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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. Well, this friend never posted on a board, and I haven't put her info on any boards. Unfortunately, she's not as much of a clubber as we are, so she doesn't tolerate the mail as much as most of us might, especially since it's going to her work address.
  2. This is weird... maybe someone could explain ? I forwarded a club event announcement email (not from CP) to a friend, and she later told me that she's getting a whole bunch of club-related email, even though I didn't give her email address to anyone. For example, I don't use nycguestlists (nothing against them) and don't remember seeing too many emails from them, and the one I forwarded was not from them, but she got at least one email from them. Has this also happened to anyone here? Does anyone know what's behind it?
  3. How so? His crew probably just want to give him the exposure in major US cities, so why not send sets to the big "dance music station" in the NYC market? They probably don't know or care what KTU's programming is really like most of the time, just as long as people are listening and liking his stuff.
  4. For those who missed his latest set (I believe the second one that has been played on KTU) when it aired, here's your chance to hear it. Sorry about the static in the beginning - reception at my place is weird sometimes, especially when I'm in the room. The second hour didn't sound like Tiesto though - let me know what you think. Download (99 MB) Stream
  5. Isn't Exit 21+ on Saturdays? It's also a mostly gay crowd, at least starting at 5-6 am on Sunday (afterhours on Saturday night)
  6. Yeah, Centro is what I recommended but... it appears that they can't stay too late (boring!) Is there any kind of place that is usually in full swing by midnight on a Saturday?
  7. Someone asked me about where to take her sister for a going-away party. I asked some questions, and her responses are shown below. What seems like their kind of place? > What night of the week? Saturday > What kind of music do you want? Mixed, not just one type! > What kind of atmosphere do you want? Lively, but not eroticish... > What kind of crowd do you want? Young, fun...er... > Small, medium, or large place? Doesn't matter. Maybe medium is good. > What's the budget? $20/person? > How do you feel about seeing muscular guys dancing > shirtless? YUCK! NO!!! >
  8. The first hour was good, but I wasn't sure if the second hour was his spinning. When I have the chance, I'll make a file of it, and allow you to decide. Mike Bugout's phone call during that show made it on the air
  9. Did anyone hear this one? The one with "The Sound of Goodbye" as the second track? You could hear cheering in it. The guy has been supplying stuff to KTU, and KTU has been playing it. I'm delighted.
  10. Pete's wife is Bridgette WILSON , not Bridget Nielsen I hope the baby-on-the-way doesn't get in the way of that hot sex
  11. Very sweet for Pete! Certainly an exciting match He was surely helped by Agassi taking out Hewitt, and probably getting tired in the process. It did look like Agassi was going to come back, but Pete was able to turn things around quickly. He did mention playing another year, but that was before this match. Now he has a chance to retire on a high note.
  12. Has anyone been to Shelter on a Saturday? How is it? That seems like a possibility. I do want to check it out one of these days. They'll be open til noon.
  13. Available this month only! http://www.eurodancehits.com/video/videomonth.html
  14. Nah, I was having a great time the whole time just enjoying the tunes. I didn't know til afterwards what kind of party it was. The person who was with me didn't enjoy it so much, and she pointed out to me afterwards about it being "so gay"
  15. KTU played the same set by Tiesto twice, 3 weeks apart The first 8 or so songs are the same as what is on In Search of Sunrise 3 (live in Panama) Did you hear: Into the Fire (intro) followed by Hear You Now, followed by Faith ? And later Solarcoaster, In My Memory, Southern Sun ? Then make that 3 times they've played it
  16. Just got a silly curious question here... In Ibiza, between Saturday night and Monday afternoon, you can do 40 straight hours of non-stop clubbing. Here's one way: Saturday (Sunday am) - go the distance at the party of your choice, the most popular seemed to be DefMix at Pacha; midnight til 8 am Sunday (til Monday am) - go the distance at Space; Sunday 8 am til Monday 6 am Monday - go the distance at Circo Loco at DC-10; 6 am til 4 pm Actually you could do this much dancing every day, but it would be more expensive, and Bora Bora doesn't really qualify as a club to me. Has anyone here been crazy or cracked out enough to have done such a thing (or come close)?
