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Everything posted by soldado

  1. I dont know but the guy at Spec's told me its a House CD....and he is an expert.
  2. last time i checked: Jimmy Van M ( Remixes\ Creates progy house tracks ) Satoshi ( If you know your house I should not have to say anything) Way out west ( Not one trance track on The Intensifie alb.... ) 1. Jody 2. Nick Warren Silcon soul ( NoLimit, last time I checked these where your fav remixers ) Tilt ( prog House/ Tech house ) 1. John Grahm / Parks&Wilson Superchumbo ( Last time I checked Super did not remix trance tracks ) Im not sure about the rest of the tracks,but in my opinion its rude to be condescending to people who have different tastes then you do.
  3. Nice house CD chk out Altered states v.2 Disc: 1 1. Hide U - Kosheen 2. Skydive - Freefall 3. Freekwency - Freeloader 4. Right On Right On - Silicone Soul 5. Turquoise - Circulation 6. Breathe - Science Dept./Eire 7. The Revolution - Superchumbo 8. The Virus - Mutiny 9. Virus - Satoshi Tomile 10. We Don't Talk - Ortz 11. Vega - Paul Van Dyk Disc: 2 1. Forget Time - Jimmy Van M & Young American Primitive/Terra Deva 2. Solid Ground - Carissa Mondavi 3. Coming Down - Mara 4. Headstrong - Tilt/Maria Naylor 5. Solstice - James Holden 6. Papua New Guinea - Future Sound Of London 7. Annihilate - Major North 8. The Energy - Salt Tank 9. Sepia - Max Graham 10. Intensify - Way Out West 11. Faith Delivers - Maurice & Noble/Jane Hadley http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/A...5971721-7158328
  4. Disc: 1 1. Hide U - Kosheen 2. Skydive - Freefall 3. Freekwency - Freeloader 4. Right On Right On - Silicone Soul 5. Turquoise - Circulation 6. Breathe - Science Dept./Eire 7. The Revolution - Superchumbo 8. The Virus - Mutiny 9. Virus - Satoshi Tomile 10. We Don't Talk - Ortz 11. Vega - Paul Van Dyk Disc: 2 1. Forget Time - Jimmy Van M & Young American Primitive/Terra Deva 2. Solid Ground - Carissa Mondavi 3. Coming Down - Mara 4. Headstrong - Tilt/Maria Naylor 5. Solstice - James Holden 6. Papua New Guinea - Future Sound Of London 7. Annihilate - Major North 8. The Energy - Salt Tank 9. Sepia - Max Graham 10. Intensify - Way Out West 11. Faith Delivers - Maurice & Noble/Jane Hadley http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005RTT3/qid=1012320222/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_11_1/104-5971721-7158328
  5. Have Tiesto MAgik 7 and Revolution. I also Have the New PVD Any feed back is welcome thanks P.S. Altered States v.2 is not bad at all...little housie but still good stuff
  6. I have all of Sara's Remixes....let me know if u want them I can let you download them from me on Morpheus or we can work something out im sure Also I have Virus
  7. just dance! i have to admit though, everyonce in a while when i go out and see someone dancing "a la" roger rabbit or cabbage patch kid style....i can't help but to take a step back and laugh....lolol...sorry..... WTF When Did Roger Rabbit go out of style or the Cabbage patch???!@#!@# Dam now Ill just have to go back to my old faith full dance move.... THE MOONWALK. P.S. Anyone here ever remeber Brooklyn Dancing or Uprocking ???
  8. Muahahah Sobie Do I really need to post my pick???? Tiesto , PVD Magik 7 Live @ LAX, Well Actually all his Magik CD's PVD...His latest CD
  9. As long As I can Wear my Kangooooo! and my Glasses Im there for the dance off! My restrictions are No break dancing no head spinning or hands spins...windmills are not allowed either since u would hurt the people standing around... Lights are allowed ..sorry no lights for Sobe....( Muahaha ) That gives him a unfair advantage. P.S. Must be Good Musqik... ( Sobe Are you pondering what type of music i would listen to ?? ) Im STill at the beach Sobie..muahaha
  10. Do I care really what the people think about 96? LoL Next Question. U get so excited on typing dont u? As long as space brings the talent you all or most of u will still go back. P.S. Ill just go where the Talent is Space Crobar, etc....its not like I owe my life to space or something I went to space on Friday....Ill not go back on space on friday ...the 18 year older thing is not my thing
  11. I been thinking about going to Visit my old home in NYC next month or so....Just Question anyone know what might be going on in late Feb Or Early April??? Dont really like house but Danny T and Sasha/Diggs.. mostly enjoy Tranze musqik.... Just wanted to know what clubs spin what now. Perhapse if there was going to be a CP meet up in that time frame.. Thanks
  12. A blonde joke One morning a blonde called her boyfriend and said “Please come over and help me. I have this awesome jigsaw puzzle and I can’t figure out how to start it.” “What is it a puzzle of?” he asked. She said “from the picture on the box, it’s a tiger”. He figures that he is pretty good at puzzles, so he heads over to her place. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment or two, then studies the box. He then turns to her and says “First, no matter what I do, I am not going to be able to show you how to assemble these pieces to look like the picture of that tiger.” “Second, I’d advise you to relax, have a cup of coffee and put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box.
