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Everything posted by misssf

  1. Tequila Joes maybe but I'm not sure what kind of scence you like so..... Your best bet would be the city- lots of good hip-hop places there. :)
  2. Frank- That was some speech, but can we expect any less from you. I got in trouble from "Pigeon Boy" for not knowing who you guys were at the beginning and now I can see why, but those couple nights at the World don't count in my book. Sorry Mark, my bad! You guys are the best bunch of people I've met in a long time, out of the club as well. That's just a small part of it. I told Kermzy I don't know what we would have done w/out you guys this summer. "Can you take Rookie to the bathroom and take her under your wing" I was like he wants me.....ohhhh boyyyyy. Now we all understand how she flew by everyone! The bus obviously was my favorite too, Van head....that poor kid. You guys just say the word and we'll plan another AC trip over the winter! Jen and Rickie's wedding is gonna be a blast! And "I no retart!" definitely wins for quote of the summer! And lets not forget about the Clockers!!! xoxoxo:heart: :heart: :updown:
  3. You know the best always gets saved for last. Kerm- :goofy: so glad you finally enjoyed the closing party this year. :heart: and A+ on the awards- The Grammy's can't hold a candle.
  4. By the way- I except to see all of you out for my b-day Sept.28th. By that time we'll all be well rested and ready for a night out. p.s. Rick- I'm glad the bus turned out as well as it did too- watching you guys on the way home was worth a million bucks. "ARE YOU SURE NO ONE SAID COME TO 7-11????? LOL
  5. I think it's bittersweet. I'm happy it's over for now but I'll want it bac k in a few weeks. And when it's cold and miserable I'll really wish for the beach. I wish we can just take a break and go back. I love the Factory but there's no place like Tempt's!
  6. I just got a tear in my eye Rickey. I think the closing party was unreal, there isn't anything like the Tempt's crowd it's like a CULT! After hours definitely could've been better had I had anything left in me.... LOL about the goons- Eddie and the Sauce crew btw was there name and the strangers LMAO. The bus rides to Atlantic City will be in my memories forever, I'm so proud of the Bump crew's Ladies they really impressed me. Especially the ROOKIE she blew right past me. Summer wouldn't have been the same w/out all you guys. Hopefully we'll make some more memories over the winter. Denny as always you KICKED ASS!!!!!!!!You make summer what is. FRAN AND TWITTY you guys are the best! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the CONDO as much as we did b/c as sad as it is this is the last year for Hamilton Ave.
  7. LOL Kermzy- you're on the ball! I'm sure whoever heard him in Cancun is getting there nights confused.
  8. DUhhhhhhhhhh..........what a stupid comment.
  9. That was really funny!!!!! I do have friends though who stand there like they got hit w/zeppoles....
  10. No one loves the Factory more than I do. But coming on the boards and bashing Denny's music is a sin. He happens to be extremley talented and many many who love Danny, JP and Junior also happen to appreciate Denny's music. The New York New Jersey battle is even more stupid and childish. And there isn't anyone that can walk into Tempt's and not feel the amazing energy in there. So go elsewhere w/that immature behavior. Think before you speak that kind of nonsense dear! :bigfinger :bigfinger :bigfinger :bigfinger :bigfinger
  11. No one loves the Factory more than I do. But coming on the boards and bashing Denny's music is a sin. He happens to be extremley talented and many many who love Danny, JP and Junior also happen to appreciate Denny's music. The New York New Jersey battle is even more stupid and childish. And there isn't anyone that can walk into Tempt's and not feel the amazing energy in there. So go elsewhere w/that immature behavior. Think before you speak that kind of nonsense dear!:bigfinger :bigfinger :bigfinger :bigfinger
  12. that's a really good price. is that 201-732 or what?? Have you used them in the past?
  13. Thanks a lot for your help. Some of us actually will be gambling belive it or not. :)
  14. I thought I'd give it a shot and ask. Does anyone have a friend/family member that has a bus/taxi company? We're getting a bus for AC after Tempt's Saturday for about 20 people and we're tyring to find someone to give us a good price.
  15. Summer of 99 is the best summer for anyone I've ever talked to. This summer hasn't even come close. The only good part was Tempts and our bus trips to AC. I'm also sad to see summer go but I need a break. I agree about the packing for 3 days and driving to Seaside every weekend gets a little hectic but you miss it so much come cold November. And of course there's no place like Tempts- ever anywhere. And BebeKiss- if Kermzy thinks Belmar is dangerous for her health imagine mine. Will the Belmar girls come to Tempt's one last time?
  16. I was starting my new job and being trained but now I'm back. I'm just anxiously waiting for the weekend. We're taking another bus to Studio and Club Tru anyone wanna come??? Sayno,ladyB, Queen??????????? Take your skirts off already and have some fun w/us!!!! :tongue: :tongue:
  17. I'll be there w/bells and whistles. :D :D
  18. I held for 20mi, BUT only after a total of about 4 all week. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. Oh boy- Go back and re-read my post. LOL- You totally have me figured out genius!
  20. p.s. the message from Stan28 should have been from me!
  21. There you go again with great lines of yours, how do you do it??. We all know you think Lady is a cock sucking whore can you think of something a little more creative. You must even be sick of hearing yourself at this point........ It's just silly !!!!
  22. Kermzy- Sounds like you know the place well!! Studio is a lot of fun especially w/a big group of people. And Club Tru is supposed to be really nice. But I warn you, it's weird in there........... :D
  23. I wouldn't usually involve myself in something as silly as this. But reading your posts really makes me laugh. Cannot you think of anything else to say except that she's a whore and she sucks cock. That just shows the level of your intelligence and witt. I do feel very very sorry for you, for you must be a very scorned, lonely loser. Go post your bullshit elsewhere RETART!!!! :blown:
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