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Everything posted by djoscarg

  1. djoscarg

    Lola Tonight

    Aeroplano, Space is not for everyone.....and huge clubs are never going to have a perfect crowd because there are just too many people....and I think Lola is doing some really cool things and I like going there......but anyway..... I dont understand why you are attacking me on this thread.... I was talking to Mr. PMS....who has come on this board and insulted me repeatedly with no regard for decency or respect.... (even saying he wanted to throw ice at me in the booth) whatever, (I don't know why I keep getting myself into this BS on this board) see you at Space
  2. djoscarg

    Lola Tonight

    WOW! I can't wait!!! I'll be there....I just got in from Guatemala can't wait to learn from the master.....better be good though, I don't want to have to throw ice at somebody... hint: talk is cheap
  3. Andrew, There is no other mixes of the track. You are proud of the fact that you leaked my track? You are proud of the fact that you are letting the hard work put forth by myself and countless others go to waste? You are proud of the fact that you are stealing from myself and my family and my livelyhood? you are a class act!!! who cares what songs you get before me or who you know??? Does it really make a difference if you have the newest tracks when you are playing at your cousin's bah-mitzvah??? good luck bud, and don't worry....I will never reply to one of your posts again... dissapointed, O.G.
  4. Hey Mikey... we can argue all day about music and clubs because in the end it's all just entertainment and not really that important... but this is some seriously offensive and racist bullshit you are spewing now....I never would have made you out to be a biggot....being Cuban myself, I take great offense to your slanderous comments and hope that this doesn't reflect genuine sentiments but is just a temporary lapse in judgement in the heat of an argument..... I don't know what your cultural background is, or how you feel about it, but I am extremely proud of mine...One thing I'm sure of is that ,unless you are a native American, your own ancestry arrived here in a boat... I can tell you a story or two about people who arrived here, couldn't speak english, didn't have papers, were reffered to as aliens and went on to do OK! Roberto Goizueta= CEO & Senior share holder of Coca-Cola Illeana Ros Lehtinen= U.S. CONGRESS Lincoln Diaz-Balart= U.S. CONGRESS Bob Menendez= U.S. CONGRESS Orlando "el duque" Hernandez= he didn't need to speak english to win a couple of world series' with your Yankees... Bacardi Family= what you get trashed on every weekend Louis Puig= Club Space:) let's not go there! O.G.
  5. As far as Robbie, Robbie has held residencies in this town long before you know-it-alls arrived....and has also just agreed to a monthly residency at Crobar.... Trust me.....I was playing Robbie's tracks at Liquid down here looooong before NY got on it....Robbie did a track for my label waaayyy back....you guys have to do a little more research before you come out swinging like that.... and as far as Danny Tenaglia and Miami.....Danny had his first legitimate residency here in Miami.....and he credits that residency with teaching him how to build a night....as a matter of fact, he couldnt get a gig in NY thats why he came down here in the first place! JUST THE FACTS.... O.G.
  6. Hey Andrew, Can you burn me a copy of the dub? I didnt know there was a dub.....who remixed it? You guys think you are such bad-asses because you go and rip shit off the net....FYI: every dork with a computer is doing the same thing....so what?!?.....doesn't make them better djs does it? still just a bunch of wanna-bes hating on the guys that are really out there doing it..... I'll take a room full of Miami people who are out to have a good time and dance to good music over a bunch of frustrated NY transplant DJ wanna-bes bitching and moaning about how much better NY is and taking notes on every song and going home and ripping them so they can be bad-asses on a message board.....any day!!!!! You know what they say....if you love NY....then 95 NORTH IT!!!! BTW: your precious downloads are destroying the underground dance music scene.....congratulations! why do I fall into this crap... O.G.
