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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. ALL of us at a wedding could be a big mistake for the people who run the place Great news guys!!! All the best... pete
  2. dayum! isn't sasha there that weekend too? i may have to come up. can't abide going to EXIT again
  3. hey guys! hope to run into you tonight. as far as i know there is no dress code. i plan on wearing shorts and t-shirt like a usually do for vinyl. just leave pants in the car just in case. sneakers should definitely not be a problem. the only time i see them turn peeps away is when they can't walk straight or stand up BEFORE they get inside :) btw - unless they cancelled body and soul (the sunday party there that starts mid afternoon and has been going on for years) there's no way it will go past noon. usually they kick everyone out at 10am or so.
  4. there have always been a lot of clubs in NYC what if limelight, tunnel and twilo were still here? all this means is that there will be more choice and clubs will have to do a better job of bringing in talent or treating their customers well if they want to have the crowds come. perhaps with crobar vinyls' friday's will return a bit to the crowd that used to be there - who knows. It would actually be nice if crobar did a kick ass world class friday night like twilo used to and then vinyl and maybe somewhere else did the same for saturdays. all i can say is as a clubgoer there is NOTHING better for U than this competition at the clubs. :) peace
  5. if she likes exit and drinking, why tell her to go to vinyl / arc, the least exit like club around. vinyl is NOT a younger crowd. webster hall would be. roxy fridays would probably be something you like.
  6. hmmm...frisky all the time but summer even more so cause i love the long evenings... but without some AC i'd have to say that spring and fall really get me going too
  7. yeah, you're all small and good i love small girls... my baby Theory is mad small
  8. Bay Ridge is sweet, but also a $20 plus cab ride from the city when you don't feel like waiting for the 45 minutes subway ride. Check out Greenpoint. It's sandwiched between Williamsburg and LI City, right on the water opposite about 30th st. in Manhattan. Its a polish family oriented neighborhood. Not a lot of restaurants and stuff, but its only 1 mile from williamsburg and a 10 minute walk to PS1. Oh, and its a 10 dollar cab ride from most places in the city. PM if you want more info like where to find no fee apt. postings.
  9. A - there are lots of pleasures other than sex in the world that require money. music, food, AC, movies, travel, etc. much more interesting question if you ask: A. Amazing sex whenever you want it plus a middle class existance or B. All the money you could ever want but no sex ever
  10. White Castle is bad? I'm shocked!
  11. ok, i admit it was bad. that was the point. there are many more bad jokes out there than good ones. sometimes its nice to celebrate the bad things. since no one else will play, here's another: A woman walks into the doctors office and says, "Doctor I hurt all over." The doctor says, "that's impossible." "No really! Just look, when I touch my arm, ouch! it hurts. When I touch my leg, ouch!, it hurts. When I touch my head, ouch!, it hurts. When I touch my chest, ouch!!, it really hurts." she replies. The doctor just shakes his head and says, "You're a natural blonde, aren't you?" The woman smiles and says, "Why yes I am. How did you know?" The doctor replies, "Because your finger is broken."
  12. what is happiness? life is a mixed bag. without sadness what would happiness mean. don't expect to much and you might not be let down
  13. (bad joke thread...please supply your worst) Q: Why did the telemarketer cross the road? A: To sell the chicken something he didn't need.
  14. no doubt bog... i even managed to stay outta the candy isle now, if i can get my parents hooked on this stuff i can swim in it for free!
  15. its usually like that the chase is always the best part and what's harder to chase then someone that's taken. thing is, i'm sure if you were able to go on a date with most of these girls you wouldn't be into them anyway.
  16. i would just add that you should also figure out what you want. assuming that for now all you want is to hang out with her then i would be careful about any contact with the boy. i'm sure she's careful about that sort of thing, but its not good for kids to see men with their mom's on a casual basis IMO. i'd ask her to keep stuff separate unless / until you decide that its something you're gonna stick with for a while. not saying you need to be thinking down the line, just that you shouldn't get involved with the kid at all unless you plan on sticking around for a few months at least. and of course you need to be careful about being affectionate with her in front of the little one. i say stick with it if you really like her. don't if its really just a passing fling for you
  17. Vitamin Water lovers: now available in mixed 12 packs at Costco. Cost = $1 per bottle. My addiction just got cheaper!!!
  18. haha! good point. didn't u know that i used to play Dr. Stupid on Ren and Stimpy?
  19. u don't need a mantra - just realize the following: without pain their is no joy or pleasure, without depression there is no happiness. you can't enjoy the highs if you have no lows to compare them to - u just can't appreciate them. so, just repeat to yourself: "LIfe is pain. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" and you will be pleasantly surprised at how many things better than that happen to you each day.
  20. and my point was if you tell the truth and get shit on you should be hanging out with different people. of course, telling the truth doesn't mean telling people stuff they already know but don't want to hear cause that's just annoying. sometimes its better to just say nothing and not be involved or move on to different people if you're getting shit on by the ones you're hanging with.
  21. honesty is always best cause without it who are u really? everything just becomes bullshit. my opinion: people to lie either: 1. have shit to hide that would make them look bad and they are too weak to deal with that 2. are jackasses who don't give a shit about anything other than themselves. if you're honest and people step on you, you're hanging out with the wrong people. in relationships if you don't have trust you're just having sex.
  22. actual quote from buddy in boston at 9:46 AM setting: friday morning. thursday night was PVD at Avalon. friday morning 7AM soccer USA vs. Poland. no sleep. josh is driving me from a friends to his place to crash. a car is in front of him driving slowly. Josh: "What the fuck are you doing in my way at this time of night?!?" he was DEAD serious. he had no idea why i started laughing at him...
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