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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. Happy Birthday Sweety-- I'll see u at roxy, hopefully i'll make it on time. I just have to wait for this cheese to melt:laugh: Mike BuGouT
  2. this is toooo sweeeet Honestly...could anyone ever picture exit or any other club giving back to its crowd like johnny and the roxy crew do for us?? See ya'll tonight Mike BuGouT
  3. hey alright--1 big happy family!!! Hotel accoms are no problem...I only said we werent getting the big willy style 2 floor marriot joint b/c not enuff people were down to make it cost efficient.... For those in need of a place to crash--as u can see there are many options available... 2nite @ roxy I will be doing some NMO recruiting to see if we can't get the army to increase in number--see ya'll there Mike BuGouT
  4. yoyo pablo feeeeeeeeva... No Telly--too much inter-NMO drama for that to work out--so we'll just party @ the club instead... I gotta put ur avatar in for u--it saves the time of explaining how to do it-- NMO--ive already prepared an array of special mixes and edits for that nite...and I am working on a drink special....don't forget doors open @ 10 so get there earllllyyyy-- Its Commmmmmmming-- Mike BuGouT
  5. Hey Larry- Look on the bright side...36 is a good number. 36 chambers of death 3+3 = 6 I dunno...next time you are in westcheddah make sure u let me know in advance.. Mike BuGouT
  6. what did they say about CP? CP has been supporting the exit friday party i thought?? Mike BuGouT
  7. Harry-- I repect the way your attempt to clarify your comments. We will talk in person sometime. I dunno about that domain party tho--theres like 100 dj's. Good Luck in the future. Mike BuGouT
  8. I love my nextell... But robin is right--they should come with a direct connect ettitque handbook on where to use that thing-- its called vibrate people... Mike BuGouT
  9. sorry bro..didnt mean to jump on u like that--- I post on many different boards, but most of my friends post here so when someone talks bad about the board, i take it as them talking about my friends. U make a valid point about the music. Check around, you'll find other options. In the meantime, stick around. It gets fun after a while. Mike BuGouT
  10. Go to some of the other boards, start posting and reading other posts. If u feel comfortable and u fit in, then you have found them. Sorry If CP isn't sophisticated enough for you. Instead of 'wasting' your time posting here, why don't you use yahoo (if that is a sophiscated enough search engine for you) and look for a message board that you can enjoy. Much Luck To You. Mike BuGouT ips-- would tell you the names, but cmon now. I'm in law school. Do you honestly think Im stupid enough to name names and start a holy war? They've taught me a lilttle better than that:cool:
  11. See Don....Have we learned our lession now Dont Go In The Hip Hop Room. NYChunk--See u there bro---Hopefully JV will play your requests so u dont have to yell them out again-- Mike BuGouT ps-Im pullin for Back @ One...
  12. I just really wish you guys could have been @ wmc when Danny T, Roger Sanchez, ali and sharam of deepdish, peter rauhofer and a bunch of other djs/producers had this discussion on a panel... I'd say before that panel there was some dance music I simply hated and wouldn't give a chance to-- after--I'll give a listen to just about anything with an open ear... It was truely enlightening.... and btw....you may not give a shit if I (mikeybugout) tell you that ur attitude is ruining dance music...but im sure you care if u there at the panel when Danny T said it. Mike BuGouT
  13. Don-- U wouldnt be able to miss us....Rockin on the stage...some of the crew carry glowsticks...arty's got those raven lights-- plus when bobby gets on the mic he usually shouts out the stage crew and we usually yell and go ballistic...thats one way to find us... Mike BuGouT
  14. I will be there... (in no particular order) 1-classics with johnny is a nite not to be missed 2-linabina bday worldwide celebration:D 3-cp stage crew reforms like voltron 4-I get to see Lanie:D 5-Paulie Feva actually going out to a club again:eek: 6-Roxy filled with maddddd ladies. 7-Actual conversations with bebbie. 8-did i mention classics with JV? Imma go to sleep, wake me up when its friday:) Mike BuGouT
  15. I'd like everyone to please thank NYisformeatheads for expressing the attitude that is RUINING DANCE MUSIC AS WE KNOW IT-- the attitude that danny t's sound is for the 'mature' or "experienced' ear and other dj's are for the 'younger' or 'inexperienced' ear... Seriously bro--that is a crock of shit. I like DT, I also like Scot Project...and I supp't anthony nero and I got some cp heads that supp't me. CP= younger board. Bro--I've been to most of the boards around....and I can say one thing--People here are very opinionated, BUT, you don't find the snobs, snots and other boards have. Experience is the youngest board, by far. Not that that is a bad thing-I post there and many of my friends are there. But back to your attitude, first of all, NY is the greatest city in the world so don't even try to compare boston or any other city to the captial of the world. Where else do u have the choice of Danny T, Johnny Vicious, Jonathan Peters, Junior Vasquez, any given weekend, + any international talent that regularly frequents our city? Not in Beantown, Bmore, LA or any other city. ITS ALL DANCE MUZIK....its us against the world people. Don't forget that. Whether its 145 bpm or 120 played by draper, nero, vicious, danny, jonathan, junior, or whoever-- Mike BuGouT
  16. Realz... I hate to tell u this buddy--but this board is a reflection of the world...you are going to find people who u don't like, people who don't like you, people who u think have the wrong opinion or train of thought-- for the one-millionth time, this is a message board, so just as you can say that some people annoy you, they use that same freedom to say what they want. Please do find a new home. For me personally, you have said a bad word towards almost every post I have put on her about myself djing. Everytime I tried to promote the red room when i spun there....you would reply with a "ahhhh soon enuff myself and justin H will return to glory in the red room" type of reply and I will pull them up if u don't remember... I have nothing against justin--me na dhim are cool...but it seems as tho you were the one filled with hate... Joe made a great pt--this board is not an underground board....maybe u don't like it anymore b/c all your friends left it--who knows...but really...I sit here and laugh at how you call people hypocritcal and haters when that was u in the past--- Mike BuGouT
  17. did someone say marathon? You keep banging em out and I'll stay as long as u do!!!! This is gonna be insane---STAGE CREWWWWW Mike BuGouT
  18. well...the sound of goodbye was originally on Nervous so im guessing rr's remix would be on that label... Mike BuGouT
  19. They also look good b/c .... Well...to be honest.... We look DAMN good. i am attempting to fill the whole room with Cp'rs that nite... Mike BuGouT
  20. my boy is getting some made up...we're gonna see how much it costs...should be that bad tho... Mike BuGouT
  21. Wanda Dee...the vocalist from the KLF has a new song called "Controversy" i saw her perform it @ wmc...she was accompanied by 4 dancers wearing dominatrix...i was just glad before she started the song she hollered out "KLF Uh huh ha uh huh uh huh!" Mike BuGouT
  22. i read in the daily news that Miss Jones officially left the show.. plus they are holding that contest to find a replacement so im sure shes gone... the best is when star sez..."Stand down woman!" "shut her mic off!!" Mike BuGouT
  23. u guys handle the technical stuff...I'll handle the beats that nite... too sweeet Mike BuGouT
  24. the newest are Sex The Hum Song No More Games-laid ones that should be available they say vision - res burning up - funky green dogs dirty dancing - product g n b be free - live element many more i cant think of Saw him spin down in miami....hopefully he'll play up in NY soon Mike BuGouT
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