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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. definitely some good points.....but one thing I've noticed on this board is the HATRED for KTU and MTV being at roxy--- I've gone All 3 weeks since Phazon came in...and lemme tell u---u hardly even notice its a KTU event....The first week Mike played some KTU drops and vic intro'd Johnny but that was it...2nd week Julia was there and I have no complaints about Julia:D last nite they had their booth set up but you never even heard from them....I think its more of an attitude thing like, Ohhhh ktu is there...but in reality...THIS IS A GREAT PARTY-- And as for Intn'l talent.....I really feel like everyone is entitled to their opinion but if u dont kno the whole story STFU--- do u think its as easy as just booking Sasha and Diggers and thats it...they come? I hope ya'll realize that PVD and Oakie's agents require that u put in madd other int'l dj's weeks before they come in just to even qualify to get PVD or Okay....why do u think exit did Chris Lawrence and Tall Pall?? The Management behind this party has watched Exit's follies and moves over the last few months and are not about to make the same mistakes.....but do not worry you international freaks...Piccotto is coming in October and HE WANTS to play roxy...PVD is also interetsed in playing on the PHAZON....possibly November... Right now they are est'b a BASE CROWD...so that way when they do an international night...its not a one night deal where its packed then dead the next week... And as for 'local talent'...doooooooood....Rizzo, Tstettos and then Ojeda last nite WORKED that Phazon and kept that place moving...I honestly can't wait for people like Peter Bailey, Mike MAC (pleeeeeeeeeze play roxy sooon), Bors and other NYC and Jerz DJ's to play there.... As for Johnny....once a month at roxy would still be awesome...remember before roxy we all bitched about "when is vicious gonna have a residency"...even if its not every week....once a month of Vicious on a phazon is the shit....imagine if u lived in Iowa and we couldnt even have this argument Gspot--u were missed last nite---it was fun NYChunk--we had to take the stage back over for Lethal Industry bro!! Legend, Bebby, vamptrix, Afterhours Jimmyy!!! Summer Tina and every else that made last nite a great time....see ya'll next time Mike BuGouT
  2. im sure he plays his mix of it....email me if u need it.. Mike BuGouT @ aol.com
  3. http://www.metromixradio.com/ its my memorial day 2002 mix...check it out if ur up... Mike BuGouT
  4. dj jon stilzzle i will be in attendance...white room correct? u know what hrs ur on yet? IM me so I can give u the low down on how they gonna try to fcuk u over at that place... Mike BuGouT
  5. yeah...apparently he is still alive....but barely... sick night...Shiny Disco Balls was nice...new soulshaker had the place jumping also... tons of ladies in there....another crazy night--- Mike BuGouT
  6. nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye... what to do now... Mike BuGouT
  7. thats what im talkin about!!! U need a copy of my trance cd.. Mike BuGouT
  8. hows it goin buddy...long time no talk-- hows things? Mike BuGouT
  9. not yet-- Mike BuGouT
  10. i will def be there... Binoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..madd shots for this guy-- Mike BuGouT
  11. shiny disco balls- harry cho cho romero not out yet Mike BuGouT
  12. i agree with u guys totally-- but i havent gotten a chance to hit up tempts yet this summer...but i kno what ur saying-- Imma be there 4th of July weekend most likely Mike BuGouT
  13. so denny is playing Speed (azzido de bass--jan driver remix) and me and cody start making fun of gary cuz he's on his phone--WHAT?? IM IN THE CLUB-- NAH MAN--IM LEAVING THIS ON MY VOICEMAIL!! ITS SICKKKKKKK thats what im talkin about-- Mike BuGouT
  14. took this from my general review so ya'll can see what he played--no surprises really.. Denny went on around 115..started with Rivera's Feel the Beat--i knew it was on from there...BUT Tina Ann's performance interrupted his set which i didnt like...Performance was dope but i was hoping denny would go on after she was done so it wouldnt interrupt his flow...No need to worry...Bobby announced the stage is now open, and Denny dropped some re-edit or remix of the Soulshaker that sent the place ballistic-- and stage crew--you'll be happy to know we only got kicked off that 1 time for the performace Denny was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiickkkk....acapellas all over the place...the man didnt stop working which I love to see....went on a "rivera tear" with Be Free, Laid, then the Superdrum with a deb cox acapella over it played Groove and Fire then the track of the night-- Safe From Harm--WOW Sounds like a new remix but i thought it was his edit....really did a lot to the track and it sounded dope...not sure tho other track of the night "late night booty