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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a couple hard copies of that one!!!!
  2. princess sauvee tini Better not disappoint!!!!
  3. :bounce: :bounce: I would put more up.... but I think there is a limit on the number of bouncing smilies.... or something....
  4. Yo!! - ephobe pics!!! under reval....
  5. Vic!!!!! I was thinking rather clearly that evening!!! - it was another person we were a little more concerned about.... I'll leave that to the ones that know..... Yes cookie - she was a cute dancer!! But I want to see reval do one of the vulture.... I know somewhere there MUST be a pic......
  6. Yes, I remember that night..... I beleive that is Ads friend - Lauren?? I know.... I forgot.. but hey!! I remember the night - she's the one doing the arms waving thing... looking like she's a rockin it out!!! Of course as I call recall in about another 30 mins she was rockin it out on the couch.... with a pillow and the back of her eyelids!!
  7. Twas me, mon cheri!!! And I'll find them and send them to you in an email.
  8. Damn no funds... living in another city..... playboy in Washington - had to wait till I moved...... life isn't fair.......!#@$%$#%@!!!!!!!
  9. As I recall he walked in around 5pm and didn't sleep at all!!!! And Vic - funds man.... low on funds.......
  10. I'm thinking of saving up till that weekend and just going nucking futs!! All I want to know is who's coming with me? Huh? Who's coming with me?
  11. Whatever tini..... you should be ashamed for telling a half-truth..... we all know you're just going for the boys As Sopha would say...."pfft!!! you don't drink!"
  12. I'm going to say ..... nope. Think I may have to do something with the roommate and stuff.....
  13. solution to family problems....... Drink more!!!
  14. sounds pretty shady to me....
  15. more Canadian news: TORONTO, Canada (Reuters) -- Canadian thieves calling themselves Grinch Enterprises kidnapped a Santa Claus figure off an Ontario family's front lawn and are holding the jolly icon for ransom, the owner said Wednesday. The group -- who have struck at the same family home before and demanded a similar ransom -- want the owners to collect canned goods for a food bank in return for getting their plywood Santa back before Christmas Day, Evelyn Hussey said. "My reindeers are still there but Santa Claus is gone," Hussey said by telephone from Sarnia, an industrial city about 185 miles southwest of Toronto. Hussey said she took down the first ransom note for the four-foot tall Santa only to find another one on the lawn. After removing that one, she got an anonymous telephone call ordering her to leave the notes alone. The notes contain instructions and include photographs of the missing Santa. Hussey said she plans to ask local schools to help collect about 700 cans of food. "I want my Santa back because it looks ugly outside without him. I just want him back." Oh - those crazy Canucks...........
  16. Hey cookie!! Wake up!! Anyone else have a Christmas party last night?? Cause I'm hurting today..........
  17. I'm taking next week off.... but it requires 4 days of vacation.. oh well. AND I'm taking the 31st off as a Descretionary day... so I'll be in to work on the 30th... not like anything is going to get done. Since you're so bored cookie - find me a dancing Brain to put in my avatar. PLEASE!!!
  18. :mad: tini I want you to kick vic in the shins!!!
  19. I beleive we bailed at around 6.... so what's an extra hour??
  20. Uhh I'm not.... but you were in and out of Arc faster than a teenager having sex......
  21. tini sushi!!!! well if Rip Fuel boy there wouldn't have wasted I don't know how much money at Arc the last two times he went he could almost afford to get in!!!
  22. Buster - Tiesto at World is like $400...... so compared to that $200 is a bargain!!! tini - I'm going with $200 a piece for the price.... that's what I would assume.
  23. Oh no.... if we do Powder - it's the $200 VIP access thing - if you get 4 people you get a bottle of champagne and a bottle of vodka and a private table - THAT would be better. IF y'all decide to do that. Otherwise Centro and Arc are the places to go - for under $100, but how much money do you think you'll spend in liquor?? So think hard about the choices. Have to take a closer look though.
  24. Powder? Centro? Arc?
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