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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. First off this may be obvious but let me give some advice to those traveling to south beach next year (if it doesnt move to vegas) DONT STAY AT THE CLEVLANDER-- yes its the biggest party spot--but...ghetto rooms, no alarm clock (but i didnt sleep) I say this b/c....I left the clevlander sunday party for a few mins to goto my room and shower real quick--i come back and its locked down, I cant get in--spent all that money to stay there and cant get into my own party--so I danced on the sidewalk as mikemac fucced with Worq It MuthaFucker!!!! Snozzi--crazy day that day--did well with the cd's, gettin some good feedback so far...no other girls took it off--but that one girl was talented...she almost pulled it off and changed in front of everyone without showing anything-- even tho my body hurts---I love my tan:cool: Mike BuGouT
  2. hey.. i remember u.....late nite friday down @ the bar-- did u hear that yesterday they had a hip hop party @ the clevlander and something happened where miami police beat the shit outta some black guy so bad that its all over the news? I got out just in time....drop me an email... Mike BuGouT djmikebugout@aol.com
  3. such as-- what he said about how he does sets for longer than 10 hours, how playing them was the fun part--the hard part is PREPARATION about why vinyl is only open tll 10 and how he feels responsible for keeping the kids there who are using substances to hang with him-- about producing tracks in a bedroom studio-- about our representation for the grammys and in general about the love we should have for house music whether its slow or fast, hard or soulful-- U just had to be there i guess-- Mike BuGouT
  4. schooled me this past week-- Monday with his music and Wednesday with his words. Space Monday was an awakening...my first time hearing Danny--I'll see ya'll @ vinyl-- WMC DJ panel discussion on wed--between Roger Sanchez, Danny, Deep Dish, Peter Rauhofer (great guy also) and the rest of the panel...the knowledge that was dropped was too much for my mind... Danny said some things during that discussion that blew my mind--- some people said I wasted my money on a badge b/c i didnt get reduced admission anywhere with it... that panel was worth a lot more than 265 bucks-- Mike BuGouT ps--yes this is me saying this and no im not changing my style -- i still love the beats but the theme @ wmc was a great one--UNITY in our music, whether its played @ 125 or 145...
  5. Danny was amazing--played hard tribal beats for most of the nite- ended at 6pm...not 8. danny howells mix of I Feel Loe...WOW Jules and Tiesto were awesome also= Project went on @ 8am and I couldnt make it till then after what my body went thru monday @ space.... Two great nites of music Mike BuGouT
  6. 2 days ago I heard the same exact chants... at one point...people were passing him pieces of paper and he was playing requests b/c he played Urban train, 643, and a few other popular ones in a row-- only thing was he forgot to turn down the highs so my ears realllllly hurt and i had to bounce... Mike BuGouT
  7. Everything said was very true-- but there were some nice cars also to go with those dubs...I liked the Escalde with the green neon lights in the rims.. Clevlander Sunday was SF..plain and simple...when so strong's words came on...I saw more apples getting grabbed out of the sky then I've ever imagined-- i had a great time tho Mike BuGouT
  8. sorry for those who have read a millon WMC posts...I'll keep this short b/c my brain is fried.. Sat-Cox @ Crobar---ridiculous... Sun-Armani block party Robbie Rivera was sick-Rumi@nite with manny--got wayyy too drunk Monday-Tommy Boy Party with Thunderpuss then sleep then DT from 3-930 (see below) Tues- Jules and Tiesto--hung out with project but couldnt make it till 8am when his set started... Wed- Xtreme closing party--not bad...I love Kim Sozzi The best thing to happen to me down there was going to the actual conference and to the DJ panel with DT, Sanchez, Rauhofer, Deep Dish-- DT said some stuff that is making me rethink everything i know about spinning (not genre of music but other stuff) Lanie--ur crazy girlll I am currently rocking my OFFICIAL WMC CP I love NY CP Tshirt!! DaVe-Nice to meet u finally--i didnt think we'd make it thru the clevlander party!! Nero, Vicious, everyone else i saw down there...maybe i'll drag my ass to roxy tomorrow...im going to sleep till then Mike BuGouT
  9. happy bday bro.... i'll catch u @ the bar next time i go out...sometime in may... Mike BuGouT
