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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. blue crush? (i'm desparate over here)
  2. really? wow...like i said got some good reviews "''Undisputed'' is a shrewd and splendidly volatile B movie structured around a highly original gambit of suspense." "Rhames, with a shaved head, a protective scowl, and a deliberate dead-aim voice that is nearly musical in its soft threat, never allows you to pigeonhole the character. He builds him layer by layer, like a psychological brick wall, showing you Iceman's raw physical power, the fearless, even merry way he uses that power in tandem with his mind, and, finally, something more complex -- a pride in his invincibility that's his triumph and, just maybe, his downfall." BUT - maybe i should look to Blood Work instead? not in the mood for Possession
  3. looks like mud soccer isn't gonna happen and i'm bored as shit $6 matinee...hmmm is this thing any good? reviews were good
  4. cry me a river and write a letter u'r just bitter cause you don't have a window seat
  5. i have similar skills... will provide safety pins and duct tape B.A. Barakis
  6. puddles are good...but nothing beats mud soccer we used to have a field with nice thick grass that collected about 2 inches of surface water when it rained like this. the goal was sorta to have to launch yourself after the ball so you could hydroplane for a good 20 feet or so...couldn't be beat.
  7. ok, the drug use part i'm just laughing at...there's plenty at ARC. and besides, fridays and saturdays at SF are very different from each other. and about the dress code: if DT were the friday resident i'm sure he could control the dress code. furthermore, i had a fantastic time last time he was at SF - it was great hearing him in a different space and the crowd was not the normal SF one. still, i doubt this would ever happen. i'm all for fixing the sound at ARC so it can run through you instead.
  8. that's cause relaxation is the first stage of depression djqwest - i hear that, but it takes like 3 or 4 days of grey in a row for me to start thinking that way. there's a reason i don't live in the northwest. try playing some mud soccer or something to cheer you up
  9. loving today's weather haven't had a good day of rain for a long time the sound of it on the windows, in the trees, running off the roof...kinda nice
  10. i wish it was even colder here in the winter. i HATE 35 - 45 and raining. 25 and snow is great. 25 and brilliant blue skies is beautiful. phunk - we'll have a snowball fight with the firemen
  11. good to hear you're ok i think it was a good idea to move you regardless: it was hot as shit with no breeze in the middle of the pier
  12. gosh, they must be really dumb then since they could just check that off at the door... i'm thinking that they misplaced a stack of them and want to "cancel" them before someone starts selling them to peeps...asking us for ours puts us on the "good card" list
  13. ok, here are some facts: Oakland is NOT an abberation: 3 years in the playoffs in a row is not an abberation. lets look at the playoff cocntenders and the worst teams in baseball this year: AL: yankees: big payroll first place seatle: upper payroll - in the hunt anaheim: small to mid payroll - in the hunt oakland: small payroll - in the hunt boston: big payroll - out of the playoffs minesota: small payroll - first place texas: big payroll - last place (top 4 payroll in baseball) NL: atlanta: big payroll first place st. louis: mid to big payroll - first place houston: mid to big payroll - on the outside cinci: small payroll - in the hunt LA: big payroll, in the hunt for the first time in 10 years after spending big for all those years San Fran: mid size - in the hunt Arizona: upper - first place Mets: big payroll - last place (top 4 payroll in baseball) What does this tell us? That it takes good management to win. baltimore, both chicago's, texas, LA (except this year), etc. spent huge for years and got nowhere. minnesota, oakland, anaheim, and others show that you can win with good management and player development. the system is fucked though cause its unlikely that teams without money will be good for more than 2 - 4 years in a row. system is flawed and they should fix it, but part of the problem is that other teams that have money won't spend it. some teams just don't have money. its hard to blame steinbrenner for running his business correctly...he makes money every year. and lets not forget that the yankees spent lots of money for 15 years and sucked before they got the management situation in place.
  14. excellent question i mean, maybe you're gonna ban us all or put our numbers on the pay double list...
  15. damn! so jealous for the 2nd year in a row my trip was sabotaged by circumstance sounds like a great time...everyone i know who comes back from there is full of praise.
  16. i find it amusing that people think that there's time for this sort of thing. its not as if ron saw the dude on closed circuit tv and positively id'd him. by the time he was sure who it was it was over. in the best of all worlds shit works out like that. in reality it seldom happens.
  17. yes, it would still be worth it. you might have to wait for about half an hour. its hard to predict when the line starts to get long except to say that its usually long between 5 and 7.
  18. exactly!!! but i wouldn't have gone if i had to pay great seeing you and Tasha again Xpander: no wonder the place smells the way it does...gosh, i hope her bf makes her shower when she gets home.
  19. yeah, considering that the guy took off and ran i think it was justified as well...if he had just stayed at leps in your custody beating him wouldn't have been so cool (well, it would have been fun, but you know what i mean) this thread reminds me of the last time I had my wallet lifted. I was in brazil at the airport coming home and it got finched 30 minutes before i boarded. i was like fuck it, called the cc companies and figured i'd deal with it at home. who needs $$ on a plane, right? well, my flight made an emergency landing on a big as dirt runway in the middle of the amazon. something about all the engines failing but one. so i had to make my way around this large town for a day and a half with 3 dollars brazilian. luckily there were some cool other passengers and stewardesses on the flight that took care of me. i even got to go on a boat ride to the confluence of the amazon and rio negro rivers, and had a great time....
  20. lol...isn't shannon's nickname ToughGuy? btw...janey is giving me a buzz today at some point
  21. lol...so it was a conspiracy? i don't recall the power going out for anyone else...and they put on some CD's while they were repairing sasha's stuff, so it wasn't really the "power" that went out. more like some connections between sasha's equipment and the sound system.
  22. Bond spun at Roxy last summer - a great trancey set that wasn't super hard. He also closed for PVD at Space during WMC and spun absolutely the hardest stuff i've ever heard. I was really surprised, but it was good. His gatecrasher double CD is excellent. You'll recognize many of the tracks, but they are some of the best mixes of them.
  23. ok, i was very disappointed too. its bizarre that an MTV production couldn't get the sound system to hold together. i don't think that they "cut" the power on him so moby could go on. i think that the system went down again for hiim for some reason. if you add up all the down time plus the time sasha spun, it was about an hour i think. and its possible that they put moby on cause sasha was like "fuck this, i can't spin if the shits gonna go down again" either way, while disappointing and hard to believe that MTV couldn't make this work in their home town, it was free, so no big deal...
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