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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. LMAO! I was like "Damn, props to the man." guess i gotta take that back now
  2. oh and Nathan: your gf (3rd from either side in above pic) is a sweetheart
  3. dag...my eyes look focused in that one...must be early on...hahaha Phunk - thanks for passing out on the way home with me
  4. i LOVE this weather - so long as its not rainy. it is tougher to get up in the morning...but: 1. that's mostly cause its dark out 2. its so much more fun to luxuriate in the sack on a sunday morning when its cold out and you have your little nest of warmth in the bed
  5. To all those who made friday great! It did get a little fuzzy but T and I somehow managed to rally for Boo on Saturday and another party that night. YIKES! Theory and Lav - MUAAAAH! I wasn't expecting a crowd of folks at all. BTW - i'm sitting here drooling over that bible thingy - wish i could post pics from it. p
  6. you underestimate me! I only look too young to retire Steph: Happy Bday to you too hon! MUAAAAH!
  7. Didn't Silent Bob manage to do something like that once?
  8. next he's gonna come out with something like: "When i say war i mean something that is going to be good for people, cause if its good for people then i'm for it -- if that's what other people are saying."
  9. i promise that i won't blow anything up. besides, according to our president...this isn't a declaration of war, just a little reminder to our iraqi friends that if they don't cooperate mr. bush is gonna set up a good old boys rodeo in the middle of their desert. of course...he also said all that other shit i posted last night
  10. you know, that's just it: i'm not sure. Theory (see post above) gave me very careful instructions: dress decent, wear shoes and meet me on the corner of X and X at 6 pm. other than that i don't have the faintest idea tomorrow i will be chillin at boo with y'all though sunday i think mom and i (yes, momma's boy that i am) will cook each other our favorte meals in mutual recognition of our great accomplishment of getting older.
  11. Thanks again everyone!!! Lav - i was thinking its really kinda messed up that you called this thread "Happy mother fuckin birthday...". I say this cause my mom and I actually have the same birthday. In fact, she's exactly twice as old today as she was on October 11, 1970.
  12. Actually, My knew job is sorta like adventurer / traveler: "Looking for person, not too old, not too young, to search for fountain of youth" I'll let you know what I find
  13. Hot Damn!!! Thanks everyone. What a lovely rainy day outside...lol. You know what they say, its not the years, its the miles. Looks like i'm screwed either way Pete Just think...i'm twice as old as i used to be in Arpril of 1987. Good thing my death clock keeps me going till 2072
  14. lol...well dee needs to smarten up. you know shooks personality. why would you bring his gf into it? don't play innocent now cause you actually called him out be saying "you no way" <---paraphrase. aren't CP employees supposed to be impartiial and objective?
  15. of course there's bad bj's and you should let her know...just repect the attempt and the effort. i mean if i'm going down on a girl and its not working for her she should tell me what she likes, right? same deal here. chances are if a girl isn't good at it she is uncomfortable doing it...I mean if you went down on 50 girls and none of them ever came you'd get discouraged and stop or not have any enthusiasm for it. if someone goes down on you they are obviously into trying to get you off so lend them a hand (er...advice anyway) there's nothing like a little success as inspiration. if a girl truly has a tiny mouth then she's never gonna be able to give a great BJ in the purest sense though...
  16. Girl on top Reverse cowgirl Spooning repeat...lol she was more experience and i had a great time. reverse cowgirl = girl on top facing feet please see pictoral description: reverse cowgirl
  17. sleep now!!! actually...i know this sounds mean, but all my friends who have kids are always complaining that they never have 2 minutes to do anything cause the kids are always underfoot. I was thinking that you should put a strip of velcro in key places in the apartment and sew a patch on the little'un's jumper. then when the phone rings or you need both hands for a sec to do some cooking...VOILA!!!! i love kids
  18. Well, too good to resist: you can now get a calendar of GWB "MisQuotes". "They Misunderestimated Me!" The very curious language of George W. Bush 2003 desk calendar of presidential misspeak. Sample quotes include: "I've got a record. A record that is conservative. And a record that is compassionated." Ted Koppel: So he's your lightning rod? GWB: More than that. He's my sounding rod. "If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it." "The role of government is to create an environment that encourages Hispanic owned businesses, women owned businesses, anybody-kind-of-owned businesses." "There is a lot of speculation and I guess there is going to continue to be a lot of speculation until the speculation ends." "What I'm against is quotas. I am against hard quotas. Quotas, they basically delineate based on whatever. However they delineate; quotas, I think, vulcanize society. So, I don't know how that fits into what everybody else is saying--their relative positions--but that's my position." "For every fatal shooting, there are roughly three non-fatal shootings. And folks, this is unacceptable in America. Its just unacceptable. And we are going to do something about it." "Laura and I are proud to call John and Michelle Engler our friends. I know you're proud to call him governor. What a good man the Englers are." "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." "The Senator [John McCain] has got to understand if he's going to have...he can't have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road." "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power to power to power of generating plants." "Neither in French, nor in English, nor in Mexican." "It is clear our nation is reliant on big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas." Well, if you'd like to order yourself a copy: Order Calendar
  19. its gonna be BIG... maybe even FAT possibly ENORMOUS the IMMENSITY of the thing is hard to fathom makes me all JIGGLY and JOLLY even.
  20. ahhh good points. however, unless the 3rd party gets LOTS of votes the other parties don't give a rat's ASS about him. the treadmill thing really is a great idea...could substantially lower all our electric bills too.
  21. um....he has no chance of winning personally i think the ciggy tax is a good thing. i mean, why should i have to pay for all you all's health insurance through my premiums? p
  22. well, interesting point: however, its nothing new for this sort of thing in a "serious" production. and if its geared to a more sophisticated audience then they should realize it. cases in point (from movies): carlito's way the brando / deniro character in godfather deniro's character in Heat jimmy hoffa even sipowitz in NYPD...in fact, in many ways tony and andy have the same character traits: gruffness, extreme loyalty, stubborn, etc. now, NYPD is portrayed as "realistic" too...but i can tell you that 100% of cases don't end in confessions...most people get lawyers. what i'm saying is that the most "accurate" shows contain drama elements. i just don't see why people would take it so seriously....
  23. hey romy...sorry to hear you are so down. sounds like you have come to some realizations and have lots of shit to figure out. sounds like this guy has some issues too. now, i'm not trying to start anything, but i have a serious question: you're painting this guy in a horrible light. but didn't you know he cheated on you in the past? and haven't you cheated on him too? this is just stuff i heard long ago. did you guys fix all that? i'm not trying to say its a good idea to stick with him (he sounds like a jerk), just wondering why this time its so much worse / serious? is it because it wasn't just cheating but a whole other relationship? pete
  24. anyone who thinks that the problem with the sopranos is that it stereotypes italian americans or is unrealistic is missing the boat. since when was tv or movies supposed to accurately portray anything? what, aren't the characters on Will and Grace, Friends or any other TV show sterotypes? you people take this shit way to seriously. there's been tons of TV that shows stereotyped blacks, jews, asians, etc. it doesn't make the tv show terrible. i mean, why isn't Sex in the City terrible? this show stereotypes men every week? just chill out and enjoy the most consistently well written and funny show on TV from the past 5 years. The show does not glamorize or promote being in the mob anymore than the godfather movies did. It does portray the family side of some fictional characters lives. part of the point of the show is to tie up its viewers in the problem of identifying with the characters lives while being horrified with what they do for a living. Tony's time with the shrink is kinda just a voicing of what the audience feels anyway.
  25. god damn devil!!! (well, i couldn't really afford to go anyways )
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