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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. yeah hi, this is _____ calling from tha BX boogie down reppin... first off I wana shout out the whole 1-2-4 click...JJboogie, sucka t and the whole Fam.. now as far as this issue goes, I feel as though you cannot judge a treatment of that man based on his edjabacttion! wow...sometimes I think of street soldiers as the radio jerry springer show:laugh: Mike BuGouT
  2. that is toooo... Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt Mike BuGouT
  3. yes...Being that I graduated majoring in English and writing...its always fun to make up words.. Mike BuGouT
  4. bigpop.. the poison is the wwf reference to how they looked @ the nwo... so we're just extending it to this.. of course...If u'd like, I can bring my "Look what the cat dragged in" LP and rock "Talk dirty to me"...I'm a DJ for the people:laugh: T shirts are in the works:laugh: Its gonna be reedonkulous Mike BuGouT
  5. because with Scot Project on the 19th to be follow by the Cosmic Gate (dj bossi) on the 26th....that place is going to be ROCKED with some real hard beats. those 2 weeks and then AVB on the 3rd...I may actually be there 3 weeks in a row...I would have never thought I'd be there 3 times ever again--- Mike BuGouT
  6. No particular order to these... a. Rock 2 The Beat - Panic Attackers ft. Alan T b. The Wall (Saeed & Palash) - Puncher c. Feel the Funk - Back to Back d. House Muzik - Angelo Kortez ft Alan T e. Clear - Airmale f. Sex?? - Robbie Rivera (still waiting on this one) g. Ballanation Pt2 - DJ Dean h. The Truth - Cosmic Gate (i dont think this is the correct name but Im hoping this will come out soon also) i. We Get Together (hq2) - Kim Sozzi j. Something Happened... (nic mercy) - Deb Cox thats 10...I could do a lot more tho--- I wanted to spread it out b/c I play A LOT of different stuff... and I'm forever endebted to the folks @ Star 69 records Mike BuGouT
  7. yo... BIG SUPER HUGE thanks to Robin and Larry for surprising me and showing up at the matrix to do some scouting-- this has been a really tough week and I had no clue how I was gonna get thru the nite but I figured I should play b/c maybe it would get my mind off of things-- i got hyped up when u guys showed up and ripped it down for a lil--daylighyt savings time sucks but o well... I am spinning next saturday and then taking a week off to prepare for the invasion....they have NO CLUE whats coming--I tired to warn them............ Mike BuGouT
  8. SEX!!! Sometimes.. Anytime.. All the time... it went something like that-- Track he opened with @ the armani/nervous party in miami...Gotta find this track...his latest work i assume?? Mike BuGouT
  9. djmikebugout

    It's coming...

    NEWNEWNEW MATRIX ORDER Matrix = club i spin @ in poughkeepsie NY the problem: the crowd is good, but they are wierd, breakdance a lot and don't apprieciate a lot of what i do up there. the solution: I have decided to inject the matrix with a poison in the form of the NMO-- who can join?-- Any CP member who wants to make the trek up to the club, hear me rip shit and do a lot of shots has met the requirements. Mike BuGouT
  10. nice pics guys... I actually made one technically (im standing behind joe from dj central @ the cleavlander party) Mike BuGouT
  11. Raz drop me an email---I have a few questions ... djmikebugout@aol.com Mike BuGouT
  12. prolly in this order-- 1-DT @ space 2-Gielen, Jules & Tiesto (couldnt stick around for SP) 3-Clevlander Day Party (which became the Clevlander SF NY/NJ Melee) definitely a great trip Mike BuGouT
  13. wow... less than 1 month to go...sounds like we got over 20 heads...breakers won't know what hit em... Mike BuGouT
  14. I heard robbie rivera was supposed to play subliminal very soon--any confirmation on this? WOW...DT @ abyss till 2am then DD on the 25th...Lonnnnng nite Mike BuGouT
  15. I destroyed Miami, there is nothing left of club space. Peace Out, DT,Deep Dish, PVD, Oakie, Judge Jules, Tiesto and Scot Project
  16. I'm always here. I just show up more frequently at times. Now is one of those times. Peace Out, Drama
  17. okay cool...then we're good....I'll catch u @ AByss when tooch is there... hopefully u can staighten out things with the rest of the crew-- Mike BuGouT
