got jokes.

    Two nuns walk into a bar, the first says "ow".
  4. It was released here as "Bend it like Becks" and yes it is the same story only mine is true. It happens at least once a Saturday when there are five or six games on the feild at once. I do like those football (soccer) girls!
  5. that's cooler than a bag of monkeys
  6. Agreed. But I have known some quality people in the feild and I wouldn't say that they have no self-respect, they just don't think they have anything else to offer to society but porn. It has been this way from the beginning of time. I never judge anyone unless I meet them myself and make the decision. I'm a big fan of humanity and if they think this is the way for them, than that is their decision.
  7. I'll take a baker's dozen!
  8. go my son! use that pioneer spirit and be a lawyer. As long as you don't hurt anyone else in what you do professionally, than you are ok.
  9. I think we've all come to the conclusion that we seperate people into two categories, the first being, "people I would fuck" and the second being, "people I would not fuck" You are right she definitely falls into the "people I would fuck" category.
  10. had no reason to say it in a while, but "word"
  11. Well said, all of it. Although I believe professionals in this business are greatly misunderstood. I've lived near North Ridge, Cali. (porn cap. of the world) and these women and men go to work, just like us and really do put in a great amount of physical pain as well as energy into this craft. It may not be cleanest line of work in the world, but the ones I know and have met, pay thier taxes, keep thier neighborhoods clean and don't do anything at all illegal. I've done more drugs at a Junior night back at Twilo than most of the people I've met from the porn industry. I agree you must have a certain level of problems in order to be a professional in this feild, but usually it is not the porn business that has made them that way.
  12. covetoys


    Been through it myself. Either leave now or stick it out if you care for him. Whenever I get bored with an aspect of my relationship, I always take it upon myself to add something to spice it up! Afterall you are the one who is bored right?
  13. Agreed. Sky although fantastic, isn't as pretty.
  14. I think she is always hot in s slutty teenage way, but it does kind of look like she is pregnant.
  15. How many ridiculous things in this world can people buy? http://www.disturbingauctions.com/ http://www.disturbingauctions.com/view.php?item=11 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2922125487&category=1469 Sometimes junk is just junk.
  16. covetoys

    "I do..."

    There is no empire, you should support your mate as best as possible. Just remember, would you like it if he didn't support you? Just focus on him and don't make yourself like her. Even the worst of people eventually are found out to have some good qualities. If he's old enough to know better, than let him decide his fate.
  17. Bend it Like Becks! Girls Football is king! They play right outside my flat in the park and I just get stoned and watch them all day. Sometimes one of the girls will loose thier tampon and are still running around like they aren't seen, which can be a turn-off. But still sexy these soccer girls!
  18. Yes, we all say that now, but there are tons of beautiful women out there that aren't exactly sex goddesses yet, because they haven't had any enhancements. As soon as Pam got her boobs, she lost a lot of clothes and gained tons of notoriety. She maybe trailer-trash, but she's rich, successful and she is known throughout the world. She worked the system and here we are talking about her as if she cares anymore.
  19. Never use it unless I'm referring to packing materials or in a Cat in Hat way, a vessel "to put a fox in".
  20. ditto! I know I suck at Basketball, and I know I suck at billiards. So if you think you suck at it (like most other things), than you probably do. I on the other hand am a champ at booty baking and fly fishing, because I simply know.
  21. covetoys

    whos still up?

    I design toys ~ action figures, robots, ect. I work for a local firm and I'm a small but proffitable shareholder. www.happykidtoy.com yes it is a chinese company and no I'm not chinese. Just blessed by being in the middle of chinese goddess kingdom. I've never had so much fun, since I moved here.
  22. covetoys

    whos still up?

    It's 3:04 PM here in Hong Kong and obviously I'm not working very hard. Tired of reading, getting back to work.
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