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Posts posted by djfrosty

  1. Frosty is already being evil, you naughty, naughty son of a bitch, evil, evil creature...

    Here is a picture of me... I only look like this today. :licker:

  2. this post is at least 2 years old....thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu :)

    Cough Cough post from 2002 biatch...that's about 3 years past George Acosta's prime. :) Try almost four years old. :laugh:

    Hopefully I will be a little busier than I was yesterday. :biggrin:

  3. see, typical miami fan - no faith whatsoever - we kicked their ass and wade was definitely sick.... can people in miami please support our teams like most people in their home states?? go HEAT!!!

    Let me get something straight. Not a Miami fan. :)

    Although I do support the Heat since a few of the players went to my Alma Mater. :)

  4. Yeah we're hitting up Pawn Shop on friday also. I haven't been there in a couple years so it should be fun. I hear Rudnick is the resident there. Part that sucks is that my managing director is giving me a hard time about taking friday off since the batchelorette is in my department. I might have to catch a later flight to get to Laudy around 8:30. BLOWS.


    There will be lot of firsts for me. Never heard Rudnick or Sander K in person. Never been to Pawn Shop, Never had a mudslide. :beer:

  5. crowina


    Join Date: Mar 2002

    Location: New York

    Posts: 2,555

    Hurt by Gabo?

    So I went out with Gabo from June 2004 to I guess January 2005. We would be together almost every weekend being we lived in different states…I say I guess about when it ended because I had to find out myself that we were no longer dating…

    No phone call, no note, nothing… The last time I spent at his place was mid-January, but I have heard little since… I called him and sent him emails, only to be ignored or told he was not feeling well…Nothing…I was very careful of not being over bearing and only wrote or called once or twice a week…It was finally in late February I asked through pm if are going out anymore… He said that he was so stressed and that no, if I needed an answer, the answer was no… Then the next day he said he was sorry… not knowing what he was sorry about, I again asked for a phone call… I still have not heard from him by phone, he has not shown the respect to tell me in person, or by phone as to why he left me hanging for a month and a half… I have asked countless times for some sort of closure and to at least call me…Nothing….Serious relationship or not, it’s not what you do to a girl you’ve been fucking for six months.

    So why do I write this? To send a message to guys not to do this to a girl…It is so hurtful. You could never imagine how hurtful it is until it’s done to you… I’ve never been treated as such. I’ve had guys cheat on me, yet they were man enough to admit it and tell me… I never got any sort of respectful break-up...I get pm’s and emails from a guy I’ve been fucking for six months. And that’s if he writes me…As weird as it may be to make a public post about this… I really cared for the guy… and thought he felt the same through his words and actions …and to the girls, just be careful of things like this.

    This posting is sad. LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS SUCK!!! Everyone has dealt with a relationship like this. They hurt.

    For some people, it's easier for them to "ignore the problem till it goes away" rather than be honest about not wanting to see them anymore. But you know what things like this happen for a reason and you learn from the mistakes you made and what to avoid in the future. One word...NEXT!!!

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