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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. I think it starts at around 3 pm EST today http://www.mayday.de for live broadcast The lineup includes: PVD, Carl Cox, Mauro Picotto, Timo Maas, Lexy & K-Paul, Miss Kittin & The Hacker, Westbam, Chicks on Speed, and many others
  2. The guy who runs the site is going to be making an appearance in NYC, at the Cutting Room, on May 14 to promote his book http://www.fuckedcompany.com/tour/
  3. Once again? I think it will be his NYC debut
  4. maybe that poster is referring to Fifth Element, which featured Rabbit in the Moon?
  5. I wanted to go see WOW, but: 1. I was a bit tired from Boo, and more so from a day that started at 7:30 am for me 2. I have to go into work a little over 12 hours from now (i.e. Monday 4 am) for a company-wide software deployment and I wanted to make sure I rested up enough for it. I got my full 8 hours of sleep for the first time in a while, but damn, I'm still tired - does that happen to anyone else? There were also a some things on Sunday I wanted to get done before hitting the sack early.
  6. There were lots of cops and EMT's around just in case. I heard an emergency siren go off a few times, for the golf cart that (I think) the EMT's used. Was anyone there on the main stage while Mistress Barbara was spinning, and a whole bunch of cops, EMT's, and kids suddenly stormed through the crowd, towards the softball field (or somewhere around there)? I saw someone in the cart shove some people in the crowd aside. But anyways... Does anyone know what that was about, and what ended up happening? Not much to complain about here, except that Donald Glaude played some old stuff. Also, the house tent appeared to be late in getting set up, and there were some rips, so water came through in a few spots. Did Roger Sanchez cancel at the last minute?
  7. Hmm... no reviews yet? I guess I'll be the first to give one, although it will have to be quick. Overall, I thought it was pretty good. Too bad the friend I was with wanted to move around so I didn't get to hear much of any one DJ. The glow-sticking action in the Moonshine tent during Christopher Lawrence's set was great! The weather could've been better, but it wasn't as bad as many of us had feared. Rain was on and off. Too bad it starting coming down just as the 4 pm meetup was happening. The temp also got a little chilly near the end. It would have been better if some of the tents were bigger. Some more places to sit down (other than the ground) would have been nice, but I don't know how feasible having that would be. The wait in line for food sucked. So did the wait in line for the porta-john, in each of the four sets (of 6-8 porta-johns). You could call the event "Stuck in line" Thanks DaVe for the CP t-shirt. It looks really nice!
  8. I think they ended so early because they had to go to DC for the next day's gig. It's not just the DJ's, there's a whole crew involved, including the people who carry around, set up, and break down all the equipment. If I read the post on Naughtybooth correctly, I believe they had to start setup at the place in DC at around noon. What was used at the World was only a third of all the stuff that they usually use!
  9. 5:30 closing does suck, but hey, it's better than S&D not playing anywhere in NYC at all And I guess Twilo has spoiled us... how many other places in the US will they play even that late? Also, according to http://pub82.ezboard.com/fbalancepromotegroup58802frm0.showMessage?topicID=1.topic they've got a gig in DC tonight (Sunday), so they probably need to rest up for that
  10. It was a fantastic night, at least for this first time S&D attendee I think the best thing about it was how quickly the line moved, at least early on I got there at 10:45 pm and the line was 2/3 the way down 43 St, but I was in the door in what felt like less than 10 minutes. It was good that they did the wristbands for booze while people waited in line, but maybe that's only possible when it's "all ages" and pretty much anyone can get in. The only places that seemed packed like sardines was the area near the floor and the hallway for the coat check. In the other parts of the club, there was room to move around. Too bad it couldn't go longer. They started at 12:30 am (after Jimmy Van M opened) and stopped at 5:30 am, at which time the floor was still packed
  11. Who's going? http://www.exit2nightclub.com/specialevent.asp?id=45
  12. Yeah try to catch that if you can A week full of parties in the clubs, parties in the streets, and madness at the Parade itself It's like a holiday in Berlin You can find some details at http://www.loveparade.de If you wanna go, you better book a hotel room ASAP! The site seems to have info about club events throughout the year - check the "Party" link In August or September, there's the Dance Valley event in the Netherlands, either in or near Amsterdam I believe there's an attendance of 40000+ people http://www.dancevalley.nl/ Also check this site http://www.id-t.com I'm sure there are many good clubs in the Netherlands, but I only know about Kremlin ( http://www.kremlin.nl ) and Eau ( http://www.eau.nl ) For info on festivals in the UK - http://www.efestivals.co.uk If you can catch Homelands or the Gatecrasher Summer Sound System, that would probably be the best, but if you can't, there should be many other quality events that you might be able to attend
