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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. Okay .. where to begin. Justin, first off, only my mother calls me michael and thats when shes pissed. Now i scrolled back and only found 3 posts (2 by quoth and one other) that accuse this being fixed. Far from "most of you people" Also, you calling it "your roxy" makes me think that you never even wanted to spin there in the first place. If you love the musik so much, you should be excited to play there for that many people. Somehow maybe its me but your replies kinda got a "screw u guys i dont need that place anyway" kinda tone to them. Another thing, since I'm normally on good terms with you, Im going to assume that you didnt mean to sound demeaning to me saying that "mike will have fun" I know u prolly didnt mean it that way--must be all the drama left over on this ny board. I agree we should have had a way to let everyone hear some samples from the demos, but that kinda defeats the purpose of having a CP DJ open. The quality and skills are there for all of us who got picked. Bobby and Aluv picked the finalists, and they turned it over to daniela to find out of those 3 who CP wanted. So yes, it kinda was a popularity contest. But i know a lot of people who voted for me have heard me play or heard my cd's or heard good things about me, same for justin and same for bennett. If it would have said, JP, JV or Draper, you would have considered your vote on what you heard from them in the past, and if u never heard them, you'd prolly vote based on what things you've heard. Anyways--I dunno where this goes from here, but I am sad to see that Justin feels that way that he has to drop out. It would be fantastic to open for Johnny as the CP DJ or whatever u wanna call me. Ever since sexy fridays started I've wanted to play there (ask Lanie, I bug her all the time:D ). Stage crew!! what goes on now? Mike BuGouT
  2. Since some of you arent familiar with me or what I play, heres the tracklisting from my demo cd that i gave in 1. Speed (jan driver mix) - Azzido De Bass 2. They Say Viision (Rivera's dub) - res 3. Who Am I (raphi's 2002 rework) - Massive 4. Safe From Harm - ThirtyThree 5. Angie Stone acapella blend with Matrix-Rau Di Silva 6. The Crowd Song (bugout's remix) -Rhythm Gangsta 7. When Doves Cry (Lex Innocente Blend) - Prince 8. Resurrection - PPK 9. Missing (rocco mix) - Discovery 10. All Your Bass - Dj Virus I tried to showcase all the stuff i do on here, but i didnt play too hard. Those who know me know i can play hard also. and obviously if i played roxy, i wouldnt play some of those tracks b/c they are johnny's over there. This whole thing is exciting:D Mike BuGouT
  3. I just came in from being outside. Im seeing a lot of black spots. Hellllppp!! :eek: Mike BuGouT
  4. how many of you still have the AOL fold out flyer from the grand opening nite?? I just found mine the other day. And my tunnel promoter card that my promoter gave me so i'd get comped. :big huge sigh: Mike BuGouT
  5. you can't stop the nmo, you can only hope to contain us. Mike BuGouT
  6. I just wanna say a few words in defense of the midgit juicehead. Believe it or not, he has actually befriended me and is one of my biggest supporters there. Anytime the music cuts out he yells out "Buggggggouttttttt"...hes crazy. Good kid. There are however some head spinners and "breakin 2 electric boogaloo (Props to anyone who seen that movei)" fools who need some schooling. Of course anyone who gets in the NMO's way is getting tossed period. Like i said, many new edits, remixes and special tracks are being prepared. I'm preparing for this like its main floor exit. Mikey BuGouT
  7. I can picture it now. They'll try and get a break dancing circle going and muthafucking quoth will just stomp into the middle of that shit and get crazy--they wont know wtf hit em!!! Djjon...hells yeah bro..glad to see ur makin it up!! Sorry about the double topic post. Its okay bebby9302593, it just means u showed twice the luv:D As an added bonus, complimentary limited edition NMO CD's will be available in the booth. Im bringin these strictly for CP peeps. Or girls who take it all off in the booth. Sorry but fair is fair:laugh: U guys rock:hat: Mike BuGouT
  8. Mike Mac's final chapter never leaves the bag...from clubs to bar mitvahs it still rocks. Mike BuGouT
  9. Mr Muzik... I'd love to have u roll up to Poughkeepsie and join up with the group. Depending on what time u get there, you'll hear a bunch of different genres of muzik. Tribal, House, Progressive, Vocals, Trance, and of course the hard shit. But believe it or not, the genre that keeps the most people in the room is the trance, not too hard or soft-- so i may rock that most the nite. email me for info-- cody, I'll speak to u later tonight- Mike BuGouT
  10. You guys and gals are all still invited to hear me rip shit up on April 27th. Im still excited to spin. So I gotta ask all of ya'll a favor.... I really need for all u guys to make it that nite. This is the only thing in my life I have to look foward to. Spinning. If it wasnt for music, I dunno what i'd do right now. No need to explain all my drama on here b/c theres surely enuff. But I was SUPER excited to spin for you guys especially since you havent heard me spin in MY HOUSE in a while. If this shit falls thru, I've got law school finals to look forward to. And also Paulie Feva's flying fists of fury. But thats another story. For real--don't ya'll think u can put your differences aside for ONE NIGHT to hear some good muzik. REMEMBER that MUZIK brought all of ya'll together. Now u got BS tearin you apart. No one sez u gotta hold hands in there and it is a big club so u won't be on top of each other. April 27th--if anyone needs accomodations or anything like directions, free shots, strippers, let me know I'll call in some favors. Mike BuGouT