  10. south beach--- Catch ya'll cp'rs down there at the meetup tuesday who are going-- Roxy stage crew HOLD IT DOWN this week and I'll see ya'll when i return--PEACE Mikey BuGouT
  11. Nah--this is @ the Matrix in poughkeepsie (used to be called Confetties) and I consider poughkeepsie upstate...not westchester tho- After working there 5 years i can make that distinction. Mike BuGouT NmO
  12. I def got SHOTGUN to the master bedroom suit upstairs... hopefully enough heads are down for the telly so we can do this... No little brothers or parents @ the matrix afterparty--except my uncle Jack (daniels) and my boy the Captain (morgan) Mike BuGouT ps--u provide your own Marvin Gaye CD...cuz i aint singing "Lets get it on" when the lights go out:laugh:
  13. that is tight!!! NmO is coming---I couldnt possibly prepare them up there~~ Looking like we number over 20 at the moment...we're an army!! Mike BuGouT
  14. I think most other DJ's would agree with me that spinning for a hyped crowd and feeding off their energy is a high in itself--- and Im not trying to go down that Music is my anti-drug bs route.. I really mean it-- the only thing I got when i spin is one or two drinks at the beginning of the nite and a few red bulls.. DJ's who use drugs in order to play for hours on end (dropping loops for 30 mins @ a time) don't impress me at all....what they do while they are working the tables--that impresses me I think its a bad example for DJ's to be doing shit--If the DJ cant get enough of a rush from spinning for a crowd--why should the crowd be sober either? For the people who truely LOVE the musik...hearing it at the loud volumes with lights flying and being around madd people who are feeling it also--that should be enough-- to each his own--I feel bad for people who say they can't listen to trance or house or cant go to clubs without rolling, doing k, whatever-- but if thats how they enjoy themselves thats their decision not mine-- Same with the DJ's...some dj's actually spin better on drugs..maybe that tells you something about their skills--if they need to be enhanced--wouldn't that put them in the same category as athletes who use steriods...?? Mike BuGouT
  15. ant- where is the ice palace and what time you go on? I don't have much planned for fri nite yet so maybe I'll swing by-- Mike BuGouT
  16. DJ Sal will be in the Amazon Lounge for me...he's not bad...more vocal than I am...he's gonna be doing one saturday a month to give me a chance to go out on saturdays and check out other stuff...April 27th I am ready to rock tho-- Mike BuGouT
  17. Happy Bday Larry-- I will celebrate by going to the radio one party in the afternoon and then Oakenfold at nite!!! Mike BuGouT
  18. from what i undestand..your 100 beans is only for -line skip -reduced admission so u still have to pay ontopof that 100-- but--what is it worth to not wait forever to get into DT's party-- Im def @ PVD-DT-and Project, Tiesto, Jules, 1/2 of Airscape--and i'm hearing rumors of a Mauro Picotto guest appearance.. Mike BuGouT
  19. project and hennes and cold have played nyc before...at least half of hennes and cold (derb)... July 3rd would mark a good time for project to finally destroy exit... But Jam x and Deleon haven't been here from what I remember.. TOmcraft sounds dope, as does cj stone-- Maybe Project, Dumonde, and CJ? Whatever lineup u arrange...dumonde must be there.... Mike BuGouT
  20. well first off... Dumonde = Jam x and De Leon...but regardless..you bring those guys to nyc and I will have a newfound respect for u bro-- I like marco v but you don't want peoples styles to overlap...Lange is good cuz hes a bit on the trancy side...Dumonde plays very similar to Project, Bossi, Derb, all those guys. I think Dumonde + Lange would be a great combo...I'd be there all nite pretty much-- other names maybe to check into--cj stone, green court...? my 2 pennies Mike BuGouT
  21. hmmm.. nothing compared to the ass-woopin you shall receive unless u surrender my number immediately. Ample make up activities might follow. Mike BuGouT
  22. deadly force-get out their new song with the sample from the movie "the way of the gun" which is on my new cd... why didnt u just ask me? IM me later Mike BuGouT
  23. okay....now i am mentally scarred for life. Looks like i gotta stick to Coffee Cakes and Yodels now. Mike BuGouT
  24. Mikey Puff told me that Johnny played Mikey's Mix of da booka on the show...Congrats mIkey Puff getting some airplay!! Mike BuGouT
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