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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by soldado

  1. Yeap Question when you download them did the base on your downloaded Mp3 sound low? I had edit mine some
  2. I did say that under topic. Chk out club web site....( stop ) now thats what im talking about
  3. Im not talking about the club ...I know its dead I was up there last july. Read the Topic .. Chk out the Club Exit web site...Its a really good desinged site...Next time Ill post a web site of a House Club web site so you all dont get your panties in a bunch..
  4. okay sorry .. Dont want to get any one web site Pissed off. Just was trying to share.. = ) next time ill say New Tiesto Download ....same place as last time hehehe..
  5. Thanks for the advice all...Teaching self C and Cisco sooon! hope to party with all ya freaks up there
  6. http://d2k.dedserver.org/index2.php I already download part one ..If u need part one let me know part 2 is BAD AS A M@#$@! F@#$@!
  7. No matter what club you go to or no matter what place you go to ..no one place puts a gun to your head and makes u do Drugs , Drink , smoke etc,,,,Its all the same to me. Its not like the clubs are handing you out tabs at the entrance and etc.. Back in the day in NYC you would get a waxed covered paper with a tab on it so u could get fucked up. Drugs have and probably will always be a part of the Club world. Its up to u what u do with your time at the club...Last time I check a few of us are grown adult..well let me restate that some of us try to act like adults. Trance Hip Hop House ,,,etc draws different type of people that are into different types of things..I think thats why I love music so much....where else can i be around a person who brings down 100k or 20 k a year. I cant think any other type of event that does that. The thing I really hate about the Miami Board is that if you are not down with house ( House Head ) you are percieved as wrong..wich is BS. 90 % of this board are house heads...Wich I have no problem with..Hey thats your preference and who am I or you to say thats right or wrong...I respect that and wish the rest of you would. P.S At one time or another I have seen u all Fubared ,,im not talking Drinking
  8. WTF! I got in VIP too Where the hellz is everyone! me and George are here
  9. <------- Would like to go to a NYC CP meet up. = )
  10. Oh well seems like a good time to go get Cisco Certified and try the job market up in NYC in a Few months.. I guess Ill go up for Vacation reguardless heheeh..must get a full dosage of NYC FLAVA!
  11. Thanks im thinking about going up there in a couple of weeks to chk out the job market myself. I been in the computer field since well lets just say I knew how to program in basic. ( lol ) . Im trying to find some computer Techy Head Hunter Agencies. P.S. I would like to meet up with a few of u when I go up there I need a Freaken break from Fla. ( Tired of people calling me dude ! Reloads ShotGun )
  12. When I got out of the Marines I think it only took me like 2 or 3 weeks to actually get a job. How bad is the Job market really in NYC? Computer Techy area
  13. *wink* hehehe I was just talking smack then stacey = P
  14. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=660376#post660376
  15. hahahaha good stuff there
  16. HE STARTED! Im going to tell my mommie on him now lol....
  17. Look No Brain I mean NoLimit... My calling is Trance .. But I do like some house but not all type of house music. I use to like house music way back in the day when you where still hearing Janet Jackson and her brother sing. Why must I post like a ASSHOLE for you to leave people alone who like other type of music than your own taste???Geeesh man. Dont mean to be rude but dammmmmmm http://d2k.dedserver.org/index2.php and yes i had Java this morning lol
  18. J dont worrie about it... At least my taste in music is diverse. Unlike many people here
  19. Leave that slow shitz for Old people who cant move.. I agree with u ....that slow shitz is for grand maaaaaammmms and dad. Muahahha
  20. I think V neeeds to adopt a brother * hint * * gets his beach towel and glasses *
  21. Wow! really nice ...First 5 min is to slow for me ( trancer I am hit Fast Foward till 7 min mark on CD) muahahah really nice stuffizes. Nice Tracks well mixed...Only thing gets on my nervs is the Voice over john dig etc...live.... P.S. Sobie no House sessions for you ! I require payment unmarked bills! lol j/k
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