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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Wholly shnikies!!!!! Damn!!! Congrats!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  2. All signs point to ......perhaps and 2am or around then is a good time to get there - unless you're in the mood for a 10 hour set... then 11 is good.
  3. Working and lurking on other boards cause this one is SO slow today.... Where's that smiley that bangs it's head against a wall - cause that's what this day has felt like.... Even using work as a distraction isn't working.... it's been a long ass week and everyone wants to get the hell out!!!! Why can't 5 get here soon enough!!!!! I wanna BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. HEY!!! You forgot next week you'll be in NYC!! :D See ya then Mr. Almost Famous!
  5. "Sinners, Let's go down..." track is from the Movie "O Brother Where arte thou" (sp) I can get you the name of the track if you want me to - but it's originally a blue grass track - you know - hill billie music But that was an excellent track to drop at that time of the morning - especially on Easter!!! :D
  6. :laugh: Losing Amy's car..... why does this sound so common place. Raver - do you EVER?? remember where you park??
  7. Get your ass in a car or a bus and come see PvD!!!! :D
  8. Can't wait for Saturday!!!! 10 hours!!!!
  9. :eek: I am the luckiest man alive!! :D
  10. yeah.... just the only rule I every remember... suprised Shady didn't mention it first... or Vic.... they usually jump on these things..... :D Anyways... have fun Thursday with these craaAAaazy kids (insert Brian Fellows picture below....)
  11. HEY!!! Not that I'm going to be in b'more on Thursday but I'll be at Tyrant on Sat @ Arc.... with a bunch of these same people.... BUT... Vic - get the rule book out... isn't there a rule somewhere that newbies have to post pics??? :D I'm sure Vic will be more than happy to post some of us...
  12. Cookie...... tease-a-rific!!!! Cookie - what every guy needs..... ok that's enough.... someone else take over....
  13. And so it begins............ Welcome back!!!! And Congrats!!!!! June huh??? Hmmmmmmmmmm....................
  14. tini... Cartman was going on the Polivich (sp - whatever he fucking name is...) show and it was about the out of control teens so that he could go to some amusement park... I think Butters won the first prize and Cartman decided if Butters could do it - he could to.... I want that sound byte though.... And to those of you that don't know it.... Cookie is a prim and proper gal... the kind that go to an all girls school..... with short checkered skirts... and stockings and white blouses... AND...... excuse me..... I think I need to use the facilities now....
  15. Sweet pics Roo - thanks!!! Surprise.. surprise... Roo posts something other than a naked woman....
  16. I have a sneaky suspicion that these can not be opened up at work.....
  17. I don't like Miami... perhaps Hawaii... but then I'd be trading Islands.... Ok - so there are places I'd leave the island for.... my mistake...
  18. :D I woke up and thought it was Friday and almost called tini when my alarm went off to say, "Welcome to New York!!!" Luckily I I remembered in time and stoped dialing. And of course you to Ad...
  19. Yeah - I know Vic.... but it's nice to know the island here is safe thus far...... which is probably why I never leave the island.... is there anything else out there worth leaving Manhattan??? hmmmmm....... :D
  20. Actually Chinatown is doing damn well.... it's the places off the island that have been having reports... like Queens and Brooklyn and stuff.... Still.... haven't been there in a little while and I need more ramen noodles.....
  21. .... or playing with cigars....
  22. Cookie AND drunk college girls... Might have to come down!!!
  23. Nope - just figure I aught to try new things every now and then - you know change it up...
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