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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. i tuned in mid show and was like "damn, Pete got some new records" hahaha
  2. wow...i'd heard from some pretty straight up folks that the sound is very very similar to what it used to be and that its a good album. i haven't heard it yet though
  3. how much is that doggie in the window? arf arf the one with the waggley tail how much is that doggie in the window? arf arf i do hope that doggy's for sale! i'm getting too old for this shit
  4. hahahah! classic...it's more like 100 bucks a week these days
  5. thats GREAT!!! If i can make it into the city that night, i'll be there. pete
  6. i still don't have a nickname please provide formula and derivation
  7. dag... i thought (x) was = the girls cup size my bad
  8. your observations lead to a prelimarily conclusion that we have a cereal only anomaly. can anyone indicate a cereal where ingredients of disparte densities are NOT evenly distributed? i'm confident that this doesn't work for Crackerjacks or snack mixes (which are very similar to cereal) such as Chex Mix.
  9. can you give me some idea of the dispersal of these ingredients and there relative volume / weight (otherwise known as density)? as lav pointed out i'm kinda short on funds as i need a job so not sure i can afford additional research. btw - how does this stuff taste?
  10. "it"? what's "it"? did you find "it" somewhere? and if so why haven't you returned it yet?
  11. i actually know the answer to the Pops ?: they heat them in transit where they pop - this way they assure maximum freshness. i researched that one last week. the raisin bran people aren't talking though. as for the raisin theories - i think loch might be on to something. now the question is do you think we can convince the the door guy to let me in with a box? on a related question: THE CRACKERJACK CORELARY TO THE RAISIN COLLOIDAL INVESTIGATION: unlike raisin bran which has the tasty raisin treats evenly distrubuted, the peanuts in crackerjacks. Thorough and repeated testing consistently shows this trait to be widespread. so, pocket einsteins - what's the dilly?
  12. u know i actually asked my parents for a baby seal when i graduated from school...they said no and i started blubbering
  13. Is Raisin Bran a colloidal suspension or something? i mean, i thought that large particles are supposed to move towards the top and small ones towards the bottom (the flakes do this), but the raisins appear to be evenly dispersed throughout. so my questions are: 1. do raisins simply defy the laws of physics? 2. or is raisin bran a selective colloid in which the raisins are suspended but the flakes aren't? thanx "knee deep in raisins"
  14. yeah but i'll bet that if one of those old friends called you up cause they needed your help you'd be there to give it. joeg - i agree that truthful communication is a key to relationships, but it isn't enough for friendships. there's more to it than that. lav - u trying to sweet talk me again?
  15. give me a break. its not like she's 12. when she posts it she makes it out business - its a freaking message board. its not as if people didn't warn her, and its not like she really stuck it out and sacrificed / was willing to change her life to give it a real shot for a bunch of months. she said it herself: seeing her bf is more important to her. to her credit, and likely knowing she was gonna get jumped on, she did post it and she's a good enough person to do whatever she can to find that pup a good home.
  16. dude - its just puppy love...she'll grow outta it
  17. well, i think that a fun aquaintenceship is what most people have where you chill and have a great time, maybe even find out and listen to their issues and stuff. but friendship is very simple - its basically putting the needs of someone else in front of your own interests without asking for anything in return. if your interaction with someone is like this and they do the same for you it doesn't matter if you see them once a year or every day of the week. i'm not talking about laying down and doing shit for someone and stuff...quite the opposite - i'm talking about never using someone at all.
  18. tru - but my beef has to do with the owners of the place, not the crowd. i can deal with any crowd. i just refuse to put a single penny in those guys pockets...i think they run the worst club in the city and have no respect for the people who come out. from cost to dick head bouncers to leaky pipes, bad sound, no AC and overcrowding the place, etc. etc.
  19. OK - first off Be Yourself was a much better party when it was predominantly gay - much better crowd in terms of attitude and had an underground feeling which is not there anymore IMO. gay parties are where this whole scene started and they definitely have an incredible vibe and atmosphere. as for Junior - he does have mad talent, though he's not my favorite unless i'm there in the moment. he's parties at Twilo used to be great and yeah, str8 can definitely party with him. i haven't been to Earth cause i despise Exit and just won't go. It would be great if he got a better location. definitely need to give respect for both JP and Junior for the marathon sets they spin...
  20. hey roxy - what's up? lav - all taken care of...put it up on SF for ya too hon
  21. hey, anyway i can be of assistance joeg - there are actually similarities in the CS1 lucas characters delivery.
  22. well, that's what we're talking about. now, i don't know which ones they were or what they were about, but assuming that they weren't assinine or retarded so they ignore your posts, then u understand exactly what we are talking about
  23. holy shit!!! the dark haired cop on CSI Miami wearhing the dark long sleeved t shirt is Lucas from Ermpire Records!!! channel 2 (soundtrack isn't as good as the movie though )
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