calls, SHINY DISCO BALLS" I pretty much went nuts when this one dropped... played the vocal of Hungry, a few more Rivera tracks, They say vision into Lamya--played "it just wont do" with those crazy horns....ahah by 5am I had to bounce....GREAT night by denny...Imma def start heading to tempts on sundays with regulatity...But def the thing that made the night awesome was PHAZON-- me and cody sat for a good period of the night just listening to the clarity of the phazon---the highs dont kill your ears so u can enjoy the song--yet the Bass rattles your chest every time...plus with all those SICK robbie rivera build ups, when the bass came back in....you had no choice but to dance or at pump your fist b/c the sound was so powerful-- Mike BuGouT
  15. since most of ya'll went to PVD, heres what u missed-- It got packed a lil later than it usually does but by 1-130 it was nice in there...me, helen, gary, and cody held down the CP arriving area for a lil while before heading to the stage where we were occasionally joined by the PHENOM known as NYCHUNK--he didnt even fall once!! Good seeing u guys/gals Dan Barnes opened, very groovy and jazzy, sexy house...so the perfect track to play (sex by robbie rivera) sounded sick with those bass hits on the phazon-- I finally met Julia from KTU after speaking to her on the phone every weekend....wow shes georgous:D Denny went on around 115..started with Rivera's Feel the Beat--i knew it was on from there...BUT Tina Ann's performance interrupted his set which i didnt like...Performance was dope but i was hoping denny would go on after she was done so it wouldnt interrupt his flow...No need to worry...Bobby announced the stage is now open, and Denny dropped some re-edit or remix of the Soulshaker that sent the place ballistic-- and stage crew--you'll be happy to know we only got kicked off that 1 time for the performace:) Denny was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiickkkk....acapellas all over the place...the man didnt stop working which I love to see....went on a "rivera tear" with Be Free, Laid, then the Superdrum with a deb cox acapella over it played Groove and Fire then the track of the night-- Denny's Edit of Safe From Harm--WOW:eek: Sounds like a new remix but im told its his edit....really did a lot to the track and it sounded dope... other track of the night "late night booty calls, SHINY DISCO BALLS" I pretty much went nuts when this one dropped... a few more Rivera tracks, They say vision into Lamya--played "it just wont do" with those crazy horns....ahah by 5am I had to bounce....GREAT night by denny...Imma def start heading to tempts on sundays with regulatity...But def the thing that made the night awesome was PHAZON-- me and cody sat for a good period of the night just listening to the clarity of the phazon---the highs dont kill your ears so u can enjoy the song--yet the Bass rattles your chest every time...plus with all those SICK robbie rivera build ups, when the bass came back in....you had no choice but to dance or at pump your fist b/c the sound was so powerful-- Im sure PVD might have been amazing--but on a night like last nite...nothing made me happier than to have room to dance and room to sit and enjoy the best sound system in NYC with a sick dj playing some of my favorite tracks and dropping acapellas everywhere... Mike BuGouT
  16. its all good:D Mike BuGouT
  17. Honestly bro... U come on asking who leaked like you actually expect that person to step and say "i did??!!" The point of your post was the same point everyone makes when they post about a track...its the 'i got it you dont' thing.... If Luz is your roots and u have it, be happy and play it--god knows someone other than JP should play the song cuz im not... and as for knocking liz--thats just uncalled for...she simply stated the facts...it is a year old... actually older i think... so in the future...if u are lucky enuff to get a track that not many people have, that doesnt make u the 'keeper of the track' if u didnt leak, very good...ur contacts have all the more reason to trust u with music in the future...some people dont care about leaking and send shit out the next day...it happens....and its the nature of this shady biz some of us are in....if u dont realize this--then ur lying to urself.... Mike BuGouT
  18. marc aurel - the sun (jam x and deleon's dumonde mix) as for Real & Unstable - Bombs (main mix) i actually found some domestic labels to shop it to so its gonna be a lil longer before i send it to anyone-- Mike BuGouT
  19. first one was At Night (mousse T's mix) - Shakedown second one i think is Thriller (dj isaac mix) Mike BuGouT
  20. not a bad track...not sure if i like cosmic gates mix better or not... still dope tho Mike BuGouT
  21. redonkulous... unfortunately....as u guys laugh, I have to deal with this EVERY saturday.... if this isnt paying dues, I dunno what is... Mike BuGouT
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