  7. Thanks guys! I appreciate all the kind words and support as well as the constructive criticism (except for Andrew....youre just a hater) I ,for one, had a great time on Sunday night...for several reasons...first off, I was celebrating my 7th anniversary with my lovely wife and second we get to hang with my old buddy DT which we never get to do anymore....and last but not least I got to play in my hometown, at Space ,which is my favorite place to be in the whole world.... Now as far as my "opening" set...I don't think 6 1/2 hours is considered an opening set (on South Beach they call that a whole night!)....Danny hit the decks at 4:30....I think alot of you were under the impression that he went on alot earlier because he was hanging in the booth with me and flashing his lights and stuff for about 45 minutes before he went on....when he said "I'm going to slow things down a bit" that was actually the first song he played that night........If I would have stuck to a more laid back and minimal "opening" vibe for that long people would have gotten totally bored and tired by the time DT came on.... I have opened for DT every time he has played at Space (including WMC) as well as tag-teaming with him at Vinyl NYC a couple of times and I think I know how to build up the vibe for him (and he thinks so too:) ) but this was a little different.....DT missed his flight in to Miami and had to take a later one so he didnt arrive till about 1 am.....I found this out in the middle of my set which was originally only supposed to be till 1:30 or 2:00.....from that point on I really had no idea when he would show up so I just tried my best to be entertaining without going overboard or playing the tracks that are huge for me at Space.....once DT finally got there there were some technical issues with his gear so I basically played the last hour of my set with about 10 people in the booth and 2 sound guys under me with flashlights hooking and unhooking things from the Rane mixer....I basically had only the denon cd unit to work with for the last hour because it was basically impossible for me to mix a record with all those guys in the way.......needless to say it was a less than comfortable situation.......I'm not one to make excuses (because God knows you can't win them all) but I also don't like to be judged unfairly....but hey ,the show must go on!!!! ANYWAY, before I break the record for the longest post in CP history, I'll just say thanks for all the support you guys have shown me and like I've said before, nothing means more to me than the LOCAL support!!! THANKS, OSCAR G. MURK! BTW: this Friday two of my best friends will be starting their new residencies....apart from being my pals they are, no doubt, the 2 best djs in their respective genres in this town (and probably the country) EDGAR V. will be back at Space on Fridays (thank God!) and he is going to bring back the energy that room has been lacking on Fridays for a long time.... STRYKE will be starting his new party at RED which will definitely offer an alternative to serious music lovers....and this week he has JIMMY T. which I think is an amazing up & coming talent in this town.... PLEASE support these guys ,as they are among the best we have to offer, I'M GOING TO BOTH!!!!!!! see you there!
  8. "TRUE HOUSE" what a crock of shit! I cant beleive this bullshit elitist attitude has started here in Miami now too......a bunch of 22 year old kids that used to love Sasha & Digweed last week now think they know what true house is because they bought a Miguel Migs CD and went to hear DHM twice.....born-again house-heads....psssssss..... EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!!! If you just take a little time to educate yourselves you will realize that what you think is so new and great has been going on for the past 15 years.....things are always great the first time around, but when you were there, front and center, for the first installment , you move on and try to break new ground (never forgetting where you came from..... BTW: I hope they bring DT down 52 times a year.....DT was down here playing your precious "true house" as a resident at a small dingy gay club "Cheers" well over ten years ago...My partner Ralph and I would bring him our latest "true house" productions so he could play them on a decent system for us and it meant everything to us then (just like it does now) The only problem is back then we didnt have the luxury of categorizing music as "true house music". It was just "HOUSE" to us...and continues to be to this day.....not "tribal, progressive, deep, dark, soulful, hard, TRUE!!!" ....just HOUSE!!! PEACE, OSCAR G. MURK! BTW: I enjoy DHM and respect what they are doing.....
  9. DARK BEAT SUCKS!!! Now....on the other hand....."Fired Up" was a real song with some substance!!!!! you tell em' pulse!!!!
  10. Sorry Joey.....I wont be there that night with Tom....I will be playing at Pacha, Ibiza and Ministry of Sound, London that weekend...... I'm kind of bummed out because I had been pushing for us to book Tom for a while now.....I am trying to get them to have him play all night.....should be great anyway!
