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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. amazing. I plan on seeing it about 10 more times. Best line of the movie goes to annakin, "I killed them. But not just the men, but the women and children too. They were vicious like animals so i slaughtered them like animals" that scene was sick. And Yoda is the master. Dont fcuk with Yoda. Bottom line. Mike BuGouT
  2. CODY--- I am so sorry hun...Im still cracked out... djstd..do i know u? Mike BuGouT
  3. whats up CP Land... just letting EVERYONE know that we're throwing our huge party at the Matrix nightclub in Poughkeepsie NY on Saturday Night June 8th-- I throw this party every few months where I try to get as many NYC and Jerz heads up to the club to have a good time... Its also been referred to as the New Matrix Order or NMO, but its definitely open to everyone from CP, I'd like to see some new heads up there as well as my NMO crew... Main Room : Hip Hop/R&B/Vocal House with DJ Paulie Feva from K104 (www.wspkfm.com) Amazon Room : House/Tribal/trance/hard trance with Mikey BuGouT Its gonna be a slammin weekend with Roxy on friday and matrix on saturday so def. try to make it to both events... any questions drop me an Email or IM or hit up paulie on aol pauliefeva@aol.com djmikebugout@aol.com Mikey BuGouT
  4. last few days have been wierd to say the least... Last Wed @ Abyss had a great time with Linabina, Trancer, Rdancer, Randall, met maddd cp and ST heads....but then walked outside and had some drunk chick back up into my baby 2002 accord and cause $300 damage--got the check today tho so not too bad... The saturday I went to the Preakness Stakes (the horse race)....it was like woodstock in maryland....they let over 100,000 drunk college kids into the infield and allow as much beer as u can carry in....I was drunk from 730am-6pm, then went out at night---I am hurt. Seems like i didnt miss much in ny here...other than a fire in vinyl? But now Im back in Good ole' NY with the summer beginning-- ROXY / NMO Weekend is 2 weeks away!!! Mikey BuGouT
  5. Thank goodness....finals are done let the summer begin... temptations here I comeeee... who else?? Mike BuGouT
  6. No doubt I'll be there to celebrate with Mr Crackhouse himself... I'm meeting up with about 6-8 NY board heads, randall, linabina, trancer, rdancer, bigart, a few others...should be a sick time... but now I have to drive BUT FINALS ARE OVER Mike BuGouT
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I will send nothing until Brooke returns to your sig!!! Or you send me that picture--either or. Mike BuGouT ps--it should be on ag
  8. I am DEF feeling that DCox track....she really sounds good singing that song and Nic's mix is a great one... The New amber isnt bad at all actually if u can get past her lyrics...but it worked with Sexual and Yes so why not with "The need to be Naked" I am also a big fan of DJ Encore's "Walking In The Sky"...engelina has a BEAUTIFUL voice, on the cd i have it has a accoustic version where it is just her and a piano....she really shines...and shes a knockout... Speaking of being a big fan...NYdio--Post more often...I am a big Fan of your sig...and of Brooke...like i said before...I guess she wont be at tempts...but we can always hope Mike BuGouT
  9. you can add to that Robbie Rivera - Zebra Mikey D and Saleen reported back from Sobe with this one from when he spun, but only Robbie and the DJ from Space currently have it so it may be a lil while. Mike BuGouT
  10. Being that she's hot and talented, no doubt KTU will get Don't Say Goodbye, especially b/c Mike did a mix and he spins over there. Im thinking don't say goodbye will be the anthem for MDW....Flatline mix Im Loooooovvvinng it Mike BuGouT
  11. you spell stalker "x-t-c-g-s-p-o-t" Gary, shes hot...I'd go to food town and go to her line and pull a move from the classic movie juice, "yeah, lemme getcha, half a pound of grapes, and your name and your phone number" adapted to the grocery store of course.... good luck bro-- remember..Game recognizes Game... Mike BuGouT
  12. I seen all the hype about this track and finally heard a rip-- and it all came back to me... DT @ Space...from about 745am-about 815am ROCKED this track... def a banger... Mike BuGouT
  13. "we're @ the underground, the wearhouse downtown, place is packed, house muzik EVERYWHERE, everybody's dancing, he's working the crowd, we're having a great time. I turn around, and guess who's there standing in the dj booth? His psycho ex-girlfriend. She needs help!" Mannn, can i relate! Mike BuGouT
  14. thanks-- I dunno why i didnt recognize the vocal...I have Rob's mix but not the Flatline. Mike BuGouT
  15. hey... Im the resident DJ up there...2 rooms...main room is hip hop/r&b/top 40... my room is house, vocals, tribal, progressive and trance... Madddd Clubplanet heads are coming on Saturday June 8th for a party we call New Matrix Order. It should be a lot of fun. Only week im not there is this coming saturday b/c i will be in baltimore.. drop me an email and I'll give u some more info Mike BuGouT
  16. wow:eek: started the second hour with a tribally vocal, "all of my life, no one has touched me the way that u do, wherever I go I knw the road will lead back to you" anyone know that track? Also went into the psycho-ex girlfriend track...i was cracking up I love it... Great set...can't wait for TEMPTS memorial Day!!! Mike BuGouT
  17. I stayed in on friday for the first time in I dunno how long--wow it was odd...at least Im going out spinning tonight... summer schedule coming soon wed-abyss thurs-? fri-roxy, maybe exit, vinyl, djing also at various spots sat-matrix sun-surf club--tempts monday,tueday, relax ahh cant wait for next wednesday-exams OVER!! Mike BuGouT
  18. I hear ya-- b/c I work for radio Im always partial when people slam KTU for playing out songs--but thats their job...the more radio play = more money the track makes and thats half of making music anyway-- honestly--I'd rather have KTU playing out my favorite club tracks instead of playing weak remixes of Britany and BSB... Mike BuGouT
  19. actually--- the spanish mix of the vox is better IMO cuz its a lil different, but the dub rules right now...vox is a bit cheesy for me but maybe it just has to grow on me... lots of good stuff from MCA new modio- new dj encore mixes- secret- good stuff= Mike BuGouT
  20. DAMN FINAL EXAMS-- i got one monday morn so no tempts for me...All summer tho we out...Imma come see u tooch u let me kno-- Mike BuGouT
  21. MOST DEF!! After watching his mayday set--i'd definitely like to see him rip roxy apart-- Mike BuGouT
  22. scott....you are wrong-- Johnny has been banned @ SF by Richard after his Exit benefit thing-- remember? Johnny will be @ roxy. Roxy will be THE friday party this summer. The perfect mix of beautiful people, international dj's, and a great sound and lighting system to please everyone. Just watch:D Mike BuGouT
  23. i hope it does well on ktu-- radio play means much success for Nervous the label and the artist as well....good luck to them.... Ktu does kill songs but i dont listen all day so I only hear them 2wice tops... More importantly--I'd like to gte my hands on the Tempts girl in NYdio's sig--I'll be there sunday of mem day weekend and i better see her there!! Mike BuGouT
  24. If all nyc's promoters were like Bobby G--think of how the scene would be? We'd actually have a scene...a good one. Friendly clubs with great atmospheres. Thanks Bobby. Look foward to seeing you on the 7th. Mike BuGouT
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