  13. Should be pretty easy for the trainspotters... Let's see what I recognized and remembered... I'll try to do it in order, though it won't necessarily be so Trancesetters - The Saga Joker Jam - Innocence PVD - not sure of the title, I think it was Columbia Ralphie B - Massive System F - Exhale Gouryella - Tenshi Tiesto - Lethal Industry System F - Out of the Blue Oceanlab - Clear Blue Water Ransom - My Dance 4 Strings - Into the Night (not sure if this really was played) Rank 1 - Awakenings Einsatz Funk - Punk Verracocha - Carte Blanche System F - Dance Valley Theme Encore: sounded like his remix of Punk I thought maybe Corsten read that thread about songs we wanted to hear, but... I don't think Adagio for Strings was played, and neither was In The Beginning
  14. Some DJ purists probably wouldn't have liked Ferry Corsten's spinning at Exit - his dropping of one anthem after another, all the stops and starts, the volume control was a little off on some of the mixes... but Ferry fans are forgiving of that, and they were out in full force at Exit, making for an awesome night. I had the luck of going to the bathroom right as Corsten entered the club. I chanted "Ferry! Ferry!" and he shook my hand. Corsten went on at 1:30 am, spun until 5:40 am. Tracklisting will be in another thread The light show was excellent The floor was packed but outside of that, there was space to move around, so it wasn't like sardines like at PVD @ SF. Maybe they should give PVD a try, with the main floor music going to all the other rooms. It's probably still gonna be mad packed, but it will be more bearable. At the meetup, I saw DaVe and Az-tec, and met teklord310, infamous, and dzadza I was surprised not to see other CP-ers that I had met before. Some not-so-good things: 1. If I'm not mistaken, there was an advertised no-wait-in-line for advanced ticket holders... but I still had to wait in line. Luckily it wasn't too long. Also, the guy at the door who takes tickets after you pay didn't recognize my CP receipt. Luckily a cashier was able to help out with that. 2. The frisking is back! It wasn't like that the last two times I went (Tiesto in December [or was it November?], Phenomenon two weeks ago). WTF?
  15. Why were you expecting a bad show?
  16. I don't know that much about cars, so I'm not a good judge of these kinds of events. Maybe I need to be educated about this kind of thing, but I thought the crowd seemed very ghetto. It was like a ghetto convention of all races. Lines were wrapping around the block, but I guess that's because the blocks in Flushing are smaller, so it wasn't quite the magnitude of PVD at SF. I bought an advanced ticket, but was held up for 10 minutes by this guy who forgot to bring his payment confirmation. There were enough cars to fill up two parking lots, and few more in the building where the model expo was going on. Seemed like cool stuff all around. There was also a DJ battle that seemed to be in a single elimination format, but the ones I saw and heard in the brief time I was in that area didn't excite me that much. There were a good number of DJ's in the various areas, but was there no one who spun trance? I guess I found some musical refuge in the Flushing Mall atrium, until the CD that was playing finished and then repeated
  17. They're probably busy touring all around the world that they don't have time to check out venues How do they know what kind of crowd usually goes to a certain place? If there's anyone to blame, blame their manager
  18. Could you be the next Brooke Burke? http://www.eonline.com/On/Wild/HostSearch/index.html?fdfour1 info about open casting calls... NYC on May 14-15 http://www.eonline.com/On/Wild/HostSearch/Locations/
  19. i think wherever he spins, it's gonna be mad packed, even if it were Giants Stadium how about doing it in central park? seems like plenty of space there. maybe the next time he's here we should post a bunch of "PVD sucks" threads, so that only those in the know would go, and there would be more comfortable numbers
  20. Are these for real? http://www.clubzen.com/cgi/eventcal/display.cgi?action=detail&EventNumber=11283 http://www.clubzen.com/cgi/eventcal/display.cgi?action=detail&EventNumber=11269 If so, then DaVe, why the higher price to get it here?
  21. maybe he means the one in Long Island
  22. What will the price at the door be for S&D? I bought an advanced ticket, and after convenience charge + tax, it came out to almost $50 I hope it will mean a shorter wait in line.
  23. Does anyone know when time Corsten will come on, and how long he will spin for?
  24. What will the price at the door be? For advance purchase, add up "shipping" and tax, and it comes out to $35.43 Oh well at least there will be no (or less) wait in line for me Wait in line, save a couple cents
  25. Yup There's a review on http://www.eurodancehits.com
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