  12. Don't know how often you visit us...but 3000 people still think there is some life at Space every Saturday.... I wish you guys luck on your new venture.....but putting your competition down is not going to make it succesful (93.1 style).....not to mention....you are talking about Friday night(Saturday morning) what does that have to do with Space afterhours?
  13. No ,we don't know Mr. Demo....please enlighten us......
  14. Hey guys, Just wanted to post a little reminder that we are celebrating Space's two year anniversary tomorrow night (Saturday 5/18) We've come a long way in two years..and our Saturday night Housessions party has grown up alot ,and is stronger than ever... We're going to be giving away a special 2 year anniversary CD that I mixed which has alot of the unreleased mixes I play and some of your favorites from the last year.. Thanks for all the support and helpful suggestions over the last two years....who would have thought that old warehouse in downtown would actually work?!? PLEASE JOIN US!!!! THANKS, OSCAR G.
  15. I agree 100% digital..... My mistake... I was only thinking about the main room... Actually one of the main reasons for the new patio rennovations was so they could bring guest DJS to the patio as well....That will be great....some guys (like Steve Lawler) can even play two sets....one in the main room then one outside on the patio when the sun comes up.....
  16. There have been some really good points brought up in this discussion....and more importantly....the discusssion has remained respectful and productive. I just wanted to comment on a couple of points that have been made.... As far as guest DJs and how frequently they come around, there are alot of different factors that go into that...For example, the style of music they play, I for one dig listening to Miguel Migs, Rasoul, Ron Trent.... and for that matter.... Tony Humphries, Frankie Knuckles, Louie Vega...but....I also recognize the fact that those guests would not work at Space. Just like Danny Tenaglia, Deep Dish, John Digweed or Paul Van Dyke would'nt work at Rain. I think these venues each serve the music lover in totally different ways, and I think that is great...but we can't compare apples to oranges.... Another thing....the Miami scene is fairly new to the guest DJ game (as far as bringing them on a regular basis) and I think we are taking huge strides even though we arrived kind of late... As far as Space goes....Keep in mind....not that long ago....the main room at Space only played 145 bpm+ trance on both nights....although it probably went unoticed to most....it was an extremely tedious process for me to come in on Saturdays and completely change the format to a house & progressive vibe (that never goes over 132 bpm!) and luckily we have an owner who stuck with the idea (through the tough times when people were just not having it!) and now we have more people coming through on Saturdays than any other club.......but more importantly...this now allows us to have the likes of Deep Dish, Saeed & Palash, Behrouz, John Creamer coming on Saturdays (and thats just in the next month) and there are plenty more in the works! one last thing...... which has become a pet-peeve of mine..... what is this "local" talent vs. "global" talent thing about? what makes talent "global"? is it the fact that they don't live in your home town? Danny Tenaglia is "local" talent in NY, does that mean he is not "global" talent? or does "global" mean you have to fly in from another city? One of the biggest problems that I think hinders our scene is the lack of "local" support and respect....this has always been an issue in the Miami dance music scene....A scene is built from within..residents are the foundation of a club, and dictate the music policy of a club ,therefore, influencing the kind of guest DJs that are booked... And more importantly....we need to start recognizing that we have "global" talent residing right here in Miami...Stryke, George Acosta, Edgar V. ,Ralph Falcon, Robbie Rivera, George Morel, Abel....all of these guys command respect (in their respective markets) well beyond the boundaries of S. Florida....and travel regularly all over the world....as "global" talent.... As for myself....in the next 3 months I will be playing in NY, Dallas, Montreal, Turkey, Switzerland, London & Ibiza....as well as enjoying a #1 single in Billboard....the progressive single of the month in Ministry mag.. #2 single on the Mixer buzz chart...a nomination for best group at the Dance Star USA music awards ....records on Hooj, Junior and Future Groove as well as remixes for Mr. C., Cevin Fisher, Mary J. Blige...etc. but hey......I can always count on coming back home and being just "local" talent.....it's refreshing! like I have said before on this board....I really think we take things for granted in our local scene....it is unfortunate.... it's all good though;)
