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Everything posted by djmikebugout

  1. wooooooooooooooooooow If this is any indication of what he's got in store for exit friday, prepare for some beatssss I heard from 4am on... first 2 tracks sick hard trance no clue what they were (one said something about the'paradise of your mind' then E Cutz They Start To Dance--older track then dirty tech...Obsession (biazzi) and another tech record then Kai Tracid's derb remix...closed with tiesto's tears from the moon....very nice Mike Bugout
  2. White Room and Red Room is the only place in exit where that still goes on since Evolution has started. Steph i had a review thread but cant find it right now...I'll call u tomorrow and give u the full low down but in short Room wasnt ready Turnout was hurt by weather But We rocked it and still did very decent numbers next week is gonna be re-dic. Mike Bugout
  3. i wouldnt mess with Roningsp he is schooled in the arts of the Upstate Roads as well as having a degree in GSPism he can tell u where every rock and crack in the road is all the way down the GSP....tell em kidddddd
  4. Maybe the self proclaimed "turnpike girl" should convert to the good old GSP... only .35 cents a pop... granted there's 9,000 of em but what do u expect in the Tollbooth State? one month during the summer my ex pass bill was around 170 bucks--me without a job hittin seaside, abyss and whatever else in NJ i felt like, damn that sucked Mike Bugout
  5. fabioooo our room is closed off for our guests who use the list. But if u have some people who wanna check the room out just lemme know and we'll let em in gladly...we're expecting a lot of peeps to support Jon, Myself and Tooch and since that room doesnt hold too many people..we just want to insure all the people who came to support can do some and have room to dance. Like i said, its not gonna be another white room door policy so if u have peeps using ur list that want in, just lemme know when u see me friday and they can come on in and hear some dirtttty beats NERRROOO its hard to describe his style..maybe the word ENERGY!!!..kid is insane--you gotta see him perform to believe it...im sure nero will keep the afterhours crowd at exit friday well into saturday morning breakfast run afterwards anyone?? Mike Bugout
  6. also agreed!! Hope to see u friday--i havent seen u since Euphoria Lounge!! Drink is on meeee this time... Mike Bugout
  7. yeahhhh dannnnn...you better make it down there one of these fridays!! 'supporters' huh.....thats what they're callin it nowadays?? ewww its only monday ahhhhhhhhhhh.... Mike Bugout ps--I used to make fun of everyone who posted all day on CP from work....now im all about it...nice way to pass the time :arite:
  8. yeahhh Nerooooo I am excited..we'll talk before friday. Mike Bugout
  9. this is outta hand now. You try to do something positive and haters keep tryin to shit on you. Thorin--how long have you been in this biz? and u react like that to this situation? Bro--u know the promoters over there, you used to work with them. If u have a problem w/them, CALL THEM and resolve shit, dont ruin my thread with uneccessary drama. This post is about THE MIDNIGHT ROOM and something POSITIVE we're tryin to do there....I simply mentioned how Dom is opening the main floor b/c he's my friend and i know people who like to hear him so i wanted to let them know he was playing. Im not even gettin involved btw you and dom and exit. Settle that yourselves... ANYWAYS---MIDNIGHT ROOM THIS WEEK, no drama, just beats, good beats and good peeps....Midnight list to get in Mike Bugout
  10. Bob G along with myself and Legend present: The Midnight Room Music by: DJ Jon Stephen !!!!!!! followed by a special tag team set by dj's Mike Bugout & Mark Amatucci (nj's dirtiest) The Midnight Room is located on the 2nd floor of exit next to the coat check....use the midnight list and you'll get a stamp or something to get in the room (since the room doesnt hold too many people) on the main floor Dom Capello followed by-- JOHNNNNY VICIOUS with Afterhours by Anthony NERO-- If there was ever a week to finally come back to exit, I'd have to say this is it so far...Hopefully no weather problems or coat racks come up this week Since there's a bunch of CP DJ's there, it be cool to have a meetup..anyone down? Can't wait till friday!!!!!! Mike Bugout
  11. i definitely think im comin out for this one Mike Bugout
  12. you're still here? PS--Tell your boy that spins the red room to get his own water next time he wants to borrow my water to "drop this pill yo" and while he's at it, to stop letting fucks like you keep runnin in the booth to bump K while you pay off security to allow it to go on. See you friday
  13. exit next friday in the Midnight Room DJ Jon Stephens (from clubplanet here) and then Im tag teaming with Mark Amatucci (abyss, tempts, deko, metro, joeys, vue, discoteque) we'll be in that seperate room so to get in there just use the Midnight List at the door and you'll get a stamp or somethin...come by next week Mike Bugout
  14. i believe its on Main St in New Rochelle, NY try that
  15. and out of nowhere Binoy JAR and the crew RUSH the exit dj booth!!!!!!!!!!! nice seeing you guys last nite. Jason cancelled b/c he had to drive in from LI so instead Dom went on...Next week Vicious and Nero Bugout and Tooch in the Midnight Room.... Mike Bugout
