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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Did anyone see that they had a show about "Wing-fest" in Buff on Foodtv this weekend? Road trip to Buff??? Anyone???
  2. I think eggmok should make the disclaimer a sticky - therefore allowing us to copy and paste it when we make comment that requires the disclaimer............ Oh yeah - Jasontowns..... Jasontowns.....Jasonto...
  3. sauvee88


    Damn..... even with their combined posts they wouldn't be close to vic........
  4. Dear lord.... you just invited trouble.....
  5. Ahhhh hemmm...... NARF!!!!
  6. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Excellent now to download..... Of course the sucky thing is that it's a little too large to fit in the avatar section... and I can't see sigs - cause I'm at work.... but this will go somewhere on the computer - where I can see it every now and then cookie - you RULE!!!!
  7. DAYYUM..... list of the usual suspects..... Hatch, Clinton, Lieberman, Thurmond, Kennedy, Leahy, Biden Jr. I didn't vote for any of these srewballs and for those that did - SHAME!!! Honestly - they're all in need of a reality check... cookie - smack'em around when you pass them in the halls!!
  8. forgive me - I still can't get the damn thing to say who the quote was originally from.... But anyways - with regard to this quote - This is my main gripe and why there are places that serve as a sanctuary - albeit not allways impervious to outside influences and people of this sort invading your sanctuary - but non the less there are certain places that can serve to let the people that want to - listen to the music.
  9. Since the tone of this thread has changed from that of informing kuro of whether or not you liked DT if and when you've seen him to something a little more - which can happen when you are talking about someone with a for lack of a better word "cult like" following - I'll chime my 2 cents in. My rambling are from experience drawn from a Saturday night at ARC - still have yet to see DT - but planning on it. In the 4 months since I've moved from DC I've come to the conclusion that I don't mind ARC not being able to serve liquor. For people that are not inundated with the amount and quality of music that one can find on any given night here in NYC this might seem foreign and hard to grasp until you yourself experience it. ARC is my sanctuary. I can go there and listen to music - good music, played on an excellent system. Yes there may be people indulging in illegal activities and there may be people that show up all boozed up - but the amount of such people that would detract from an otherwise excellent night are so little that it doesn't even matter - you have a problem with one person - move somewhere else in the room. The fact that there is no liquor there and that there IS such a good security check (well nothing beat Buzz - but for NYC standards - this is the best I've encountered) means that there will be people there listening to the music - which is why I beleive ARC has adopted its policies. I do head out to other venues and those nights are equally as satisfying as a night at ARC, because I'm in the mood for drinking or doing whatever and listening to music - having fun with friends or just hanging out. But there comes a time when it gets old and you need your sanctuary - you need that upclose/personal attention with the music that ARC allows you. Granted there are times when I would really like to see some of the ARC DJ's at other venues simply because I would like a drink and or a different experience, but you take what you get. Now in reading these posts and knowing a couple of the people here I can say this... kuro - reval and raver and numerous other people have put their 2 cents in - you know them - you take their opinions as you will. As far as the whole ruining of the scene and everything - it is hard when you're passionate about something to tacke a middle approach and I don't think either raver OR abstractls did that... and rightfully so - they are both passionate about the music and that's where I'm leaving it - otherwise I'll get drawn into this whole mess.
  10. Klingons.... to hell with klingons.... sounds like a bad problem with a dryer You gotta be tall to jump into one of those Stormtrooper suits.... yeah that's where it is!! We once again have turned an otherwise usefull thread into dribble!!! Yeah us!!! PAD!
  11. pffftttt!!!!! Little people.......... you'll never understand. There is a height limit on the knowledge that comes with ephobe.... therefore the two of you fail.....
  12. You're not in the club..... you don't know
  13. No no - I'm sure it's cool. Double check - but I'm sure.
  14. huh??? How'd I get dragged into this??? There is only so much floor space and of course you all must go through a rigorous roommate acceptance exam........ What weekend is that again??
  15. I'm laughing and crying at the same time..... laughing cause that's damn funny........crying cause you're gonna get dead when she comes back......
  16. I'm trying to pad my posts you know.... only another like 1 million and then I can be equal to vic...... Or maybe.... just maybe the damn internet explorer browser crashed and when I hit the refresh button it reposted.... but that would be silly.......
  17. I was too slow in posting about the freeky guy who was hitting in Paola..... AND I hate that it never keeps the quote.... so I don't use it.
  18. Hey come on now..... it's not nice to talk about people that don't even post on the board..... I mean Pete needs lovin' too!!! (see how much flack I take for that one..........)
  19. Missed a good party from the looks of it......... have to get back down to DC soon......
  20. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  21. Evidently you haven't seen LOTR - so take your bigmanmonkeyballs and go somewhere and fix yourself!!!!
  22. ROO!!!! You need to get you're ass up here for PvD and Howells end of Feb!!
  23. leaves you craving more... MORE.... MORE!!!!!!!!! Lorin.... see I was close - spelled it wrong.... but DAMN pretty good I can remember that far back!!!
  24. I believe the answer your brain is looking for is THRILLED!!!! Besides it's not like EVERYONE will know what's going on.....
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