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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. When ever have you witnessed me puking??? I thought so. I think you are confusing me with my roommate.
  2. Coming from a female with the title Club God (not goddess) that really doesn't hurt much.
  3. I have noticed, but just ask Kimberly... I am the King of the message board flirts. I take the title, I hold the title.
  4. bouncyboy


    Have you been to my house before?? How did you know?? um, I mean what ever are you talking about...
  5. Um, you need to edit your story... BB never puked. BB only dry heaved...
  6. yup, and besides you have to ride in a car with me, alone on Friday, so you had better be nice. I am crazy you know... suicidal.... :laugh:
  7. bouncyboy


    Are you missing the fun of Chi-Town?? Poor baby... you can come party here and crash at the house any time, just remember the yellow pages commercial, phone first.
  8. Hey, I am never the worst dancer, Kimberly has a friend that takes the cake and the frosting with that one. LOL And as for assuming that I can't dance? this is for you oh, and B2B, It's Posse, not possy...
  9. man, I love you today. You are just full of approval... LOL
  10. bouncyboy


    do I detect a little brit mack daddy brown nosing here???
  11. on m'I tom, tahw reve evag uoy taht aedi???
  12. Oh no, not a group of Brits. Chicago will never be the same after this weekend. Yikes... Lock your doors folks, the redcoats are coming!!!!!
  13. Yes, and you will fit right in considering you can't even spell "does"
  14. bouncyboy


    I work right at the intersection of 72 and East River Road.
  15. bouncyboy


    Ok Kimberly Get off my ass already. I got off yours once it started to get a little too wide to fit in the door. And you aren't allowed to sleep over anymore, your ass takes up the whole bed. Brian, we will miss you man, but at least now I have a place to stay when I decide to visit the east coast...
  16. shut up frickity frickity frat boy.... :bigfinger:
  17. bouncyboy


    Linds, make sure you email me directions for Friday. That is if you still want me to swing by and get you on the way home from work. You still have my email right?
  18. bouncyboy


    Yeah, we work, we just type fast and read fast, therefor we can get out more posts. But being bored at work on thursday and Friday can rack up your post count too. I am usually only busy on Mon, Tue, Wed.
  19. bouncyboy


    yeah B, we have a few of those people here... I won't say any names ... <coughing> silenteb2bkimberlycopeeps... When are you coming to Chi my man??? We have to party again.
  20. B2B, viewing porn and beastiality flicks all day at work. I would hate to see the underside of your desk, huh there hairy palms...
  21. bouncyboy


    Go back to the Boston board deserter.... LOL Just kidding, we miss you too Bbitch
  22. bouncyboy


    Don't make me post examples Kimberly, just accept the fact that the above breakdown of the word Bitch that I posted is correct.
  23. bouncyboy


    I couldn't agree more.
  24. B2B, I guess we must have a malfuctioning firewall then. I don't think so though, considering there are a ton of websites and email attachments that our firewall won't let me view.
  25. bouncyboy


    Thanks Linds, coming from you that means a lot.
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