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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. i dunno about puttin that in your sig-- Lil Debbie logo next to pornstar is a lil unsettling to me...anyone else find that wrong? Mike BuGouT
  2. Dfuse was dope....If i wasnt dead tired i would've been jumping around-- much thanks to Lanie for helping me to move my hips....literally:D Peter Bailey opened and tore shit up...thats when we were by the bar wth johnny, dfuse, myles, mac, nero and everyone else.. Honestly....Edger V spun at exit friday--do u really think they (exit) would organize something where we could all meet him? It was sooo fucking cool that we got to meet DFuse.... The live bongo shit was insane...Anytime he got really pumped...he blasted away on that thing---It really got the crowd hyped also when they saw him going ballistic like that Johnny was awesome (again--) myles new track is sik, brand new day sounds better every time i hear it... to the shouts~~ Chris Lewis...thats very unfortunate that the lounge is changing formats...it definitely provided a nice change---u r the man tho and ur gonna blow up--keep it up ...i still want a cd... Rdancer, trancer, godfaddah, arty--pleasure as always--Mike what are u 12? (KICK) :LET ME TELL U WHY YOU"RE HERE" Boooowweeeeeeoooooo!!!! airatomic--we need more nrg next time... Bebby and Jessie...u girls better make it up to matrix april 27th... mssexydeeeee--that hat fit u well JenEfur --cowbot hat outfit...just gimme some advanced notice.. also I'd like to marry your friend if possible:eek: djjoncopperfield...lol tunnelbandit, tony the lover and other cp head..good seeing everyone... See ya'll in a few weeks...WMC Miami is calling--- Mike BuGouT
  3. hot 97 now has some competition...like real competition... As of this week 105.1 has changed its format to hiphop/rnb, and is doing 10,000 hours commerical free to start...they got ed lover and dr dre in the morning (who would kick star and bucks asses IMO)....too bad they didnt split the format and throw some dance in there also... Mike BuGouT
  4. maybe Roninice will show up @ roxy and explain to us why todd bridges lumped his ass.... Mike BuGouT ps. Bitch.
  5. msop...good pt bro.. I agree paying 15 bucks one week isnt a prob for me at least-- but there is another side to your pt.. think about all the promotion us card holders have given the party--True..CP promotes roxy to the fullest on the site here...but its a def another thing when all of us come home and post reviews of all the fun we had, how sick the place is, ect.... There are a lot of people that read or post on cp who don't have cards who see that we are having a great time week in and week out and come down because of that---I mean, look at how many parties cp sponsers...If i saw madd people posting that roxy was the shit and they had fun there...i'd be more inclined to check it out as opposed to going somewhere no one is talking about-- Even if I didnt have a card...I would pay to hear johnny every week...and having the card is awesome, paying to get in one week won't kill me and I don't mind supp'ting the party that has shown me a kick ass time the last few months. I'm just showing u the other side.... Mike BuGouT
  6. hey unbound... I just wanted to see everyone's opinion on the subject so I used my sitaution as the example... As if I need attention with 1300 people staring at me in the booth every week....so do u go around to every thread and start drama? Spy--twirl is done...as far as i know--place was a dive... Mike BuGouT
  7. oh great the CP prophet has spoken again...I'm surprised you even type on your keypad...don't u know there's anthrax on it...??? Mike BuGouT
  8. you are all screwed. I just entered my bracket. Mike BuGouT
  9. the question is usually there... its even there outside of the club when it seems a girl's interest is upped when u mention you dj....every girl I talk to i wonder sometimes..... Its funny how DJ's always get shit for being 'sluts' and all-- but since I can't walk thru the club to meet girls...look at what I deal with... <---gonna be single for a while. Mike BuGouT
  10. YOYOYO... shotttttssssss on friday....i better see u there bro... Now u can really start drinking:laugh: happy bday bro.. Mikey BuGouT
  11. hey...on that detour pick me up some tostitos will ya....medium salsa also bro thanks... Mikey BuGouT ps--when or if he turns up after he gets that new pair of shoes is none of my concern...yours either right?
  12. for real. I might just keep the booth on lock until april 27th...my cp ladies will be allowed in no doubt. Mike BuGouT
  13. So being a DJ and taking ridiculous advantage of having a dj booth, last nite was quite a turnaround. Normally I will invite as many girls as possible into the booth to hang around..I'd like to think i spin better with 6 girls dancing with each other around me:D But last nite I kicked out 3 girls from the booth... (one requested zombie nation so she had to go)..but the other 2 just came up with madd drama...I sat in the booth alone with the moniter cranked....Locked the door and just rocked out..it was quite refreshing, but lonely:( I now officially dispise all females. Except one. Thats it. And the last two heard me say that and gave me the "ohh...don't put us in that category...I hate girls like that" and then they became those girls. Hopefully the rest of ya'll had a better sat nite... Mike BuGouT
  14. my favorite time of the year by far-- ever since HS i skip school to stay home and catch the first two days (the best days IMO)-- Even tho Kansas lost today, I think they will fair well....Duke is screwed if the 3's dont fall....Cinci always loses but I've never seen them this strong... I dunno who to pick yet--need to see brackets in 30 mins--I'll get back 2 u Mike BuGouT
  15. I won't be checking cp till sunday and I am afraid it will take me all week to read all the replies that are compiled between now and then. Peace Out, DJ Mike BuGouT
  16. 15 hour set? No Problem!! Peace Out, JP's Meth
  17. I hate hip hop and talk a lot of shit. Peace Out, Roninmess
  18. I have 100 tracks that exit heads love. Not one has gotten signed. Peace Out, Dom Capello
  19. Yo-- last nite at Platnium I dropped the Garth Dub for 2 hours. JP is god. Peace Out, IBClubbin
  20. I have succeded in ruining Bugout's study habits and work eithic. Peace Out, This Thread
  21. I am going to attempt to dent my first name into the phasad in right field this year with Home Run shots. Peace Out, Jason Giambi
  22. At the risk of getting slammed and for the first time refferring to myself....I will say... I like Helen. I don't Like Drama. Let's try a few fictional characters to get us back on track. Peace Out, Mike BuGouT
  23. We have two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. These penalties offset. First Down! Peace Out, The Thread Official
  24. Any more drama and I am moving this to the Drama Board. Peace Out, DaVe
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