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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. Loooooooooooove this track!!! any word on release date or info?? Mike BuGouT
  2. shakedown - at night (mousse t's mix) Mike BuGouT
  3. tek where did u meet this girl? where was she from... cuz that Somers/Katonah/Ytown area is my old stompin grounds... Mike BuGouT
  4. Roxy should be slammin on July 3rd with Tsettos and Rizzo--plus now that they made it free admission before 12 it should be packed with hunnies:D but where ya'll goin on July 5th--- Return of JV to Roxy? Oakie at Exit? or hittin the shore? Mike BuGouT
  5. dammmn bro i looked for u all niteeeeeeee.....drop me an IM Mike BuGouT
  6. I kno a lot of the CP crew was absent resting up for DT vs DH 2nite, but ya'll missed a slammin night-- Music-wise it was one of the better nights....Rizzo was sick--I couldnt ID many of the tracks but lots of nice tribal and house and only 2 vocals (safe from harm and the new kim english)....so for everyone who thought KTU brings vocals, ya'll was wrong--Rizzo played some diiiiiirrrtttyyyy stuff...i was loving it Dirty Vegas--hmmm...well....first off, theres about 7 of them running around downing beers and shots by the truckload....so after they announce them, the one guy starts playing the bongo's, and the dj starts playing beats behind him--it was a nice combination of live music and the dj matching up with it.... The guy kept sayin stuff on the mic but with his english accent he was hard to understand until he sang , "You..." and then busted into Days Go By (acapella) which was really good...place errupted when he started singing....then Dirty Vegas continued to mix playing more tribal and house tracks...the MC said there would be another surprise performance but i couldnt stick around as my boy paulie had to work Girls were amazing, again. Nice seeing vamptrix and DaVe...stage was closed off but im sure for Vicious' return next week we can rock that joint-- Definitely had fun as always Mike BuGouT
  7. watching you is dope although now im feeling the original since i heard it on a big system but its still dope.. from what i've been told they are spinning for 2 hrs im pretty sure...should be sick Mike BuGouT
  8. dirty vegas = hydrogen rockers.... if they play anything like they produce...that place is gonna be filled with some deep dark dirty tribal beats....I think imma come thru.... Mike BuGouT
  9. jon i agree with almost everything u said-- but i dont think that catering to a crowd involves selling out--or at least, not having a style.... When i spin vocals, its vocals that i like, that i sing along to like a lil bitch when im in the booth jumping around.... when i spin trance, its trance i like, it gets me real mellowed out but the buildups get me hoping around going crazy when i spin hard trance i get into a nice flow and pump my fist endlessly and when i spin house and tribal (which is what im really feeling right now) I go crazy....like a madman, never stopping to talk to anyone or rest--constantly doing something i feel and love all 4 types of music stated above....so if i go to spin and trance isnt going over well....i can move to house and tribal --work the crowd and still stay tru to myself... i agree with the artist comparison also---too many mp3 dj's these days have no clue what that or a flow is about... Mike BuGouT
  10. sooo on the count of three lets everyone jump on muzikman... geeez, guy is just tryin to give ya'll some info about a track... I forgot this is the CP Music board...where everyone knows everything. Mike BuGouT
  11. Mike-- I havent seen you at Roxy since classics night. I've posted about this earlier also....the fact that KTU is there seems to bother people a lot more than it should. They have a booth set up and they do one announcement, if that, and then they're done. As far as the music, maybe its not to your liking but its not as bad as your exaggeration is calling it. Do i hear some tracks at roxy that are on KTU right now? Yes. Usually early on before the majority of the crowd is there, its a method dj's use to get THAT CROWD on the floor. As far as this opportunity roxy is offering, I dont think people realize or maybe they're just "too big' to understand. How many times will an opportunity like this come along? A chance to play on the MAIN FLOOR or a slamming NYC club (no matter what people think of the crowd) on one of the best systems in NYC. The chance to have your name adverstised on flyers and on KTU so that their 3.2 MILLION listeners hear of your name....??!! Me, im not into spinning for the money--I am in Law School and will make all the money i need thru that-- one of the other reasons that DJ's spin is for the LOVE OF THE MUSIC and the chance to impact other people by spreading YOUR vibe to them. I cant even count the number of times i've walked out of a club and felt the impact that dj left on me saying I WANNA DO THAT 4 PEOPLE...but sadly this biz we're in is a bit backwards-- and to even get that opportunity to play on some stages, you have to sell tickets or bring x number of heads to spin for an 20 mins before you get kicked off for the guy who brought more people.. I consider myself an upcoming dj. Most people have no clue who i am. But by spinning on a main floor in NYC, even if just for an hour, and even if i feel like I can't play the exact tracks that I like, and by having that radio and flyer exposure--I feel like i can get more opportunities (and by excelling there and getting to possibly come back to open for johnny and spin for an hour on ktu!!!???) then you can begin to institute your own style into the mix and begin to bring that up to the point where promoters are calling you to come spin the stuff you love b/c now the crowd demands it. It seems like everyone on here has a problem with adapting to the crowd, and the idea im seeing is that playing to the crowd is "SELLING OUT" ... then i guess im a sell out. From spinning parties when i was in 6th grade, to Teen nights i spun, to college bars where i played Limp Bizcuit remixes, to exit where i played hard to Abyss where i play tribal, I like my crowd to have fun & enjoy themselves. I have my own style and I know what I like, you can check my cd's that i make to hear what I like. But when it comes to the live performance of a dj, when theres 100 people or 1000 out there....you are there to please them unless you are PVD or someone that people have shelled out 50 bucks to come see u spin. I'll finish this manifesto off with something DT said at WMC at one of the panels....Someone asked him a question pertaining to the rumor that he listens to every single track he's given....he answered that indeed did, and he spends much time every week preparing for his friday crowd and for his other engagements. He said he listens to every record and cd not just to pick out what he likes, but what his crowd will like. Mike BuGouT
  12. great track...kinda snuck up on people b/c i dont remember seeing it in any of those "whats the summer anthem gonna be" posts or discussions and to me it is becoming the summer anthem... Mike BuGouT
  13. im loving this track right here... Mike BuGouT
  14. mailed this morning.... Last week was hectic so i didnt get a chance to send it...but it is on the way....Mem Day CD and some goodies gimme a call when u receive Mike BuGouT
  15. thanks everyone for tuning in--- that site has a message board if u wanna put up anything about the mixes.... I hope to see everyone at ABYSS on wednesday July 10th when me and my partner play there...9-12... thanks again for the support-- Mike BuGouT
  16. curiously---what was the track? Mike BuGouT
  17. dammit i think hes onto us..... Mike BuGouT
  18. dan... thanks for the vote of confidence. I will be submitting a cd. Mike BuGouT
  19. http://www.metromixradio.com/ Airing around midnight is a set i recorded at the matrix last saturday the 15th....tribal and house beats...check it out Mike BuGouT
  20. truely a class act. Great job on friday... Mike BuGouT
  21. Dirty Cash was CP's own Masi and Mellow Mike BuGouT
  22. depends... Mark Amatucci opened...then joe Fredico played 3 songs before Manny went on... Like a prayer Shiny Disco Balls In Your Eyes I'm not sure what song Mark finished up with...? Mike BuGouT
  23. vocal...sounds like Pepper Marshay but prolly not--- girl talking about her man and the hook is "its the inside that counts" or something---shes saying it more than singing it... I think i've seen someone post about this before?? Mike BuGouT
  24. Daruish - Ira (fat-tao mix) every dj from house and tribal guys to Scot Project have been rockin this-- nice elements acc throw in on the build up....Jason was great last nite.. Mike BuGouT
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