  16. oh and ps-- Bob G gave me 3 exit drink tickets. THEY DO EXIST!!! thanks again Bob Mike Bugout
  17. Last night again wasnt as bad as we first expected--the weather was horrible and we didnt think we would do well at all. Thanks to everyone who came to support the Midnight Room. Unfortunately, exit had turned the midnight room into a coat check room for NYE and didnt convert it back (like with coat racks screwed into the floor) so we had to move to the Red Room for the night. DJ Drag laid down a nice set from 11-1 then I played 1-3 before the usual red room guys came on. The imp't thing is that I got a nice look at the room (game room). I think next week will be off the hook in there. It has its own door and we all agreed that other than the white room, this room has the best ability to become its own party (seperate from the rest of the club). To keep it real tho, b/c i know all you guys think I just say all the positive things on here I wanna send a big KISS MY ASS to the red room staff (security) and a big THANKS FOR REGULATING to Bobby G. First they give me shit about hooking up an effects box to the system, saying Ill blow the system. I tried to explain I know my levels and i wont blow it. He didnt care. System cant handle it. I say, "isnt it kinda sad that we're in NYC's biggest club and one of the room's systems cant handle a puny efx box?" He shrugged. Anyway. This next thing was hysterical tho. I was accompanied by the Lovely Ms. Cody who planned on chillin with me in the booth during my set. Bouncers immediately rush the booth to kick her out. No girls in the booth. Why? Some girl was sexually assualted in that booth so now management sez no girls. I say thats BS (the red room dj says that "Im BS" --nice comeback dick) So cody goes and gets bobby and PooooF! Like that shes in the booth with me. Needless to say some things still need fixing over there, but next week we wont be in that room, we'll be in our OWN room. Denny on the main was awesome from the parts I heard. Ojeda had to cancel b/c of the weather so Denny played for an extra hour then Dom Capello started the afterhours at 5am. Thats when I left to beat the weather... Nice seeing Gary (xtcgspot) and ur boys, ZEEKER, dj dekan and everyone else who came through despite the rough weather. Next week should be the best week yet. Vicious on the main with afterhours by Nero. and in the midnight room DJ Jon Stephen followed by a tag team set from Myself and Mark Amatucci. Use the Midnight list to get stamped to come in the room and join us. Mike Bugout
  18. here by my house its shitty but all the areas i gotta drive thru are fine. I will be there. Mike Bugout
  19. yeah madd early...its at like 7 or 8am...that way we get to miami in time for afternoon festivities... it was like 240 after all taxes and junk they add Mike Bugout
  20. lets meetup around 230ish...i'll be on the wheels at that tine & i can point everyone out to u... Mike Bugout
  21. It just goes to show that when owners make a decision, thats the bottom line. In reality, Roxy's saturday party was doing 10x better than their friday party. Im not even sure how long hip hop will last there. They'll be doing some one-off's soon with PVD and other International guys. Most of the Roxy promoters have moved to exit bringin the same attitude that made Sexy @ the Roxy what it was. I agree that u cant just move a party to another location and continue it without a hitch. It will take time. But soon enough it will almost seem like sexy @ exit, under the guise of Evolution. Many people seem to have the attitude of "i wont step foot in there, even if it changes" which really puzzles me. I had the same attitude. But when u think about it, if all the things that made u stay away are gone and changed for the better, why not check it out? Im not saying all those things are changed already b/c they're not but steps in the right direction are being taken. And as for this whole post, its simply a judgement call. Roxy was getting to the point that exit fell into last year where it was packed for the Int'l guys and less than packed for anything else. So the owners assumed that everytime they want a packed friday nite--they need to shell out 30-50-70,000 bucks for a DJ and they didnt want to do it. RIP Sexy @ Roxy Its Time for the Evolution Mike Bugout
  22. we will definitely need to have a meetup Mike Bugout
  23. thorin play nice Joe...first off...Star and Buc are hysterical...nice sig...I used to hate them but once u realize they hate on everyone, they're funny as hell...They'd have a field day here on CP.. hmmm....a typical set...well I play all types of stuff, from Tribal and House to Vocals to Trance to Hard Trance and even a lil tech. For this room, I plan to vibe off whatever guest DJ's I got in there but also i wanna offer a nice alternative to the main floor. For instance Denny is on the main this week and plays a lot of tribal and house--so i may be rockin some Tiesto-PVD-AVBish type trance...But next week Vicious is on the main so Im rockin a tag-team record for record set with my boy Tooch and we'll prolly be rockin some tribal and tech. Also you can find out more about me on my website www.bugoutandfeva.com and also check my latest top 10 under my DJ Profile on www.metromixradio.com Mike Bugout
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