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Everything posted by gothzane

  1. My hours are 9-5 I work(slack off) from (1045-12) to 430ish I take lunch whenever I feel like it and usually add an extra half hour if I cant take it when i want to I ignore peoples "Hellos" "and Good mornings." because half the time there meaningless and empty. I blast punk rock...Keep my door locked. Play pogo.com all day (Card and arcade games) And they funny thing is...everyone knows. But....when someone wants something done. It usualy is before they can blink twice. Im honest...I dont bullshit...at work...heh. I guess I just mind my own business. Can care less how anyone thinks. Sure maybe if the boss told me to come in on time I would....but 99.9% of the time...unless theyre a real ass Bosses will avoid confrentation at all costs. Its amazing how much you can get away with if your responsable when it comes down to the nitty gritty. and cover your ass. "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  2. *smirks* *Gives you a one-handed applaud* Id clap with two hands....but im not putting down my beer Good gob man. "Can I program a program to program itself to program?"
  3. Why is exit shit? I went there 8 months ago... had an okay time..first time hearing draper not that big of a house fan...but hey..i danced i laughed whatever last firday...was going to hit up limelight..my usual. got draged into goign to exit by an old girlfriend. I went kicking and screaming...i just knew. He playd the same exact tunes...the same exact order. I remember this shit...does he even dj? or just throw in a friggen cd and throw the sound up and down. cmon...he sucks. The only thing i dig about exit...is the expensive enviromental system they have going...lights are decent...and i love the snow. and when they go crazy with the fog...but besides that. Limelight here i come. "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  4. Heh...what he said... But id also start my own porn company "Chambers Entertainment" Id hire every porno star and throw the biggest fucking orgy the universe has ever known All the orgasms will shake the planet so damn hard. The Earth will fall out of ourbit and smack into the sun. *Cackle* Oh and Heretic...id throw on my hummer Duel M-60 machine guns (replacing the horn) "Dont mind me folks* BAM BAM BAM BAM "Just trying to ease this fucker into second gear." BAM BAM BAM BAM "Ive got enough ammo for everyone."
  5. Im illergic to most medications =OP theyd throw me in a straight jacket and leave me in a paded room....but alls it does is give me a really big woody "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  6. I hate hats. No offence to ...oh heck...all offence to the hate lovers. *Cackle* "I eat hats for breakfest...followed by smoking jackets for lunch."
  7. Im there...if i can run away from my friends...they hold on to me these days like im the keystone to their personal well being *Cackle* Anyways...I love to hear some good Gabber Hardcore or some Freeform Hardcore or... Hard Acid Tech or... Any kind of Trance...in the Acid/Goa area. Anyone who can toss togeather dark trance is my god. for examples of the crap im talking about go here. http://www.ishkur.com/features/music/guide.htm "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  8. Id like to meet up with lavendermenace anyone who likes Tank Girl and Gorillaz has to rock. err bigpoppanils...cause hes he lives in the same hellhole i do. But...i think ill scare him or something...*shrugs* of course mugwump....id just like to hear him go on a twenty minute rant. I met dave...so ha ha...still have that lighter. Id also like to find myself some day. "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  9. Altough you may have apoint. In my opinion the best part of sex is getting naked! and foreplay rocks too. The actual intercourse is alright. But its just icing on the cake.
  10. Altough you may have apoint. In my opinion the best part of sex is getting naked! and foreplay rocks too. The actual intercourse is alright. But its just icing on the cake.
  11. Fuckin A. "Know your boundries...then destory them utterly."
  12. Hopefully not with a family member... "I want to inbreed lesbians!"
  13. Hopefully not with a family member... "I want to inbreed lesbians!"
  14. Sebastian That fucking annoying crab from "The Little Mermaid" I bought the tape so I can watch the crazy chef run after him with the mallet...freaking hysterical. :Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  15. On a chair while my girls mother was sleeping onthe couch facing us *grin* "If you do it right...everyone sleeps on the wet spot."
  16. On a chair while my girls mother was sleeping onthe couch facing us *grin* "If you do it right...everyone sleeps on the wet spot."
  17. "Somebody break out a camera....Were about to make a porno movie." I was infamous for that quote in highschool. Dozens and dozens of co-ed sleepovers. How I came out of highschool without a disease like the friggen black plague is a miracle. lol "If you do it right....everyone sleeps in the wet spot."
  18. Not in america anyways. FDA would hang themselves with a rope made out of their own money before that happened. "Ive got enough ammo for everyone!"
  19. Yeah...heh...in the morning when i take a shower. and the warm water hits me. Usualy too tired to aim at the bowl. I wake up..have breakfest, take a shower, get dressed, get the bus..all with my eyes closed...heh Definitly not a morning person. I just cant do that whole sitting on the bowl and peeing at the same time trick...cant bend like that...heh.. im sure the guys can relate. Having a breakfest burrito. "Is that a brotwurst in your pants or are
  20. I always thoght a job consisted of 401K, Medical withholdings, Taxes A-Z, Board Reviews, Wanting to strangle your boss and several co-workers barehanded...*sigh* wish i was a DJ "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  21. Id have to say honestly that im mixed. Im half straight...and half Lesbian "Lesbians of the world unite!"
  22. hmmm let me think... NO!...heh But man o man... Id bend that "One time...at bandcamp" chick in a way that would make Gumby scream out in bloody murder. "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
  23. How to go to sleep in 4 easy steps! 1) Obtain a piece a paper draw a black X on the paper. 2) Place the paper on a hard surface (ex: table) 3) Proced to bludged your cranium onto marked surface utill you recieve the desired state of sleep. 4) Repeat if necessary. *The surgen general warns pergnant women to avoid this method...instead try smoking alot and snorting pixie sticks* "Who am I but the creator of my own personal dilemma."
  24. Srebmahc Leahcim Sicnarf Nahtanhoj IV why GothZane? first off...John is just boring I used to go by the title InZane back in the old pre-aol days. Then some shmuck stole my name so I changed it to GothZane. Been that way for over 13 years. anyways for all you dislexic bastards who cant read backwards or forwards ..dont feel bad i get like that too. Im Johnathan Francis Michael Chambers IV ....dont ask. "Know your boundries...then destroy them utterly."
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