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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. anyone going? anyone know if sneakers are cool there still? thx.
  2. why in a sack? it would have been more fun if they had hung him up in the sack like a pinata (sp) over the edge of the cliff and let the kid's family poke him with pointy sticks until the sack broke. then he could fall down the cliff.... hey wait, (some) priests rape little boys in this country. and we do have the grand canyon, zion canyon, kings canyon, the black canyon of the gunnison...hmmmm.
  3. been meaning to see monsters ball...supposed to be great. streetraver: u always grade movies just on the looks of the cast? quoth: that doesn't mean u didn't like the movie. unless u'r gf has no skills that is (did i miss the post about that too?)
  4. i'm not usually that mean but having read that i'm sure we all feel a little stupider now
  5. yes, well, hmmm....i sent my letters to my senators already. as for more pressing issues: senators love this one because as characterized "the music, water, chillout rooms and sticks are just there to enhance the drug use" - this will meet with widespread support by all our ignorant citizens...particularly those not in big cities. it's hard for me to imagine the folks at amazura or boo actually sat down and said "hmmm....lets create a huge event with tons of talented djs and put out 6 figures in dough so we can have a captive audience to sell drugs too...and of course water, and glowsticks which people only buy if they are rolling." good grief
  6. please read what u write b4 posting. if i met someone who spoke like this i'd expect them to be drooling in the corner. "arguing over whether what a girl should be wearing when they are wearing..." what is a "disquising" panty line? um...and while i agree with hoke, i def. think no lines looks better in this case.
  7. yeah, the Bourne Identity was pretty cool. I really liked the girl and the way that this solo agents were running around totally on their own out on a limb... interesting how the anakin character has sucked up the last couple movies.
  8. i think i'm on my own personal one... ok, seriously, who's seen what and what did you think about it. i am a movie whore personally. I'll happily respond in length to anyone's movie comments, but i'll keep them brief to start. Road to Perdition: A- Reign of Fire: as an overall movie a C, enjoyability: B Bourne Identity: B (book and original movie were better) My Big Fat Greek Wedding: B (pretty funny shit - chick flick) Minority Report: A- (awesomely conceived. interesting differences from the short story) MIB II: B- (not as good as the first one) Spiderman: A- for keeping to the original character, B overall Episode II: A for half the scenes, C- for the other half Sum of All Fears: B- Windtalkers: B yes, i know, all mainstream movies. but i'm living in wachchester with marginal AC at the moment.
  9. i think that's how it got there. too much liquids...just like a tomato...
  10. maybe tomorrow...its too hot out today
  11. mine seems to have a big crack in it what do you suggest?
  12. what up kids? sounds like good shit for you northerners this weekend. we are stuck with victor calderone at ARC and the Underwear party at SF....decisions, decisions...lol can't wait for tiesto on the 3rd coming up with a few people A1 - aren't u in Cali or something????
  13. ecstatichigh25 and sweetie029: so just come on out and meet us. despite all the sniping that goes on here, the majority of us are nice and harmless in person and are legitimately really into the beatz.... dee - didn't mean to jump on you that hard...just that i hear the same thing about every six months....
  14. actually, i think it sucks for people like me who don't have any work at all. besides, only goes till 4. if you can't suck it up one night of the week and go on 2 - 3 hours sleep u must be older than i am ...wait, that's not actually possible
  15. this is sooo great! i don't have to drive to boston to see him anymore (note i didn't say "i don't have to go to EXIT" cause i would never go to EXIT)
  16. AahahahhahahahahaaaahhHHHaaaa!!!!! i haven't had to watch the spanish soaps this week btw...i think we could use some more threads about breasts...just my opinion of course.
  17. babyD - please keep quiet!!! how long have you been around for? there has always been drama on the boards and there have always been meetups and people come and go. last summer meetups were organized by shuga and staceychase and lots of people met at PS1 now we don't need meet ups as much, cause lots of people know each other from them, Pseudo, HomeGrown, etc. anyone can come out and find 20 CP heads at Homegrown every tuesday. and there are lots of other places. and these are all posted on the board for people to come to. as for roxy, lots of us ALWAYS hated it, and only came to hang out with friends for an hour or two. there's no requirement for everyone on CP to enjoy the same scene and people have to make decisions as to where they want to spend there $$$'s. as for shit coming out on the board and personal this and that: that's always been here too. and besides - if you eat shit in public, people are gonna talk about it. if you eat it in the privacy of your own home, they won't. if you don't want to have people talking shit about you, don't be disrespectful to others in public!! lots of splinter boards have been created by X-cp folks who decided that they had a tight group of friends and they wanted their own board and that's cool too. if you don't like something, don't read and don't respond to it. if you want the board to be a positive place, post positive stuff and don't fill it with negative complaints. new people come here all the time and join in and the board constantly changes. (oh, hi crystalmethod - haven't seen you in a while)
  18. our pleasure! phunk even moved to within 1 mile of me so our brains could commune more efficiently. so, the realy question is, who knows someone at a rolling stone or a time out NY or village voice (main stream but not conservative publications)? oh yeah, and who can write really well..... i think i just got a headrush (maybe it was just brain freeze though)
  19. interesting idea, but unlikely to resolve this issue of bad press. much better would be an article that discussed how the club scene (and CP) cause it is more likely to be taken seriously. movies tend to be taken as fiction, articles as more factual. articles are generally more widely read then low budget docudrama's are watched. there are a lot of positive aspects to the club / cp scene: 1. brings people together 2. gives people a forum to workout their problems 3. provides support, an outlet, friends 4. provides social opportunities for all us well adjusted kids 5. people we all know have met and married through this scene. and of course there are drugs around, but that's no different then the comparable scene for any generation...
  20. ahhh...but its impossible to keep stuff like this out of magazines. 1. shit like this sells 2. shit like this sells 3. we all know that gossip, horror, pain, illicity and sex make the news. happy, satisfied, peaceful, law abiding people don't yes, we have a fucked up society but you know what, every social, youth, music, etc. movement has had stuff like this written about it. the difference is that we don't write the counter point of view and get it published? DaVe - have you ever asked anyone to write a feature about your business from the perspective of the users and their social lives and try to get it published????
  21. by summer book, do you mean: quick read, light, good pool / beach material? if so, try anything by Carl Haissen (sp). he wrote Get Shorty (i think) and Striptease ( the book was much better and less bloated than the boobies...i mean movie) my favorite is Double Whammy Tourist Season is good too They are sorta mysteries, but mostly just wickedly funny.
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