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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. lol well, suit yourself my first jump i was last one outta the plane. i'd just be rock climbing for like 2 weeks in CA and was so calm that the jump master was like "what's up? you wanna do a back flip or something?" the jumping wasn't scary at all...the first second or two is kinda uncomfortable cause u'r accelerating. once you hit top speed though its like you're weightless in a wind tunnel...mad cool...flipping around and stuff. when you pull the shoot you get a jerk but then just floating nice and easy, checking shit out. i did go get drunk after though...i was in vegas.
  2. ahh...so much fun. but tandem jumping kinda blows. its not scarey at all...u'r so high up that there is no fear of heights IMO
  3. everyone is afraid of heights to a point - self preservation. even people who rock climb and stuff (like me)...its healthy. gives you an edge and keeps you sharp. totally different is the "unreasoning" fear of heights where you lose your balance and stuff. that's like a whole different issue. this is called vertigo and is a medical condition as for the jumping off thing: yeah its pretty common. happens mostly when you look out to the horizon and you just want to go there...to jump off and soar and stuff. happens mostly when you are pretty high up on something. i totally get that which is why i won't drop acid on top of a mountain
  4. um leave your fleet card at home and just bring the dough you're willing to spend.
  5. yeah...suks that u need advance tickets for something free well, if any one has 2 spares, please let me know. i'm too broke to go to any real events....
  6. this is one of the more retarded things i've ever read. if you meant to say "why should they get fired for someone else having sex? they didn't have sex in the church" that's fine. but what does this have to do with priests exactly? and you may have noticed that priests don't broadcast their sex over the air waves. this has nothing to do with the fact that these people had sex, it only has to do with the broadcasting of indescent material over the airwaves which is a federal offense. now, if you want to say that this federal law is stupid, go right ahead. personally, i couldn't give a shit what they broadcast, or whether people have sex in church. i'm not up early enough to listen to these guys...
  7. hahahha! well, i can vouch for the yumminess of Lav's recipes...her antipasto kicks ass!!! she's especially good at cooking while drinking wine that gaspacho recipe looks great! I have a really good one with red tomatos somewhere. so does the potato salad with basil in it I LOVE TO COOK! Lav, what are my sig dishes? i'm not sure... I can bake ANYTHING!!! For summer i've been making stuff like: - roasted corn guacamole - oven dried tomato and smoked mozzarella pasta salad - cold thai peanut noodles - noodle pancakes with garden vegetables and stuff - southwestern eggs with whatevers on hand - all sorts of marinades and stuff for the BBQ (a dill and cilantro vodka one for salmon was yummy!) - tomato basil pasta sauce (requires no cooking) I make crazy good lazagnas - both red (with all sorts of stuff in it) and a green basil / spinach one i'm all over chinese food ack! all kinds of stuff i'd be happy to post recipes if anyone wants...
  8. hahaha well, thank you dr. stupid i hope they didn't use up too much grant money on this.
  9. then don't stay up to 5am every night or take a kiddie nap in the PM
  10. ah...this is why i am not in law school of course, i'm also unemployed so....pitfalls on all sides. i'm sure you know this but the first year is by far the most work.
  11. well, like Phunk says, i think there is more here than meets the eye. if you want to handle this in a mature way, why don't you think about this: assuming you guys really care for each other, but have some issues (you've told us what his faults are, but i'm sure he has issues with you too), sit down and talk about how this trait of his is really destructive to you emotionally and challenge him to try and get better with it. while i firmly believe that people don't "change", i do believe that when people want to they can realize that their actions have certain effects that they either didn't intend or should avoid (like really hurting people you care about) and if he's for real he'll try very hard not to do this to you again once you talk it out. of course, you may find out some stuff about yourself too doing this, so remember, it goes both ways.... if it turns out that this is just the way he is, it doesn't sound healthy for you cause he's gonna cause you tons of anxiety.
  12. barvybe

    Sex as a...

    sounds like you need a daily prescription for you problem
  13. true i should never listen to myself while i'm sleeping
  14. please take them off before walking on my back next time, ok?
