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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by buredf

  1. new armin compilation will be out sept 15 armin has done a smart thing by including almost a whole cd of tracks that are not released yet
  2. i wonder if people ever learn from their mistakes this party will not last are they goin to broadcast it live on ktu so we can the same songs they play all day long at night too?
  3. fordhams radio staton apparently transmits quite far. its considered a normal radio station
  4. what is involved in actually making a radio station? is it that hard that no one here has even considered it? alot of people are criticizning the ones we have. I think the CP community is big enough to create a small radio station? i mean my school fordham has one and they play alot of stuff that does not appeal to the masses? any thoughts?
  5. i took a internship class on radio and i do understand that in markets lik NY change is difficult. but what i am sayin is that KTU doesnt try ANYTHING new its been the same KTU since it started the programming hasnt changed, the rotation styles havent changed... WHY are they still the NEW ktu?
  6. i am quite sick of turning on KTU because it seems liek they play more dance music from 10 yrs ago than today i am not sayin to change the programming drastically but yo we are in NY where there are SOOOO many DJ's one or two mix shows a night in post 7 pm time shifts cannot be that radical of a suggestion to try why not try and introduce some of the better european dance music to the masses. people like louie devito are an emabarassment and the people at KTU Support him its terrible. i mean noone who knows anyting about the music will say LOUIE Devito -- respect sorry and what about tryin to support the NY club scene advertise more NY parties instead of all the cheesy parties they advertise. LIR does it with their parties. how many long island events do you hear on LIR -- tons KTU i understand has a multi state audience... but they need to be a more active part in supporting the night life. its just plain terrible what this station and its involvement has added to the scene. come on people
  7. yo mareluna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whats up daniella, maybe we can also finally meet up too have u heard any of me and bo's music? our beats are comin prety good and we already have had major labels tell us the music is quality. we just havent made that first unique track to get the ball rolling yet so we can release the two other ones we did we have a great vocal int he works. just lookin for a singer and writer anyways we talk about that maybe fri where is everyone goin to meet on fri and like what time. i am really bad at picking people out of a crowd -dom
  8. hey nyckitty we should try and setup a meetup i gather most of the people seem to know each other on the board already but i really dont know too many people from cp what do u think
  9. is there goin to be an official meetup i would like to meet some of the people from clubplanet
  10. on top of that i might add that my youngest bro does get the mailings, and i happen to noitce that the genius himself louie devito will be there. and of course the man himself the super DJ and producer any party that falsely advertises to this degree is def not a party to be taken seriously musically. who actually believes that loui devito is a super dj producer? and not just a person who capitalized on a great marketing opportunity sold alot of mix cds
  11. i dont think we should take this guy seriously. apparently if he thinks the music is great at arena, put that he is from jersey/miami and goes to arena. he is not one to be taken seriously.
  12. well compared to some other tracks mentioned in this thread i would say thats semi new
  13. one of the sickest new vocals is Kyau vs albert - velvet morning
  14. what i dont get is if you dont like him why do you need to fill up the message boards with these rdiciolous posts. if you do not like somethign do you need a fuckin metal to go along with it. people wonder why there is all this drama.. theres alot of things i do not like you do not see me posting everytime somethng i dont like comes along. tiesto is what he is and he is good at what he does. its just a part of becoming a superstar dj as people would put it.
  15. go buy it and then u wont have to ask people to post it
  16. get a clue lol JP does not produce. i wonder how naive people can be
  17. I dont post too too often but wmc 2003 me tryin to look extra cool with my immitation oakleys:laugh:
  18. tall paul def played the record 2x in the conference. it might not be charted on his radio show but whatever
  19. got canned in wmc a few times. wanted to offer it to you guys to download. www.mp3.com/milehighmusic2003 opinions?
  20. hey man did u even listen to it that u are saying it cant be done paul van dyk played this at the wmc, as well as tall paul, chris lawrence so im just offering it to people to download
  21. pretty phat remix of funkatron www.mp3.com/milehighmusic2003 free to download
  22. new pretty sick remix i found of funkatron www.mp3.com/milehighmusic2003 free to download no less.
  23. hey rocksteady the artists are also goin home hungry. not just the record exces.. especially in the electronic music industry most of us go on a record to record release basis. no one buying them is goin to bring the whole thing down. strictly rhythm, bonzai/lightning are just two pretty big ones and there were other factors, but the mp3 sharing is not helping.
  24. oh boy u are so big and bad, you can call me names on a messageboard. i feel so hurt.. i made a statement. i did not call anyone names nor try to start any drama.. but as we can see from your 1500+ posts.. you are a CLUB ACE, either that or a person with much time on their hands. try talkin to me about what music really is about and how its made and then we'll see how much you really know, because u can argue and call people all the names you want on a messageboard.. but people like me are out there making music and those are the people who understand it best. and dont even reply because i def will not waste anymore time with stupid posts like this.
  25. i think the bottom line here is that no DJ from NYC will ever make it to that top 5. my opinion is that NY is a big bubble with music i would love to seen anyone name a local DJ that could even make the top 25 people can shit on the tiestos and the pvd, and the avb's all they want but the bottom line is that they are at the top thy are playin to the biggest crowds, they are gettin the most money, radio shows, and their records are gettin played the most. its not just about mixing records
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