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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. A bell pepper challenge - WTF!!!! If this was truly the king of all tournaments - I think the cheap bastard should let them make what ever they want in the one hour period. THAT would be worth watching.... fucking bell peppers... what a god damn jip - and I was rather excited to watch this too.... fucking cow shirt wearing freak!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. Have you ever had a "good" tequila? I'm talking like Patron Anejo or Cuervo Special Family.... now THAT shit you could drink all day. And no way with the tobasco sauce in the mary... I hate tobasco sauce - tastes cheap - gimme some Blair's Death sauce or Dave's Insanity - now THAT's a way to wake up in the mornin!! Hell - y'all ought to do keggs and eggs at Shady's!!!!
  3. Holy SHIT!!!! Cookie's coming!!!!!
  4. yeah - but then I would have been tired for DH and missed what turned out to be one of the best sets I've heard...
  5. Well I think everyone will probably show up when the doors are supposed to open.... but that will give us 3 hours of standing on line time to at least get to the front and in - so as we don't miss too much of the set this time.... $20 an hour is pretty steap to go see a DJ.... even IF the DJ is PvD...
  6. Well if y'all are comin - then I guess I'll have to go to PvD..... so don't murder me when I ask - when is it again??? And have y'all gotten your tickets?? Cause after the last PvD debacle I'm not buyin unless y'all are sure your comin -
  7. Hey raver - I may have missed something - but I don't recall the UN saying anything about this being illegal - or the fact that we missinterpretted the resolution that was put forth and voted for unanimously... I beleive it was left ambiguous so that something like this could happen. Yes it was unprovoked and that's not good. But as far as the legality of the war - unless the UN comes out and blatantly states that the Coalition missinterpretted the resolution then there really is no basis for the legality argument. Just because there are more countries against the war than for it doesn't mean that there is basis for calling it illegal.
  8. Taking Thursday off: Minus one day of vacation Price of one Ticket: $18.67 Seeing this man on Wednesday night Priceless.........
  9. My Tuesday just got a hell of a lot better- you have purchased the following: Event/Venue/Seating Date Qty Delivery John Digweed at Centro-Fly Hell yeah!!! :bounce: :bounce:
  10. yeah - but you have to wait till I get home.... SHould be up a little later in the evening - I'll send you a message through SS that it's up.... Hmmmm package deal here.... Cookie and tini - I can send you one - well actually two - but to one addy - therefore one person will have to pick the other one up.... who wants it first???
  11. Reval - I'll load it up into SS and you can pull it from there if you would like I pulled it before it was pulled on that *other* place. And yeah - it IS a nice set! Been listening to it all weekend and last week!!!
  12. Hey uhhh............ that hick on the tractor surrendered..... peacefully.......... I liked ez-e's idea - should have shot him within the first 5 minutes as a warning - DC doesn't tolerate irrate drunk hillbillies!!! :D no seriously..... PAD!
  13. :mad: You just ruined my dinner!!!!!!
  14. :eek: That's one FINE lookin board nazi!!!
  15. Hey cookie!!!!! Why don't you go and take your anger out on that hick in the pond out there!!!!
  16. :( Heck I went home - watched hockey and did laundry Mostly cause by the time I got home I had already run into more than my fair share of drunk tourists - they were pissing me off!!! :mad:
  17. yeah - oops!!! I've had trouble remembering shit since...
  18. Mr. T says.... EAT YO GREENS!!!! They make you feel betta'!!
  19. FYI - just in case any of you didn't know - Alex was the guest on Digweed's Kiss 100 last week - gonna listen to it later today - I'll let y'all know how it is - but I expect nothing less than perfection!!!
  20. Happy birthday - one year older than I am!!!!!!
  21. SWEET!!! Thanks guys!!! Birthday was rather relaxing - as I was recovering form one hell of a night out.
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