  17. Let's see if I can make this quick First, fuck the foam party. That shit is so nasty when it gets in your eyes and mouth. If you go, bring goggles and some kind of mouth cover. Furthermore, I gotta send a big FUCK YOU to the fucker at that party who took my drivers license, ATM card, credit card, hotel key card, and over 100 euros. Someone (probably the same said person) also charged over $1000 on my cards - merry christmas, bastard(s). With that out of the way, here's what went down for me: Saturday: Arrived in Ibiza. Went to Es Paradis planning to go to the water party, but then found they were the only club with a dress code (no sport shorts, no swimsuits, even on this night - WTF???). Since I didn't have long pants, I went to DefMix @ Pacha, where David Morales was having his birthday party. That's where I first learned about the 8 Euro water served in clubs. Two different people asked me if I was Satoshi Tomie. Sunday/Monday: Stayed up for 24 hours. Did 18 hours of clubbing, though with some breaks for food and transit, as well as the unplanned time dealing with the foam party shit. Started at Space - saw Morales, Pete Tong, Steve Lawler on the Terrace; Sonique and resident Oscar Colorado in the Discoteca. Got a massage there. Then went to Privilege for Tunnel Trance Force (music might be cheesy to most, but I loved it) , followed by the foam party at Amnesia 3 hrs after leaving there, I went to DC-10 for Circo Loco, and stayed til 3 pm. Monday night: stopped by Amnesia hoping my stuff was found, but no luck. Went to Manumission @ Privilege afterwards - that's more of a visual show than a musical one. Damn, seemed like everyone and their mother was there Tuesday: Godskitchen @ Eden - I'll say that this was my best night Armin van Buuren was awesome. I wasn't feeling Picotto too much, but his stuff was good. Then Marco V did a closing set that tore the house down. Both AVB and Marco V played what sounded like a new remix of For An ANgel. Wednesday: Went to Bora Bora and found out the best part - that it's free. Went there for a little bit on the following 2 nights as well. No clubbing on this night - gotta budget for the remainder of the week Thursday: Saw the sunset, mostly from the area between Cafe del Mar and Cafe Mambo. Later that night, Cream @ Amnesia - Tiesto no-show! Apparently he was ill. Too bad I didn't know til after the end of the night. Rui da Silva came in his place and did a great set. Then PVD came on and played for almost 5 hours. A good set that kept the crowd going, but I thought he played too many oldies like Another Way, For An Angel (original), Sunrise, Eternity, Skydive. He did play cool remixes of Wavy Gravy and Saltwater (by Chicane), at least that I hadn't heard before. Friday: I wanted to go to Xtravaganza @ Privilege, but I didn't have enough cash. Instead, I thought I was lucky to get a comp for La Comunidad at Space, and so I went there. I thought the music, mixing, and vibe were great. But then someone told me afterwards that it was a gay party. Saturday: Adios, Ibiza If you've been to Ibiza, was anything here similar to any experiences you had? Maybe more to be added later.
  18. Just got back from Ibiza... guess I've got the obligatory report to give... but first, this is something that I had been thinking about... what are things that all who go to Ibiza should experience, regardless of musical interests? Those who've been there please help out. Feel free to confirm, dissent, or add... Here's what I've got: 1. Sunday on the Space Terrace 2. Sunset at San Antonio 3. Bora Bora (especially as an after-after-party) 4. The foam party at Amnesia - despite some not-so-pleasant comments I will make in another post, I guess it should be done once. Lotsa clubs do foam parties, but I believe this is the original. 5. Manumission @ Privilege - do once, just to see the "world's biggest club" filled to capacity 6. Daytime clubbing, either at Space or DC-10 7. Clubbing at an event where you don't know the names of any of the DJ's - I'm sure you will afterwards 8. The nude beach at Ses Salines btw,the DanceFM (91.7) radio station there rocks! supposedly you could also listen at http://www.dancefm.org but the site was down when I tried it
  19. Did anyone catch it last Sat nite? It appears that KTU did a little encore presentation of the first time, but with fewer commercial breaks So perhaps good for the people who missed it the first time Can anyone confirm or deny whether it was taken from the same set (live in Panama I believe) that was used for In Search of Sunrise 3?
  20. Jody of Way Out West started a little after 2 am, so ReginaP missed out on that I thought the set started slow, but pretty good stuff throughout Did anyone hear what sounded like a really bad trainwreck? It sounded like he forgot to turn down the fader for a channel he was previewing. The main floor was almost empty a little before 5 am, when I went to take a look at the Pinky, and my gosh it was packed there!
  21. You can help us out - Just find a place that will hold the number of people expected to show up (I've heard 60 at one event, though maybe not all at once). If you can reserve a space, then that would be even better. I'm sure that if you talk to the manager or call them, they'll help you out. Probably not America though, after what happened last time Which is too bad because that was a nice place (edited after seeing CCD's post) The subject of meetups has got me thinking... Maybe something memorial should be done for Blueangel, who was able to organize meetups like no other. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't she the pioneer of the things ?
  22. Well there's the MC who's on the stage and speaking in English with that accent And then there's the radio announcer who is speaking in Dutch He could very well be in the studio receiving the feed
  23. Live sets at Mysteryland, in Amsterdam, on Aug 17 These are a bit short Johan Gielen Download (38 MB) Stream Mauro Picotto - closing things out! Download (25 MB) Stream That MC gives me a good chuckle
  24. They had Sasha on a Wednesday, so they could do the same for these guys
  25. Good dj's no doubt, but interesting choice of date Well, form your own opinion about it, to help me form mine Oh, looks like a mistake was made either in the email that Made sent out or on the Arc web site (which says Sept 14, which is that Saturday) Which is correct?
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