  15. danwilson: your quoting of stasis does absolutely nothing for your point. so, he's another guy who likes (to paraphrase your favorite party's organizer) "familiar commercial tracks". More to the point, the fact that he plays these tracks doesn't make him an awesome dj. Bob - very mature response. I think a lot of us understand what your saying and what you're doing. that's why i for one am not on here bashing your party or JV. Again, its great to hear people talk about the great time they had, but a little offensive to claim that artistically the sets you guys are getting are on par with a Carl Cox, PVD, etc. for their artistry. Its obvious that its a mainstream commerial party geared mostly to getting youngish girls in the mood to stay out all night. that's cool. JV knows what he's doing. However, not being a youngish girl i tend not to sing so much, and i take the music for what it is. JV does have skills, and is a great guy. Just wish he was able to highlight them more and spin some more interesting stuff. Hopefully there will be another classics night or he'll get some nights at other spots in the city where the party allows him to be a little more creative. As for the drug scene stuff: to each their own. Personally i go out all the time without getting messed up. I suppose lots of people find alcohol necessary to mingle. Perhaps as some of them get more comfortable with themselves they'll gain the confidence to walk up to a girl without being trashed. (just a perspective on the fact that drunk folks are often LESS nice then sober or even high / rolling people). At the same time, i totally respect your desire for a clean party - sometimes its just odd which things are considered clean and legal, and which aren't.
  16. actually, she didn't she had small feet (size 6) she had a rotation going...about 100 pair in their boxes stacked in the closet. another 100 pair in these shoe dresser things...they have doors that open out and down and 2 or 3 rows of shoe shelves inside. and you can get them cheap too at a hold everything or some such place.
  17. its tough even to respond to this type of garbage. just admit that you like cheese house / KTU style music and be done with it. JV at Roxy will give that too you. JP will give you all the vocals you want. You also love all the places with go go dancers and tanned up breast implants. now that's all fine. i like girls too. happen to love SF when i hit it up. but i would never in a million years claim that JV is one of the best trance dj's around. just cause you have a great time listening to him doesn't mean that he's the best in terms of technique, track selection, production, creating his own tracks, creating an atmosphere or a journer for the audience from start to finish, etc. i'm just gonna stop there. learn a little. its cool to say i had the best night here or there, but try not to sound like a tool when you talk about the music / dj's, ok?
  18. so negative... there are a couple decent clubs in ny (though none of the ones mentioned) and NY has a pretty good small venue / lounge scene. things may get better when crobar opens and other places reopen. part of the problem is that there are Sooooo many people here that every time a truly top dj comes here its a total mob scene. i don't think dj's like that. DC and Boston are so much smaller that the venues can pretty much deal with the crowds and its a friendly environment.
  19. used to date a girl that had (in all seriousness) over 200 pairs of shoes. each year she gave about 40 away to the salvation army. issues...serious issues
  20. hahaha! phunk you should send that crapper invader dude u work with a cookie as for JV - well, as said he played the same shit every fucking week...plus i coulda just stayed home and listened to it on KTU so why bother. in the past he's been great and could be again if he didn't have to cater so much to the management crowd at roxy...just my opinion. i like a little variety in my music. i missed the tunnel oldies night but heard it was great. i go to clubs mostly for the music and like to hear a great set, not just be banged into oblivion by the current top 10. oh, and there is TONS of hard trance out there to choose from....you think other dj's are hording the good records and he just can't get them?
  21. well, yeah it is. ok, after reading it the woman definitely should have taken the baby first. the bear probably didn't recognize the baby as human as its used to seeing adult and adolescent people. the big problem here was that the bear obviously associated the habitat of people with food sources and had no fear of people. That's likely cause people fed it or something in the past. unfortunately, they have to kill bears that do this as they are likely to attack humans again. if it was just troubling the community, they could relocate it, but once bears attack people they often attack again. hikers who are cutting their trips short are idiots though since the bear is gone and its very unlikely for another bear to act that way. i've been camping and had to deal with bears numerous times...all they want is your food.
  22. ahhh...150 lbs makes more sense i didn't read the article...but i know a bit about bears. its likely that the bear went after the smallest kid thinking that it was a smaller animal. bears don't attack full sized peeps unless provoked, sick, or you come between one and her cubs. and, if a bear was mauling your infant, there isn't much you can actually do...i mean you can try to scare it away but if it doesn't want to go there's not shit you can do about it. A 150lb bear could fuck up the most buff guy out there and they run way faster than humans do... all in all way sucky situation
  23. it sounds like the maintenance guy is the one with the real beef... i think the only real solution to this (and they do this in some offices) is to put a key lock on the door and only give it to offices on the same floor....
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