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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. spanish is not our national language. it is useful in the US cause we have a substantial spanish speaking population english is useful in general cause it has become the language of commerce, arts and banking (replacing french) and is the defacto language of the internet. this just happens to be the way the world is right now in europe, people learn other languages because they USE them regularly. if we lived in an area where every 300 miles you ran into a different national language we would learn and use more languages as well. look at the map...figure it out.
  2. i agree...everyone should learn english...especially all kids. if we can't communicate well internally then we are in trouble. as for what people consider themselves: i consider myself an american. my parents and grandparents do too. grandparents came here right around 1900 from lots of places. they consider themselves americans though. i never was told and taught that i was russian or any of the other parts of my background. i think that immigrants since about 1930 or so have had a somewhat different attitude. to some extent it depends on why you left where you were. my grandparents, being jewish, were highly persecuted. they came here not because of money and that they could do better, but because in many ways they didn't feel a part of the countries they were in. people who came here for this sort of reason have very strong patriotism IMO. peace
  3. the word's "under god" were added to the pledge in the 50's during the Eisenhauer administration as a reaction to "goddless communism". the original pledge rightly and correctly had nothing to do with religion, but instead with our right to have our own nation and protect people's individual freedoms.
  4. Republic is really yummy that BBQ dish is the shit so are the coconut encrusted shrimp appetizer damn...sooo hungry now.
  5. now you went and upset the little one lav is gonna have your head!!!! gonna coddle the tyke back to sleep with a frozen margarita i think...
  6. you're right: bars, sporting events and concerts don't have security...only those drug havens of clubs right? idiot
  7. i need to do that start exercising again no where to skate up where i am right now
  8. fuck it! ordered!!! (plus an extra for my bedroom)
  9. ahhhh... that would be cool
  10. seriously...when the club knows that the dj ain't making it (which is pretty much always) there is no excuse for not posting it AND reducing the admission. baktun does that all the time...sorry, DJ Dan couldn't make it so its only $3 to get in tonight and don't BS about they still have to cover their costs. if the big DJ is a no show, they don't have to pay him.
  11. highmay: yeah, the low ceiling hurts and it was cold in there early in the evening. remember when they had like 4 or 8 of those huge HUGE fans in there moving the air about? if they just did that again it would help alot. moving hot air is MUCH MUCH better then dead air. plus, assuming that there are vents somewhere - if the air ain't moving inside at all the vents ain't gonna help.
  12. hmmm...that was me ^ so many people using my damn computer so, were there any hammocks this year?
  13. highmay: i agree AND disagree. when you go to a tiny place (like a baktun) u know what you are in for. however, when you go "super club" (like Arc is supposed to be) they can do better. Its hot as shit in miami and their clubs are cool so its BS that it can't be done. In my opinion: ARC was UNSAFE from around 2:30 - 6 or so. It was very crowded and very hot and i saw lots of people stumbling out to the hallway mad overheated and stuff. All ARC needed to do was get a bunch of fans to move the air and it would have been cool. Sure, MAD AC would be even better, but i'm not expecting that. Basically, there needs to be a place in a club that size where you can cool down and there was nowhere in there that was cool. NOWHERE! except the entrance way that they had to keep clear for fire hazard reasons. Get some big as fans all over the place - that would cost them a couple hundred a night to run. no biggie. p
  14. if you think clubs don't make money you're kidding yourself. no one minds paying 8 - 10 bucks for a real drink...say 12 oz min made right. that costs the club about a buck to make. when they serve 8oz cups they save 25 cents. just a scam to get you to buy about 20 of them. besides, i wouldn't say that everyone cares about decor and shit. you got two groups of clubbers: 1. in it for the music and the djs: care about space and sound system and AC 2. glam kids: care about what the space looks like, scantily clad dancing girls and drinking. you know...the KTU crowd
  15. yeah, you're right...Roxy didn't exist before last year... (where do these idiots come from???)
  16. barvybe


    LMFAO!!! (only too true) c'ya tonight kid... yeah, theory and i will be in boston on 8/3 if all goes well!!! meet u up with our boston friends
  17. barvybe


    glad u made it home safe!!! damn djjonstephen found you guys? gonna have to beat him for not finding me then...hehe what's on the 19th? which city?
  18. barvybe


    damn! didn't see any of you anywhere's and i looked for those t-shirts. did a1wave every make it? do you all get DH up your way at all. His set was decent but not spectacular - if you hear him a lot he gets kinda repetitive, though i love him. what did DT do that was obnoxious? normally vinyl / arc does NOT have an obnoxious crowd. this was a huge event though and the heat was insane so people got a little edgy i think
  19. yeah, no problem with the $$$ IMO. helps keep the line and the numbers inside less then they would have been. come early and sit through the sweat for cheap, or come later and pay more - u'r choice. only 2 problems i thought: 1. no tag team vs. sets 2. not enough fans. put in some fuken fans. i can bounce all night in a breeze no matter how hot it is. can't wait to get back in there on a more normal crowd night
  20. i agree Hoke - i was really looking forward to the tag teaming which never happened. I can see either of them spin long sets whenever i want so there was nothing special about that. I do really like the renovation though. The place LOOKs much bigger and the sound is much better, etc. Vitamin water is a nice touch too!!! But, i will never get convinced to go at opening to something like this again. Gotta go back to my 4 - 6am arrival schedule. The heat was just too draining, especially for the extra small person i was hanging with - for her - being bumped in the head by sweaty shoulders all night just sucked - it was just too crowded from 2 - 6!! i'm not pissed that they raised the price btw - i think it helped with the crowding. oh, and i thought security did a nice job given the situation: they were professional and friendly.
  21. about firemarshals: well, they were actually cops, but i was hanging near the entrance to the hallways and 2 or 3 times some cops were brought in my the security to check out the crowding. that's why they were encouraging people off the lines and why the opened up the entire hallway for people. my only complaint: get some more fucking fans in their!!! how difficult or expensive could that possibly be? had a great time considering the crowd and all.
  22. i LOVE bond wish he had been somewhere other than exit so, who can give us a review?
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