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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by klohe

  1. I remember that night!!! Danny stopped the musik and got on the mike with a spotlight on the kid!!!! Was funny
  2. eventually a WOMAN gets tired of that shyt and finds herself a REAL MAN!
  3. All I know about are white CKs that were out in '97-'98...CRAZY!!!! :grin:
  4. klohe


    I was watching a news show and they were talking about yabba, a drug widely used in Thailand...30x more powerful than ecstacy and a hallucinogen...more addictive than crack (20 million ppl)...long term abuse causes severe paranoia (ppl were jumping off of roofs, killing children they had taken hostage while strung out)...$1 a pill!!!!!! Government officials fear it will leak to the US...let's see
  5. klohe


    EXTREMELY DOSE SENSITIVE like I said before
  6. DANNY!!!! What can I say?? No one does it for me like MAMA!!!
  7. klohe


    we got it on the streets of nyc....NEVER AGAIN!!!
  8. :laugh: thanx Jon, I was in a bad mood...but that shyt was hilarious!
  9. I always thought the same....figured it was just me
  10. klohe


    EXTREMELY dose sensitive, do not take more than the 10mg everyone tells you to, trust me
  11. Go Mama for climbing atop the DJ booth and showin us all how it's done!!!
  12. klohe


    recommended dosage???
  13. :laugh: every post creates so much drama on this board!!! RELAX! Every one is entitled to their opinions, if you are offended by what someone says, just shrug it off and think that you are better than they are (which everyone does anyway)
  14. my sister's fiance is a retired pro body builder who juiced, all their friends compete (male and female), my brother is a pt who reched is plateau
  15. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!! :laugh:
  16. Funny Shyt.... :laugh: :laugh: The Hater's Anthem "Sorry but I can't be one -sided" ~Moo What's up NJGUIDO fans? Are you ready for another wild and crazy weekend down at the one and only Jersey Shore? Are you all pumped up? Have you been watching your carbohydrate consumption? Have you been locked up in the gym all week like a caged animal, exhausting yourself so you can look impressive in your favorite Diesel gear? Has visions of KTU Beatstock been going through your head while you try and concentrate at work? Do you not even feel the needle anymore when it pierces your ass-cheek cause the adreneline is flowing so much? Well what the hell are you waiting for? Get down the shore now! Time to show off to those beautiful ladies what you take so much pride in, YOU!!! After all, you didn't spend $30 on that fresh, spiky do, $225 on tinted Gucci sunglasses, $90 on that beautiful Diesel tank top, and $400 on a cycle of winstrol v for nothing, right? Show that you have a lion heart and go party like a rock star. Its weekends like these that last forever, even longer than that cycle you just finished. So get down to Surf Club before an ounce of body fat ruins your entire life, what you have worked so hard to achieve. Who knows, maybe that modeling recruiter for CK may show up and sign you to a contract. And I know you are longing for the sweet sounds of DJ Denny Tsettos after a tough week of work. That radio in your pizza delivery truck is starting to sound old. We all know that Shiny Disco Balls sounds better coming off Denny's turn tables than it does on KTU, Gumba Johnny just doesn't do the song justice. Plus, the ladies love him so he must be good, right? Well NJGUIDOS, the shore awaits as does all the good times. The memories of these crazy weekends will last forever, if the ketamine and dirty X haven't destroyed most of your brain cells. So go out, have good time, and get laid before your testicles shrivel up due to the sauce. Remember, be lion-hearted and pary like a rock star. Don't miss a weekend, don't ever miss a weekend. Don't ever disrespect Temptations. Don't ever disrespect Surf Club. Don't ever disrespect DJ's Happy Hour. Don't ever disrespect DJ Denny Tsettos. Don't ever disrespect the Sopranos. Don't ever disrespect Diesel gear. And don't ever, EVER, disrespect the Moo.
  17. Funniest email I got in a while.... The Hater's Anthem "Sorry but I can't be one -sided" ~Moo What's up NJGUIDO fans? Are you ready for another wild and crazy weekend down at the one and only Jersey Shore? Are you all pumped up? Have you been watching your carbohydrate consumption? Have you been locked up in the gym all week like a caged animal, exhausting yourself so you can look impressive in your favorite Diesel gear? Has visions of KTU Beatstock been going through your head while you try and concentrate at work? Do you not even feel the needle anymore when it pierces your ass-cheek cause the adreneline is flowing so much? Well what the hell are you waiting for? Get down the shore now! Time to show off to those beautiful ladies what you take so much pride in, YOU!!! After all, you didn't spend $30 on that fresh, spiky do, $225 on tinted Gucci sunglasses, $90 on that beautiful Diesel tank top, and $400 on a cycle of winstrol v for nothing, right? Show that you have a lion heart and go party like a rock star. Its weekends like these that last forever, even longer than that cycle you just finished. So get down to Surf Club before an ounce of body fat ruins your entire life, what you have worked so hard to achieve. Who knows, maybe that modeling recruiter for CK may show up and sign you to a contract. And I know you are longing for the sweet sounds of DJ Denny Tsettos after a tough week of work. That radio in your pizza delivery truck is starting to sound old. We all know that Shiny Disco Balls sounds better coming off Denny's turn tables than it does on KTU, Gumba Johnny just doesn't do the song justice. Plus, the ladies love him so he must be good, right? Well NJGUIDOS, the shore awaits as does all the good times. The memories of these crazy weekends will last forever, if the ketamine and dirty X haven't destroyed most of your brain cells. So go out, have good time, and get laid before your testicles shrivel up due to the sauce. Remember, be lion-hearted and pary like a rock star. Don't miss a weekend, don't ever miss a weekend. Don't ever disrespect Temptations. Don't ever disrespect Surf Club. Don't ever disrespect DJ's Happy Hour. Don't ever disrespect DJ Denny Tsettos. Don't ever disrespect the Sopranos. Don't ever disrespect Diesel gear. And don't ever, EVER, disrespect the Moo. :laugh: :laugh:
  18. have to hear Danny Friday, so Sat-Tues, 3-6?
  19. I was thinking of taking a drive up there next weekend to celebrate my 21st b-day, any suggestions where to go??? I already know of Sona & Stereo....anything else???
  20. jack russel terrier...very adorable and os so friendly
  21. "Uhhhhh, what was I saying again???"
  22. is a possibility...Snoozie, what happened to Danny???
  23. I saw Donald as a warm up to Danny....I rather enjoyed his track selections, very easy to dance to...but considering u mentioned Vicious, we're obviously on a different wave length.
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