  11. man o man is this a relevant topic... like how one day you trust that your right hand man is gonna be down and then how he dicks you over constantly and next thing u know he's trying to fight you (literally) b/c you are upset with and done with getting dicked over. I totally hear u. Mike BuGouT:D
  12. Here goes...some new, some older...but all defintely being felt this week 1. We Live For This - Funkertracks 2. Tenet (tribal mix) - Colatraxx 3. Life - Aurei (older i know but im feelin it) 4. Juicy - Phil Kieran 5. Somebody Told Me - Marc o Tool 6. Ballanation Pt II - DJ Dean (i wouldnt be surprised if Johnny makes this the roxy anthem for the summer...sick shit) 7. In My Dreams (kosmonova) - Naomi 8. Stompin Jack Flash - DJ Stardust 9. May It Be - Warpdrive v. DJ Nds 10. Heat - DJ Luca Antolini Mixing it up again, old and new, housey, tribally, trancy and hard of course. Mike BuGouT
  13. hey Hot Chickie... "its me...the guy who kept trying to dance with you on stage after the crew left...I know you shot me down 100 times in a row...but i was hoping maybe I could dance with u next week??" sorry -- i was watching that guy coming after u and u shooting him down time after time i was cracking up... :laugh: Mike BuGouT
  14. Justin-- "tenet" is by Collatrax..b1 is the "tribal mix" I got the label copy-- definitely some sikk drummmssss....that will also make my top 10 for the week...Imma go pick thru the bag and get my 10 up tonight...good looks on that track tho Mike BuGouT
  15. He didnt play extacy...maybe they confused it with Lets Go All the Way since the key is the same? I was one of the last members there along with bigpoppa, bebby94534959345, hotchickie...maybe he played it after I left at 4am??? Mike BuGouT
  16. try.. Mindy K - Moments (johnny's mix) she sings "Mo Ments In Loooove" and its kinda broken up. Maybe thats it? Mike BuGouT
  17. Well... it wasnt Johnny but boris from 4-5 was awesome...He's playing GTI's bonus beats then mixes in the actual song and BOOM as its about to hit KTU goes to commercial...:cursing in my car @ 430am: BUT--at 435 comes back on starts with the GTI keys ONLY--rocks a beat behind it and then goes into what i think was Macaluso's new track not sure tho---10 mins later starts mixing GTI back into it but then dropped something else.. Not JV...but not bad...hopefully JV's show is next saturday... Mike BuGouT
  18. Congrats bro-- Put up a pic of ur baby when u get a chance...One day this week Imma wash my baby and take pics -- I got my 2002 Honda Accord in November. Mike BuGouT
  19. this is me and my dj partner paulie feva....he posts once in a blue moon... Mikey BuGouT
  20. DOn-- good 4 u bro--actually..I was standing right next to ronimess when u asked him what Only God Can Judge Me was..b/c i remember u asking--I was the short guy with the black shirt and mini spikes--( pretty general i guess)next time most def we'll meet up.. remember...hip hop = bad vicious = good Mikey BuGouT ps...ur more than welcome to attend the New Matrix Order invasion taking place at my club in 2 weeks on saturday the 27th...im me for more details....that goes for ALL the stage crew and CP heads whether I met u or not.
  21. nice meeting u bro--def make sure u come by the stage more often-- Mike BuGouT
  22. Scot is def the man. Got a chance to chill with him @ Space in Miami 2 weeks ago. Can't wait till next friday- Since Scot goes on around 2ish, could we make the meet up a bit earlier...like say 130--then we could all head to the floor or wherever as a mobb and run shit:D Mike BuGouT
  23. GG-- nice job on the list...It was awesome to have everyone there again last nite...That stage was hugeeee yet everywhere u walked, danced, jumped, ect, you found a cp head...I do think next time we need to go out and recruit some more ladies tho... Mike BuGouT
  24. Not totally true.. My station does most of its mixshow stuff live and sat nites is a live broadcast from a club somewhere...but yes...S&D were on cd or dat last nite as most mixshows for ktu are... as for the commercials...they HAVE to take commercials, it keeps them paid and allows them to have people such as S&D and Oakie to spin on the radio...yes its annoying but its part of the biz... the interruptions from live at the club are part of RSL EVERY friday...thats the gimmick and thats how they get people down to their club--only on memorial day and labor day does ktu change around its format for a dj...i personally dont see why they should have changed for S&D...they did them the favor allowing them to broadcast a show--Im sure World was gonna be packed anyway but now u know how many people will go down there tonight just b/c of what they heard on the radio last nite? So after the xtra ticket sales Im sure S&D didnt mind the interrutptions as much as U and I did. All part of the biz. But it was a nice treat to hear them on my way to nyc. Mike BuGouT
  25. wow....that is really all i can say. Nice seeing everyone again-- nycmuzik...I dunno how I didnt meet u...o well..next time..I'll just add a few tracks to your list and then I think im going back to sleep De Bom 2001 Tomorrow - Dumonde (my track of the nite by far--I think i hear ggfella yell out to everyone "this is the fawkin vicious sound!!!!") The Angry Inch Dub i think u got the rest I can remember... Happy Bday Linabina hope u enjoyed it-- I couldnt do vinyl after that musicall journey Johnny wrecked shop on--didnt have it in me..next time.. see ya'll kiddies @ SP Mike BuGouT
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