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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. umm...that's all certainly tru but i don't think its what Lav is talking about. she's basically just saying stop yer (no u specifically) damn whining!!! and she's not complaining that people aren't or need to come together. she's just saying "PLEASE POST SOME FUKING LEGIT CONTENT ABOUT CLUBS, NIGHTLIFE, INTERESTING OBSERVATIONS, ETC" instead of just complaining and hijacking threads to discuss boob size or what color ribbon your dog has in its hair. p
  2. yo - and on the other side of the argument - Tony HAS been feeling guilty even though when push comes to shove he knows he did what he had to do and he did do what he could to keep it from getting to that point. even though meadow may not know what he did, she does know that he will do whatever he needs to do to protect her and his family. like u said, and what this whole show is, is a balancing act between the violent requirement of tony's "job" and he desires for a good and safe life outside of crime for his family. this is why her choice of classes is so interesting - gonna cause all sorts of problems
  3. nice article i had also heard it was like Dubnobasswithmyheadman and the album has gotten some excellent reviews from the typical publications...
  4. nice to see there is some progress. i actually wrote to both of my senators and received a vanilla "thank you" email from each.
  5. i thought the tony / meadow scene was great. not cause he "scared" her. the two of them are tight, and she needed to hear him say the stuff he did so she could put behind her the thought that her dad didn't try to help. she didn't seem to have any resentment while she was picking classes. of course, a philosophy major in the family could be problematic. puke scene is classic and
  6. def. agree on the sound - its nice and clear and clean and your ears don't hurt afterwards. but the bass could use some more punch so you feel it vibrating in your chest.
  7. theory and i hit takahachi (above Opaline on Ave A and 7th) the other day...love that place. their daily specials are always awesome. and it doesn't break your wallet. it a two person 50 bucks sorta place....GO AND EAT THERE!!!
  8. hmmm...how surprising: only non-complainers have responded to this thread - how shocking. i was actually thinking that i sorta miss those medium sized meet ups that used to happen. you know, not CP sponsored ones, but like the one shooga and staceychase put together last year. wish i was stationed in the city so i could chill with everyone more *yes, that's a complaint, just not a complaint about CP. Z - when are u spinning again??? DAMNIT!!
  9. not surprised that he was on and off...that's the way it usually is. didn't make it to this one but i've been to about 20 theme parties there and the biggest constant is that they are mad packed.
  10. Dee - can u answer our questions please? since you asked us for our card numbers, i haven't heard anything about what i need to do next except stop by the club. well, i can't stop by the club during the next couple weeks so can someone please tell me where to mail it, etc.? thanks, pete
  11. have a great weekend steph a friend of mine is dragging me out to an alt rock concert (the Doves). n e one heard them before?
  12. yeah, what is the deal with that? i can't make it in at all this month and would love instructions on who to mail it off to and stuff...does anyone know???
  13. yeah, i was thinking out that naked part too. could be vulnerable could also be free / naked / pure. some might not get this, but this person died a free person - and made a choice (among horrible options) about how it would happen in the end. but yeah...its a tough piece for sure.
  14. lol...good point but as for what zeeker said, yeah, its sorta true. but you get a totally different experience when the whole crowd is getting transported by the music hopefully that happens
  15. how ya gonna do that with a broken armpit? (saturday truck will be in NYC)
  16. no one is arguing that even in the trance / prog area there are a whole bunch of other albums that coulda fit this bill. but influential doesn't just include what dj's/producers had or didn't, or even what they thought about it. are these the 10 most influential records in any genre in terms of moving things forward musically? absolutely not...but that's not the only thing to get outta this. peace
  17. good point drOne: i think you are way off base...whether you think the music is crap or not has little to do with whether it can be considered influential - a term which could mean many things, not all of which are compatible: - influenced common folks to listen to electronic music and attend clubs, festivals, etc. - influence other dj's, equipment producers, etc. in some ways maybe Sleepiswaste hit on it by saying that these albums may have set some standards for popular electronic music. certainly in terms of establishing the genre in the direction of being a more mainstream business and attracting people to it these were influential.
  18. And this is a music board???? no comments? personally, i love most of these albums and the ones i know certainly helped spark my interest in electronica. i don't feel like i know enough about all this to agree or disagree...there are probably 20 other albums he coulda dropped and i'd be saying the same thing though. these aren't my favorites so much anymore necessarily, but i can definitely see them as some of the most influential
  19. dgmodel - your statment just proves that art is in the eye of the beholder. art is all about opinion. most of the greatest works of art by modern standards where either ridiculed or under appreciated or misunderstood in their time and that's fine. btw...what evidence to we have that this is some schmo trying to cash in? he's not making exploitative t-shirts or anything. was he contracted to make it? did he do it on his own and then submitted it to rockefeller center for consideration? its very difficult for artists to make a living - i have no problems with this.
  20. hmmm...never got into law and order...not sure why
  21. what is it about them? what's your favorite? hill street blues: bravo - 12 noon every day NYPD blue: TNT - 1pm and 2pm every day
  22. if tastyt is gonna be there, it'll be HOT!! (what's up hun?)
  23. chuck: yes and no there is some honor and strength in this statue that people had the courage to jump from that building. i still think it is inappropriate, but to me i think its more like a statute of a concentration camp occupant burying another, or perhaps being led to a crematorium. i also don't think it is too soon...art like this comes out of emotion and therefore out of the moment after some reflection. the fault here lies with the people who decided to display it in this fashion IMO. in any event, i def agree it shouldn't be used as a tribute.... p
  24. this statement really got me: "I don't think it dignifies their deaths," said Paul Labb. "It's not art. It is very disrupting when you see it." not with the first part, but with the second. i wasn't aware that art was only supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy....what a jackass.
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