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Everything posted by bobross

  1. anythony... for one thing, u cant just take one persons point of view and think thats how everything went. when someone has a problem, or sumthins bothering them, they call up their friends and complain about it.... jus like im doin now with this thread. but when someone does sumthin nice and your in a good mood, are u gonna call up ur friends and complain about being happy?? no. So u only end up hearin the bad stuff.... If you ask Masa and Todd, you'll hear both sides... they know the deal bro. I'll tell you right now.... me and my gf have had our share of fuck ups, but u def cant be callin me a bad BF, because thats not true. and change ur quote cuz it dont say that no more
  2. thanx for the advice.. this whole things a little hard to explain in few words, and im sure no one wants to read a book.. but that Biz Marke song does explain it all but Tony, how can you say i havent been treating her right??? i mean, its not like i would be tellin you about how much i care for her, and all that sweet stuff. like whenever we hangout, all we do is talk about other girls.. but that doesnt mean u love your gf any less.. but on the other hand you are right...i did say that whole thing... meaning, say we were goin to spend the rest of our lives together, itd be a lot better if we'd see other people now, than cheat later. you know, like get our rocks off now while we're still young or watever.. orr to know that we didnt miss anything, to be totally sure that we're the ones for eachother. but to be honest, i probably wouldnt go for that... the thought of her with some other guy kills me. like aboyfrombk said, theres always a possibility she'll cheat. but see, I never said "i dont have feelings for anyone else" and made it out to seem like cheating would be the last thing id ever do. but She did... thats why it'd be extra shocking to find out if she did cheat... Anyway, I only really started this thread to get ideas for what i can do for her B-Day. so someone reply and hit me off, cause im cluuueless! (heheh, as for the cousin thing, i dont even know if hes her full cousin. They only met once before like 4 yrs ago, and theyre both the same age now living in a 1 bed appt... dont u think thats a lil weird?? ever watch the movie 'cousins' with Ted Danson?? lol)
  3. alright, so me and my girlfriend havent been getting along too well lately... shes been real busy with her job and school, shes been hangin out with her friends and such... And she's also been hangin out wit this guy from her job, who i met once, and didnt like at all, some elf lookin fool.. ends up, i found out hes been over her appt... so it sounds a bit fishy, i dunno whats goin on wit that. another thing, Her cousin that jus came from Ireland is staying at her appt till june. and hes some blond haired guy who thinks hes all that.. jus got a job at a bar, whatever... see, and this is keeping us from our 'alone time', and our privacy..(if ya know what i mean) whatever.. she could be doing hiM behind my back! who knoWs... but shes really not the type that cheats.. or at least seems that way.. K.. so any advice?? Her Birthday is coming up pretty soon, and i have nooo clue what to do. I want it to be somethin cool, and surprising, ya know? So i can win her back!! .......ya, so whats a good idea for her B-Day?? <<<girls, help me out
  4. i didnt say nothin this time! yo u guys look like the gi joe toyline that never was
  5. i wanted to be charlie brown for halloween once... damn look what i miss... didnt actually think u guys would go through with the face paint lol
  6. bobross

    ~coyote ugly~

    Hogs N' Heffer's... is that like the real coyote ugly?
  7. bobross

    Designer Dicks...

    lol... at least Egypt and Great Britain use protection
  8. yea.. that version definitely looks better! in the one i saw, he was acting fruity the whole time, and realized he was gay at the end... (u guys know what im talkin bout)
  9. bobross

    Love Songs...

    Let's get it on, im pretty sure is from Marvin Gaye as well.. but i like Al Green - Let's Stay Together and um... Bel Biv Devo - Do me
  10. i'll make this a quadruple bump... excluding the oral action.. woO!
  11. bobross

    What age...

    i'd say girls, 18 - 25 guys 25 -early 30's i think thats the age they would look the most appealing but if that were true it would kinda suck, cuz they say women reach their sexual peak at age 30, and men reach it at 18... thats like the opposite of their hot looking age..
  12. bobross

    Free Pics...

    i took that personally...
  13. nicely put....... did i mention i have a 10 inch cock?
  14. they say dreams are always ones desires or fears which in this case... both?
  15. doesnt sound too weird to me... i think of my g/f with another girl too
  16. If anyone has ever gotten a root canal done, they know what im talkin bout... They aint even done with mine yet. i gotta go back like 3 more times.. for more pain.. but before they did that, i was getting a cleaning done by a verrry cute student dentist chic... in a classroom full of students workin on patients, while real dentists go around checkin their shit. its kinda weird... but damn there're some hotties in that place!
  17. who Pee-air? ya i did that wall with Hefner, hes my boy. I bet you;ve probably worked with him at one point.. yeaa, i know whatchu mean... its hard to keep in touch with everyone u used to know... louis changes his freagin # like every month..u should see my phone book, i got like 20 different #s all crossed out under his name... but u still chill wit finessones over here right? hows he doinn
  18. "Club Fruit Cake" would be a better one for u
  19. yo mug, what night is keoki gonna be on? i dont think i saw him on the schedule ( maybe im blind). looks cool, ill prolly go sat night since ill be around there... maybe friday too..
  20. Mr. Dillon... its from the same maker of Basketball Diaries, which was a good movie though. but c'mon, how can u take a movie with the 'jackass guy' seriously?? another thing... are the duces a white boy gang, or were there just no other races back in the 60's??
  21. SHE-RA actually, i'd be Mr.Fantastic... you knoW every girl wants to sleep with that guy!
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