  13. Space when shall it bring good music ??? Hmmm according to who?? Lets see PVD TIEST Judge,,,,DeepDish Danny T...Paul Dam Space brings Crap for music...LOL. Name another Club in S.MIA that brings more???UPPPS u cant! It would have to take 2 clubs and put them together to come close to the DJ's Space has played in there walls...As for the Power 96. thing...Hmmmm Lets see how many Clubs does Mr.Space own???? How many Do u own??? Seems he is doing pertty well. As long as power 96. lets the DJ's Do there thing ...I think all shall be fine in the dance world
  14. Sorry all I dippped out so early .....The music was to progresive for me....
  15. HaHA PEople Cant dance GROW THE FUCK UP.... I know pleanty of people that can dance.....If you want Ill call them up for you so the can put a show on for u...Man WTF you go to a club to listen to your preference of musqik and chill out with your friends/GirlFriend Etc....IF you want to see people dance put on SoulTrain or something....Geeeez.. I have been to clubs in MIA/FLA/Japan/ LA....one thing I learned from those place is that there are different types of peeepz. Some people like to dance alot. Some like to dance a little chill out with peeeeepz....Who says they are wrong??? I sometime CAnt sit down ..then I have my dayz I like to sit down and chill out... This was Soldado Tranze Nation Broad Cast
  16. <-----Just look for da man with brown glasses and blk hat = )
  17. Sobe dont make me Wear " THE SHIRT"
  18. Ponders If you all remeber Acid house, Industrial , Gothic house ,,and etc....but what do i know of musiq. Thing makes me lol about FLA ..is that you dont seem to understand music is music house techno etc....who cares what label it is ...good music is good music... The Names have changed when I use to club hardcore in NYC ,,,but the music is still music Frankie Bones..... P.S. 1/2 of u all probably at one time like Tranz...muahahaha speak the truth and set u free.....
  19. Actually I know everything ,,,but I act Like i dont....Why do i act that way??? Just to see how much of the rest of the world knows. = P:D
  20. GET HIM!!!! Crack that whip
  21. STFU ..... Adds Sobie to ignore list...
  22. Really looking foward fer tonight.....I h ave not seen CP people over a month or so.... <----took a break from clubs..... Not a house head but .....someone gotz to show u how to party correctly.. P.S. Hope to meet all the New and CP people tonight..... <----im the silent type...*wink* Just ask Sobie Tiesto Magik 7 and Some of Deliruim songs, and Sara = ) One you Go Tranze you never Go back!!
  23. Shit SHIT FUCK! DAMIT! Oh well no one in the office at least I can blast my Cd's for a while till another Sap walks in. I hope to see my CP PEEPZ tonight ...*at his desk shaking his head to musqik* P.S. Any of you ever catch your self at work/home/Driving and u start to dance?? I find that so funny or Am I the only one??? Then people look at you like WtF?
  24. Oddly enough when I use to club in NYC....I never touched anything but maybe a drink or two nothing to the point I would get trashed. Now these day's I do Get a little trashed once in a while.. To answer your Question yes I do feel your pain. Saddly enough I know people that can not go out w/o Doing something to enhanced there nite. =/ ......Wich I find very distrubing. Im no saint but ,,,,Like my good friend Sobs told me one day " Everything needs to be done in moderations " P.S. I like going to clubs for the musqik and to be honest Meet new people ...Im not talking about getting Digitz or hooking up ...but just meet new people in General.
  25. Ill be going of course .... <----the Man with Musqik CD's. Please all let me know how and when where....If not ill bring them inside and you will have to deal with the cd's. P.S. Ill be the man w/ the hat!
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