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Everything posted by bumpdaddy

  1. a hole in your septum isnt going to kill you... the plug might actually bother you more than the hole depending on how big the hole is.. the plug also needs to be checked/replaced every so often. the solution is not to make the hole any worse than it already is and live with it..Most insurance carriers don't cover it anyway.. it's considered cosmetic, unless you're having breathing problems or your septum is in danger of totally collapsing
  2. i think theres definately saliva on the stick.... the salt forces it out
  3. swab test are pretty much impossible to beat. the good news is that most substances are only detctable in saliva for about 3 days... they only way to beat it is to somehow line the area beween your cheeks and gums with some type of plastic wrap... they make you place the pad between your cheek and gum for about 2 minutes... it's coated with salts that basicly force your mouth to excrete saliva so drinking water our using tons of mouthwash wont help... There is a product that's called spit n clean that basicly coats the entire inside of your mouth and blocks the saliva from getting through but I dont know if it actually works... coating the entire inside of your mouth with vaseline immediately before the test is said to work to... none of these options sound too appealing tho
  4. hey... if it works for you .. so be it... its really not supposed to get you stoned tho...
  5. dont mid me.. I'm bored, cranky and out of xanax
  6. None at all????? ....... with all that lobster around????
  7. you must have been smoking weed .... marinol has absolutely no THC whatsoever ... its dronabinol ... basicly synthetic THC with none of the "fun" effects... at best you'll get drowsy
  8. spare me the animal rights bullshit.... do you really think dogs are meant to be on a leash and have their balls cut off because someone thinks they're cute??
  9. you dont actually get a buzz from marinol
  10. Theres a place in the city called the "pain management center" that does accupuncture with botox (yes botox-its a muscle relaxer)... Dr. Alan Leff ... the man is a genius.. I was sufferring from bad muscle spasms after a jet ski accident and he whipped me right back into shape with just 3 sessions... Very down to earth .. nice older guy.. no nonsense and not afraid to prescribe pain killers and muscle relaxers if it's necessary. I swear by him.....
  11. hotties are everywhere... just gotta get out and find em
  12. Happy healthy and prosperous New Year to everyone..
  13. So I decided to be a good son and take my parents out to dinner tonight. I've been to this particular restaurant pretty regularly over the past 8 years. We get seated... waiter takes moms fur coat and forks over a coat check ticket... Its 1AM and dinner is over (After 5 hours of horrible service). Give the waiter the coat check ticket ... after about 20 minutes... still no coat... I ask the bus boy to call the waiter... "they're still looking for your coat" ... 2 hours later everyone is gone and so is the coat... Cops come and take a statement...$3,500 coat gone.... What the fuck kind of lowlife steals a coat on New Years Eve?? Bottom line: as much as I love the veal chops I'll never step foot in Il Cortile again.. A little known fact that some of you might want to know... New York law limits a proprietors liability for checked coats to $200 if the have an attendant and issue tickets. You might wanna think twice before checking your coat next time you're out.
  14. Crooklyn... and really... who cares???
  15. You should always be straight with doctors.. medical records are confidential. They also need to know so that they dont send you into a heart attack or respiratory arrest...The down side is they'll give you a hard time about prescribing narcotics for post surgery pain...
  16. Ho Ho Hoes, and all that shit.... Merry Christmass to everyone.... May your christmass be filled with cheer, lotsa gifts, and a hefty bonus.... I love Holidays
  17. Don't sweat it too much.... everyone fucks up before they wise up. Anxiety wont help and guiilt will only lead to depression. Assuming you're in your 20's I'd predict you'll be doing many more stupid things before you pull over into the slow lane. It may seem like the end of the world now but you'll probably be laughing about this when you're in your 30's.
  18. some people are dissapointed when they try it for the first time. They're expecting a speedy roll and thats not what you get.
  19. they're apples and oranges... vicodin gives you a "numb feeling" whereas xanax makes you sleepy. Xanax is generally used to "come down" ... My only gripe with vics and most opiates is the itchy face sensation and as mentioned before "serious constipation".
  20. depends on the quality... but decent hydro... about a 1/2 Oz a week... more if I have some people over... less if it's killer
  21. its all sal's fault... the dumb fuck couldn't even say the word pizzeria correctly...
  22. got a bootleg copy... just saw it... pretty good
  23. I get hash in italy for 10 euros a gram... top quality morrocan gold for 40 euros you should be getting an eighth.... 3.5 grams... big price difference... actually i remember paying about 10 bucks a gram for hash here when i was in HS ... but that was a looooong time ago
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