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Everything posted by slim007

  1. i couldn't agree more, promoters no review . . like u would give urself a bad review . . .so knock it off with your senseless rethoric and your promotion propaganda. . .the CP board members are smarter then that!!!!
  2. any city that serves only til 2am is gonna be strict....some of those are decend places to go....you kinda screwed on this one... get a fake id and get your ass to shampoo....the downstairs louge plays sick music....
  3. slim007


    will do that but first I got vip parking at abyss fridays with richie santana.....if you never heard him def check him out!!! you can sit shotgun!!!
  4. snood is addictin, i am in therapy and now play from the betty ford clinic
  5. u guys should sell tix too watch . . .maybe even put it on pay-per-view? whatca think?
  6. JBC . . .like drama above we also need a lil more info, such as hair color, size (36-24-36 . . .only if she is 5'3'') LOL . . . feel free to give more then i have asked for!!!
  7. just so all u women know . . .all these men juice . .and use lots of it . . .no one gets that big naturally . . .i respect no one who does not respect their body . . .professional bodybuilding, like these men are, has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle . . . AND YES . . .ONE CYCLE can hurt u!!!
  8. SALEEN u pussy . . .can't hold ur liquor . . .
  9. slim007


    girls with attiudes because they think they are waaaayyy hotter then they really are . . .nothing makes a person more ugly
  10. glow . . u ever consider a sub for him?
  11. slim007

    my box...

    whatca get? . . .and more importantly CAN I SEE IT!!!!
  12. nikki . . .i am confused is the diet for u or a boyfriend?
  13. slim007

    my box...

    EWW . . ;p . . i love the taste of fairy dust!!!!
  14. STAR . . .RELAX . . .ahh . . .it was joke . ..someone a little up tight
  15. once again . . .i offer my services to all the horny women!!!LMAO
  16. slim007

    All Men Are...

    CLUBCAT . . .ahh . . if u want i will be more then happy to make u not deprived . . .LOL
  17. slim007


    OH!! now the whole truth comes out . . . THERE IS 3 SIDES TO EVERY STORY "HIS SIDE, HER SIDE, AND THE TRUTH" . . .
  18. AHH . . .ORCHID21 . . .i'd be more then happy to . . .throw u down and F' ur brains out!!! LeT Me KnoW!!!
  19. slim007


    ahh . . .if u need a finisher and not a fluffer drop me a line!!!! LOL
  20. i might eat that ass after it makes #2!!!LMAO
  21. my girl gets the saem way . . .but she dont wanna bang cause she feel yucky downstairs . .I say lets put a towel down and bang!!!!
  22. AHH . . .dont fight the impulses . . .JUST BANG AWAY!!!! . .
  23. slim007

    :_( ::venting::

    i think it is happenin to me too :/, makin me wonder almost, club maybe me and u can get together LOL ,j/k . . . LATE
  24. slim007

    Orgasm question

    babe, dont worry nuttin wrong with u some peopel are clitoral and some are vaginal, does he ever give u oral to make u cumm?
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