  17. DJDEKAN, Don't get me wrong.....my view is not a pro-Space view....it is more a pro-Miami view (thats why I mentioned all these other great clubs as well) Being born and raised here in Miami....noone has been more frustrated over the years about the local scene than me, but, with that said, since I have lived here my whole life I am able to recognize the huge advancements we have made.....beleive me! I agree with most of you guys....and I agree 100% that we have alot to learn....but I also think we need to recognize that there is some cool shit happening here right now and we should support it and take full advantage of it....it takes a very small percentage of cool people in a club to create a cool vibe (because the rest of the people just follow their lead) let's be that percentage....and watch our scene develop..... As for Space....who knows....10 years for a club is highly unlikely!!! let's just enjoy it while it lasts:)
  18. Sound Factory is not 13 years old.....maybe if you add the original Sound Factory years it is.....The original Sound Factory (in the old Twilo venue) was a legendary club that made Junior Vasquez a superstar (Frankie Knuckles was a resident there for a while too)....It had a profound influence on the dance world and many of todays DJs and producers....The Sound Factory that is today has little to do with the original one..... but anyway...... I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to play in places like Twilo and Vynil in NY, Release in SF, Nations in DC and Red Lite in Montreal.....and yes these are all amazing clubs with great vibes and these cities have great scenes.....but I also think we have it pretty good down here.... Crobar is a great club with constant talent coming through....Rain is a very cool venue offering a totally different vibe with the nice sounds of DHM.....Liquid has a great resident in Stryke throwing it down every week ....Level has a well respected Trance resident in George Acosta....and @ Space (my favorite;) ) we have something which is unique in this country....a 24 hr. liquor liscense....so every Saturday we go for a 14 hour ride..... I think it is really hard to appreciate your hometown because you will always take it for granted......trust me.....if you go on similar messageboards regarding cities like NY, SF, DC etc. (which some of you hold in such high regard) you will see the same type of complaints and gripes as we have here.....or worst! "you don't know what you've got till' it's gone"
  19. I just wanted to throw a little something into this very good (and productive) discussion that I thought you guys might find interesting...... Last Saturday 3-30-02 I got a call from James (who owns Global Underground) telling me he was still in town and wanted to come out to Space that night.....He arrived around 2am...came up said hello....then proceeded to dance like a madman till a little after 10am when I shut off the music in the blue room... We were hanging for a little bit afterwards when he told me "with my label I get to travel all over the world to the worlds best clubs with the worlds best djs....but I have to tell you....right now.....this is one of the top 5 clubs in the world, if not THE best...is it like this every week?!?" Now keep in mind....this was the Saturday after conference....so the club was'nt as busy as on a regular Saturday.... I don't know....maybe we are spoiled.....it's hard to appreciate a good thing when you have it constantly....there is always room for improvement, but I think we are doing pretty good down here....I mean...when you think about it.....who's got it better in the U.S.???
  20. EDGAR V........YOU SEXY BITCH!! (if you would bleach your hair blond and wear tight t-shirts you would get more gigs) nut-n-but-luv-for-ya-dog!
  21. well I hope this answers the question once and for all.....
  22. for free!!! yeah right! the last 2 WMC parties Danny has controlled and made the door$$$$$ You guys might want to ask what the cover will be on the D.T. board....cause he has always had the door.....
  23. I know and I thought your response was funny as hell.... great response!
  24. HUH? There must be some misunderstanding here....I really don't see what I have posted here that would merrit this type of response... condescending remarks??? trying to sound like I am God's gift to music??? low road out??? I actually agree with alot of the stuff that has been said on here about Space.....where is this coming from? help me understand... BTW:by stating that: if you are looking for real music, Space is not the place to go......you are knocking my music.....but I respect anyone's opinion, that's why I said "real music is a matter of personal taste"
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