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Posts posted by djfrosty

  1. LIsten man, don't listen to that punk funketeer. He's a pssy and he is probably mad because he couldn't even qualify fr a security guard. Do what you have to, have your freaking fun and screw fags like him who probably still has only a mustache and thinks he looks cool. Just watch out for the Hardrock Casino. They always scan. One idea... chew it up a little bit so that you can say your dog chewed it up a little on the end and this way you have a viable reason as to why it doesn't scan if they do try to.

    If you don't have a dog to chew up your ID you can rent mine. He will do a wonderful job. As you can see references are not needed. $20 per ID :)


  2. Agreed.

    In my area getting caught with a fake ID is a $400.00 fine plus at least two mandatory court appearances. Something to think about if you live far away.

    Jeesh...when I was 19 they would just take them away from you.


  3. did you go the shrumys party?????

    No, wasn't in Miami Memorial Day. Nor would I ever visit on Memorial Day. I don't live in Miami. Although I visit all the time since my parents live in Jupiter which is about 70 miles north.

    Did you go?

    I am coming down next weekend though. :) To Miami i.e.

  4. I dunno...Funk is there?

    Why have a big house party when people fawk up your shit and turn it into a dirty mess when you can go to a bar and/or club. Granted you save a lot of money and don't have to drive anywhere. :biggrin:

  5. 24. The blonde (Eva) and I just came back from Orlando. She entered a modeling pageant..ot of 1,000 girls, she made top 5. Pics will be out soon for that.


    Midtown...that's where my ex lives. I need to visit NYC soon before it gets cold. :party:

  6. You can borrow mine if you look like me. :)


    When I was 19 I had a fake that worked everywhere. Damn, that was a looooooong time ago. Don't sweat it. I have never seen a scan machine in Miami. As long as you don't like you're 12 you should be fine.

    Bring multiple ID's just in case.

  7. Let's imagine a call to the police:

    Me: Hello Police... These punks have my phone..I got their pics and their AIM name...maybe their address

    Police: That's nice... Who the fuck cares?

    I had 2 guys attack me with a baseball bat...one of them broke my camera.. I was in the middle of taking pics of a fight that they were in with other people (they were banging up against the side of my boy's car so he asked me to take pics for insurance). The cops came and arrested the guys who assaulted me. They have video from somone elses camera and pics from my camera (before it was broken) of the guy with the bat with blood all over him..and then pics of me with his blood all over my shirt (I had him in a headlock on the ground).... It's been almost a year...guess what the courts have done so far??? NADA. Talked to the DA yesterday...

    Good point... :lol3:

    Note to self...don't take pictures of people fighting or risk being injured. :)

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