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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. i don't think i'm particularly different regardless of the drug: alcohol, coke, e, k, pot...etc. actually, pot probably has the most effect: if i smoke just too much i can't speak for about 40 minutes!!! with the other stuff the difference is mostly in my head and what i'm thinking about. i very rarely say shit fuked up that i wouldn't say sober. maybe that means i'm just more honest sober than most people are...? joe - u tell me. u've seen me in all states.
  2. yo - listen to asianvixen and eddie on this. they're right. i've been hitting SF for six years too. i'm straight, but have been hit on by guys many times there and at other clubs. at SF many's the time that i've been dancing with my eyes closed only to open them up and see a circle of muscle boys around me. they don't just grab you and start kissing. more like later come up and start a convo or something. they can tell pretty quick if you're interested and if you're not you'd hardly even know what was going on. i'm sure that a bunch of these peeps you think are all just friendly and telling stories and being fucked up with you are gay guys. so, this SF is not gay shit is crap. its just less open cause you can't actually BE YOURSELF there without getting some uptight person all upset and proving his heterosexuality. and don't fool yourself: some of the hottest "girls" at SF aren't girls at all. my experience, no matter at what club, is that gay guys are very respectful. if you show no interest, then its just a bunch of people hanging out and you don't get harassed (which is quite the opposite of what i see between guys and girls at the bar at SF sometimes). and last point: while you may not like a gay scene, people's point on this thread is that the music and the clubs and the culture of dancing, music, sex and all that stuff that you DO love wouldn't exist if not for the gay community. all things evolve, but its unlikely that we'd have the club scene as we know it today without the roots of it that grew out of this community. have fun wherever you go - don't go where you feel uncomfortable peace
  3. Jon - u'r gonna be there all night? shit that never happens... if n e 1 is curious here's a link to that shirt jon was mentioning that our boy brooklynmike wore to DH on new years: http://www.dannyhowells.com/features/feature13.html one spot that's always full of NYC cp folks is in the chill room just to right as you walk in. if anyone wants to meet ahead of time at a bar right near by pm me or Theory btw- just heard some nice reviews of the new sound system they put in this week!!!
  4. Eve on Bleecker (440 Bleecker i think) is also really good. Even with an appointment at J sisters you may have to wait for a while....
  5. impossible i don't think its me. damn, the 2nd girl from the left in the all girly picture is smokin!!!! u got her number?
  6. sorry italian fans...but: Its all about AMERICA!!!!
  7. its going to be PACKED!!! get those t-shirts going so we can find you
  8. barvybe

    PvD was doooope

    hi Theory!!! yeah, we will definitely be at DHDT. can intro you to tons of NYC CP folks and Sound Factory board kids...should be a great time. btw - my recommendation is NEVER EVER go to EXIT...even for PVD. actually especially for him. its just way to crowded and ruins it when we come up (hopefully for sasha like ma lady said) we hope to meet u all. AIM = ThreePetey
  9. its all about America!!! haven't missed a game yet
  10. we got drunk last year? wait, there are hammocks there?....hmmm. memory loss ack
  11. a few of us went up to boston just to avoid EXIT. i cannot stand EXIT, and refuse to put dollars in their pockets. Avalon on Thursday was great. The set was short (3 hours), but great. The club is 10 times nicer than EXIT, is small (like Vinyl size), was crowded but not too packed. Sound system is great. the crowd was great. no meatheads, no shoving or pushing, shirts on all night. staff and bouncers were cool. bathrooms were reasonable and clean. door was only 30 bucks. drinks 4 or 4.50. and they kept the AC on. next time around i'll take the road trip again
  12. barvybe

    PvD was doooope

    hey! a few of us came up from NYC for the show too. thought PVD was pretty sharp - on par (though shorter) than some of his old twilo sets. lots of us can't stand EXIT, so the trip was well worth it. and yeah, the club billboard thing kept saying it was Timo though it definitely didn't sound liike him. that guy was pretty decent though. you guys have a really nice club there - lots of fun, great vibe in the crowd. too bad they can't go until 4 or so....
  13. wait...how did anakin / darth vader's mom get pregnant again?
  14. the lavrack is quite sufficient. difficult to find shirts if it grows much more
  15. even so, still not as effective as pill for pregnancy. 99% plus versus low 90's. and, if you think that sex with a condom is AS satisfying as without you've been having some pretty bad sex. hey lav: agreed on the male thing. i would say that the pill's been around so much longer and has so much info on it that the male version is LIKELY to cause more side effect / be less attuned to an individuals hormones. also - depending on you and your perscription: pill can REDUCE moodiness, significantly reduce cramping, regulate u (obviously) and may not cause weight gain. only way to know is to try. of course, always use condoms unless both of you have been tested AND you're willing to bet your life on your partners trustworthiness. peace
  16. i'm not listening! (i'll bring the paddle 2nite)
  17. great seeing u!! love the Z-echno when do i get to hear a 3 hour set?
  18. my advice? ---> listen to Theory. i do or she beats me. girl i know got pregs 2 times on the pill and she was religious about taking it. nothing is certain. (and yes, she got rechecked for her prescription after the first time). my opinion: if you are gonna use condoms anyways cause of STD worry and are worried about the weight, then don't take the pill. if you are in a good relationship...take the pill. if he's worth it the weight shouldn't matter to him that much, so it should be your choice. benefits of more mild periods are a huge plus (at least for my girl). AND sex is SO much better without the caps!
  19. agreed ghhhhost. no matter that it sounds like a good idea, it just goes against be yourself to not let people in (unless they can't stand or talk cause they're too f'd up) personally, i'm all for a must wear your shirt policy (really don't need all that sweat from other peeps on me - i've got plenty of my own) but that would probably go against it too. live and let live
  20. oh! is that where i should be looking?
  21. agreed. i've heard 2 of the 3 sides (since 3 people are involved) and i'm thinking you'll never hear the other sides on this board cause the dj involved actually does have respect for not invading Mugz place. Personally, i thought his set was great. And he did the boys a favor by spinning sorta last minute. Live and let live. Write them off if you want, that's cool. You've got a new gf - focus on her and let this shit go. Oh, and i'll see your silly ass at PS1 all summer. peace!
  22. great job guys! sets were really good all around and the place is nice and chill good seeing everyone
  23. cynical, jaded old man prattle ---> you can trust people to do what's in their best interests. expecting more is usually foolish. even with good friends this is true. generally people do nice things for each other because it makes the doer feel good. that doesn't mean that people will go out of their way to screw everyone else over, but you have to ask "why would this person want to help me out? is keeping my trust going to be difficult for them for some reason? am i expecting too much." even in relationships this is true - if the person wants to stay with you its in their best interests to be trustworthy. if not, they will do something that disappoints you. look at motive and desire and you can understand most actions people take.
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