  18. Robins right-- I posted that stuff in that peace out thread....where everyone was bringing up as many people from the board as possible. I brought you up in good fun. I got ripped on even worse than u did in the thread...it happened on every page-- people in that thread also had problems with getting brought up--so ur not the only one-- I find it hard to believe that my mentioning of you in a joke thread is the reason for your anger....i didnt mention your family, parents, ect.....i just mentioned u and the club u spin at, as many people have ridiculed me, my height, my upstate club and everything else you can imagine. CHILL OUT---i would not have brought u up if i didnt like u....I didnt bring up any CP'rs i didnt know---i mentioned you b/c we have spoken before.... I never had a problem....so in your words...we should be cool--correct? Mike BuGouT
  19. He looped the vocal from the riva mix "night i laid my eyes on u, felt everything around me move" then dropped a SICK hard beat.. then he did the same thing with Flash then another track....it was sick. Mike BuGouT
  20. Barry~~ I don't understand what happened to you--reading your posts on here and posts even from a few months ago--its like 2 different people using your name. You used to be cool and down to earth and above all the hating--now you are smack in the middle of it. Being on a few board (including SickDramaTracks) you know shit is gonna go on-- and normally i stick to the rule that if it doesnt concern me, I don't stick my nose in. Calling out the Roxy Stage "Feggits" (and bro--this is not sicktracks so please leave muzikman and ur lingo over there where people actually apprieciate it) -- you stepped on my toes so I have to say something.... So what if every post is about the roxy? Seriously--the percentage of CP members that attend roxy is miniscule in regard to the total number of members....it just happens that a lot of the more vocal members like the roxy so they post about it... whats stopping this board from being innindated with SF reviews and Platnium posts? The fact that the people who attend these places don't post about them. Thats all. Whether you like what he plays or not, Johnny is a great DJ who gets worldwide recognition. We choose to see him and enjoy ourselves on the stage. We enjoy each others company up there. Just as Im sure you have a platnium crew maybe that hangs by the bar or something? You follow? My point is this...(which about 100 people have said already) this is a message board...so if someone thinks Draper or Vicious or DT is the greatest DJ and everyone else sucks...okay, maybe they are ignorant, but its not your place to call them that- DT said something @ WMC that makes perfect sense, "there is no best, everyone is good. Picking one number one defeats the purpose of trying" As far as feeling sorry for people's parents....Barry, U attend Rutgers University, Not Rutgers Preschool, act like it. You make some valid points that got drowned out by that stupid remark. I know you are not a bad guy, but your conduct is not helping me convince anyone. And finally, if this message board is too much-- and there really is a problem (which is ridiculous but whatever) then you know where the roxy is and im sure we can get u a comp or even put our money together to get u in and come up to the stage and tell Legend and Djjon and everyone else how you feel about their parents. I'll be standing next to realz with his videocamera. Mike BuGouT
  21. bebby-- thats why I thought it was funny~~ I saw the number on my phone and was like "huh?" but i scrolled back with macguyver like skills and saw ur number from when jay called u so i knew it was u-- definitely nice actually having a convo-- see u next week:laugh: Mike BuGouT
  22. wow...Im Realllllly hurtin today-- Nero was dope...played dark and then was getting it hyped up when Johnny took over @ 130 Rolled down there with GodbirthdayBam and almost was involved in an incident at the pizzaria..that was interesting-- Nice seeing everyone that came out SexyH--I thought U didnt like tall people?? Dj Jon Bebby--"hey, we're coming back" "ummm..okay" Jessie Tunnel Bandit met some new heads -nychunk, crazy yelling requests at johnny... -clubhead from citysoundz i really need more sleep than this so im out... Matrix invasion is coming closer..April 27th... Mike BuGouT
  23. Unbound I will join you in thanking Dave for some great parties down there-- I only wish the people i went down with were as open minded as I was about the parties (as in checking out 3-4 a nite like i wanted to instead of 1) how was AVB and ferry? Mike BuGouT
  24. yeahhhhhhhhh baby Back from WMC with some tracks, new ideas and ready to do this... As far as matrix...its MY house and when you're in MY house, U get to hear me play as I'd like to--so a big reason I like everyone to come up (other than regulating the crowd) is to see me in my element--where Im not worried about promoters or any BS... and the crowd is above 14 tek--I've spun there for 5 years...I might know a lil something about the crowd... Mike BuGouT
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