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Everything posted by bobross

  1. then everyone would start having sex with their clothes on....
  2. bulushi..... oh i mean, farley jack blzack doesnt crack me up that much..
  3. so wait, where did the term 420 come from anyway?
  4. bobross


    mariah careys "Glitter"
  5. yo marko, can i borrow your rollerblades?
  6. bobross

    why is that...

    i knew it.. from the way u decribed her and the sittuation, i was like "waait a minute, this whole thing sounds too familiar...." but trust me, this girls a hopeless case... i too have tried, but it jus doesnt work... if u knew about her past relationships, u probably wouldnt even bother. shes the type that has to realize it on her own... sooner or later she'll become fed up with being treated like shit.. even though shes smart, she got a whole lot of growing up to do. remember man, shes a youngin "wuu wuuuu!" oh and TASTEY... i dont think this whole being an asshole thing can work on all women. remember, it could always backfire... she could really be hurt by you, and end up going with another guy for comfort... and plus i dont think it works too well with long term relationships...
  7. bobross

    why is that...

    DG..... this girl sounds verrry familiar... is it who i think it is??? "the holla back youngin"?
  8. ive never had sex high... how is that? morning sex is def my fav.. especially being woken up by sex
  9. bobross


    she has no friends... and consumed too much sugar
  10. if u feel strongly enough for this person, and u cant go without seeing them, youre ready
  11. alllright spragga, u talked me into it...
  12. did you pay attention to 'jimmy' at all?? 'blew him' a kiss, or gave him a 'hand shake'?? jimmy needs love....
  13. If you think it isnt working out with you gf right now, at least break it off for a little while first.... maybe ask for space? i mean, if you think this other girl is worth it. jus trust your gut... and remember, its better to realize that u love your gf and those other girls meant nothing.... than to be with your gf, and always wonder "what if.."
  14. bobross

    hand job

    give him a foot job
  15. <<---- loll, definitely better than any star wars movie i've seen...
  16. you should keep checkin out the asian guys... im sure you'll find a couple more attractive
  17. hey, no prob ...its funny, i think i saw the show a couple months ago, and it still has the ghetto intro from the 80s with that deep voiced guy talkin.. but I remember I was really into "the box" (or juke box). remember that? you get to call in and dial the # of the video... Yo Jay, what da hells hot trax? i dun rem. but yo, i have a tape of Sat morn. cartoons from '86, with commercials and everything... and I got an episode of Kid Video in there! if you wanna peep it, let me know. it even has those "one to grow on" promos... where some celeb tells u not to do drugs or whatever..
  18. well since most guys think its fact... this shouldnt stop u from feelin ur nuts for tumors or sumthin but i guess i could use the "cmon baby, i got blue balls" line
  19. this is kinda funny but..... Gray's Papaya Hot Dogs! it was only like a year or two ago that i noticed, i broke out in hives! it happened like twice.... and before then, i was eatin em like crazy. maybe it was a new ingredient? could also be the orange drink, i dunno i think im gonna give it another shot though.. those hotdogs are too gooD
  20. and these names have been the most popular siince... what, 1795?
  21. better hope you dont fall down a flight of stairs and become paralized in the process! think about it... everyone around u would be frozen, and cant help you.. I'm gonna take kingartur's, and say travel through time. but to also be invisible, cause i wouldnt wanna mess anything up.... so i guess that would be 2 powers... oh well. theres jus so many eras, and events in history thatd id wanna visit..
  22. seems like theres a lotta guys with 'asian girl' fetishes... but is there ever any girls with 'asian guy' fetishes?? ...........um, actually, no one answer that. just a thought.....
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