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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. sauvee88


    Sweet!!! Snow and sleet for tomorrow - to go along with the rain today.
  2. Apparently not only are we questioning everyone and everything but we can't solve anything either......
  3. No - djmixes2k is SO much faster than dl from you two on SS.... I'll have this part done in like 5 minutes.... then have to wait for the other parts.
  4. Sweet!!! I'm gonna dl that tonight. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  5. I say it adds demension!! Depth!! It's like a whole nother part of cookie.... the wild part!! :bounce: :bounce:
  6. Happy Birthday there buster man!!!! Wish I could be around this weekend to help celebrate and have a little old school 5 - buster kickin ass on the decks - evening... So you'll just have to bounce and dance for me - and someone buy this old man a shot for me!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  7. ME!!!! I want one..... but I'll just burn tini's next time she comes up... save you postage. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  8. SOOooooooo who coming up next month??? Seriously - He played excellent between 3 and 7 - 4 hours of non-stop action - next time I'll have to show up a little later so I can bounce through the entire set!!! Also wanted to see Bill P. in the arcade - his set was pretty damn good also and a nice change of pace everyonce in a while from the chugging movement of Howells.
  9. Looked like a fun time. How the hell did you manage to get backstage??
  10. Fuck yeah!!!!! Nick, DD, DH, Lawler, Kleinenberg!!!! Now if only they could get a Sasha and Diggers compilation...... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  11. Welcome... welcome.... good to see you again that evening - even if it was around 6:15 or so and I was tired as shit.
  12. Uncle... Uncle... I give up.....
  13. tini - when you tie her up to bring her up here.... hog tie her and we'll extract a little revenge on that ass....
  14. Is D:Fuse no longer a resident??
  15. Actually - I never said I wasn't - I love fantasy stuff - listening to the limited edition soundtrack of LOTR Two Towers right now... so there. Yes I have the Game - Two Towers for PS2 - it rules. But reading through those posts that was the first thing that came to mind and I had to share.... found a decent picture and went with it. Sorry if I offended any of you NERDS!!!
  16. Currently Arthur Rubinstein Beethoven Sonatas - Collection #33 No. 8 Op.13 "Pathetique" Favorite new track - um tie.... "Cowbell" or "Nobody Listens to Techno" Remix What I'd like to be listening to - Steve Lawler's set last time at Arc - or DH from Saturday between the hours of 3:30 and 7
  17. :eek: A tied cookie delivered to my door?? Oh yeah!!! :bounce: :bounce:
  18. Reval - it in the folder on SS?? Yeah Vic - I agree - should take a nap and show up around 3 - that's when it really starts getting good.
  19. Hey!!! I stuck it out till after 7!!! Some people left early and some people crashed out standing on their feet..... AND some people actually HAD to work last week - no snow days here. But My weekend was made when he dropped the entire "Nobody Listens to Techno" track he made..... OMFG - he HAS to release that sometime - I mean I don't have a deck and I'd like to have that one on vinyl - and on CD.... Howells kicked ass - can't wait for next month!!!
  20. Correction - tini got talked into going back and trying one last time - which means I had to get out of bed/stop posting and get dressed again. Long story short - we got in at 5. Most expensive $20 an hour show I ever saw. But hey - atleast he dropped Goreki at 6:30 and tini went NUTS!!! Now I've had my 6 hours of sleep and got a voucher to see DH for $15 - Best damn deal around!!! I'm sure tini will post much more about it later.
  21. two thumbs down!!! Straight up!! So I spend 3.5 hours outside waiting to get in and the firemarshall calls capacity. WTF!!! There's like another 400 people in line with tickets and they close the club. Not sure if we're getting refunds or not... not sure what exactly is going on - how many people jumped in line ahead of us... nothing. All I know is after standing in the cold - with frozen feet cause I'm standing in snow puddles - I'm 30 people from the door and they call it off??!?!?! People are piling out of the place and they will not let any one else in. Remeber Carol Cox at Buzz?? Well this was similar - one line everyone in it - people with tickets and people without tickets... They started kicking people without tickets out of line around 2... then they close it. Oh MAN I'm pissed. Nothing can explain the anger I have right now. I got my ticket over a month ago and I can't get in?? That's just wrong. So Gina is trying to listen in on a cell phone right now and I'm waiting for Danny Howells... What a night.
  22. Yeah man - we got screwed!!!!
  23. tini!!!! don't forget the ripped fuel for the weekend!!!
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