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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. Yes, yes I know - illegal use of smileys.... but hey I only have like another 10,000 posts to go and I can be as revered as the all mighty vicman.........
  2. You see tini - malanee is always like this trying to get her to sit down will cause her to do this and more than 30 seconds on a computer will do this thus trying to get her to do this or this Is nearly impossible!!!!
  3. Yeah - you go and run and when you get back perhaps you'll be tired enough to write an email....... or talk for more than 5 mins....
  4. yeah - perhaps next time y'all will remember the evening!!!!
  5. Hey Malanee - how was D:Fuse??? Lawler kicked ass!!! I've got the 2 day old glow going.... Saturday I was dead tired to the world, but still managed to dance and stay awake till 6:30 or so... Sunday was recovery and today I woke up and I'm bouncing from Saturday night!!! (tini: I feel it deep inside me........") Lawler was good and dark - his mixing could have been total crap and I wouldn't have cared... he played some dark disturbing beats and some excellent tracks - something that had been missing from DJ's reps for quite a while and man was it good....... I love the Phazon.......
  6. Sorry to highjack the thread for sec, but REVAL - want a copy of the promo!!! I'll trade you for something.... I dunno - how about an $8 pack of smokes?? Oh and back to the outing thingy...... how about NYC cause you're in DC???
  7. Damn.... double post!!! Server issues.... and everything else... but I'm looking on the bright side - only like another 9640 something to equal vicman
  8. .... with JRoo in it!!! I mean that is his smiling little face there!!!
  9. Naut - too hard, WAY too hard. But - playing by the rules it would have to be Rio, one more continent knocked off. Otherwise like everyone else - there are SO many more places that would be SO much fun to visit, some perhaps not at the current moment with an american passport but...... never the less I'd like to go. Which leads me to think this.... if you're visiting a country strictly to visit a country and you are respectful and nice then you should be given like a "free pass" - I mean if I wanted to go and visit, say Egypt - then I should be allowed to walk around with like a tag on my back or something that would say, "hey - he's american and everything but he's here to see the culture - HANDS OFF!!!" Same thing can be said for other countries on and off that list. I mean if you really want to see a place, then why should you feel you can't go cause it's too dangerous?? I think that stinks!
  10. "well-behaved tini" ??? That doesn't sound like fun!!!! You're going to be wild woman this weekend!!!! Ok - how about really ready to dance woman instead.....
  11. Made easier by having lived on three continents and having visted 2 others - yep before I die I'll hit all 7!! Ok, perhaps I'll go back and edit and write it out.... maybe!
  12. By the numbers: 3 - Florida 8 - Sydney 9 - New York 15 - Niagra Falls 20 - Great Wall of China 22 - Hong Kong 24 - Hawaii 27 - Paris 32 - Masai Mara 36 - San Francisco 39 - Singapore 41 - Sri Lanka 42 - Bangkok 45 - Terracotta Army - China 49 - Bali There Happy now
  13. Ah yes... the problem... Bloomberg is trying hard to destroy the scene here too.... quitely. Let's see..... the police want to put armed uniformed officers in the clubs - why? Why should the clubs have an armed officer if the clubs where hip hop is played, where they don't make you walk through a metal detector, and there is no search doesn't have any? Why you may ask? Cause it would be considered racist. Plain and simple. I myself listen to hip hop every now and then and some songs are quite good, but lets think about this.... Are there nights when drunk alcohol enraged people are carted off to the hospitals for alcohol poisoning? Yeah.... Do more fights break out? yeah.... They ARE specifically targeting a group of people, they ARE targeting our music - wholey hell just read there explainations when they say they aren't targeting the music... HELLO!!!! This makes me very angry!!! They want to stop smoking in bars and clubs here too..... gee like is the only place I can smoke in my apartment, under the sheets with the shades pulled shut and the lights off?? Is salt going to be next?? I mean it IS bad for you. How about cheese - it's got FAT in it - ban it!!! It's bad for you. Ok.... I'm going to stop rambling now..... but thank you for posting this and getting me all worked up this morning...... freakin politicians - hey I have an idea..... instead of spending all this money on trying to break up a few parties that for the most part help in the whole "survival of the fittest" idea, cause quite frankly you know going into it whether or not your taking a chance with your life and you KNOW when enough is enough, thus if you're DUMB enough to over do it - then thats your own damn fault and your ass SHOULD be dead!- why don't these politicians try finding the people that are out there doing MORE damage to our country - such as these wonderfull terrorists? How about trying to figure a way to end the senseless violence in the Middle East? Helping people in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma, Tibet produce food so they can eat? How about looking for another type of freakin fuel so that we are no longer dependant on oil - thus making the idea that we only are interested in BIG OIL in the Middle East no longer valid and STILL work towards ending this battle. But you know what - that's to difficult - thus why they continue to harp on us BAD people. Those of us that listen to the DEVIL electronic music - I can hear Fallwell now - "It's the gay music, drug pushers and users, morons and buffoons listen to this. THEY are responsible for the 11th...." and on and on.... Ah... now I feel better.....
  14. That's what happens when you're on the road for a couple weeks and can't down 12 rip fuels a day........
  15. well it officially 5 minutes after I should be gone...... time to go. And of course hotmail is ghetto its microsoft!!!
  16. I'm still here!!! ANd you never email!!!
  17. Hey cookie...... while you're moving do you think you could take Baldwin with you - I'm sure he's into moving right about now too!!!
  18. Did you eat chinese food yet??? Eat some spicy stuff - that'll clear that poo situation right up!!!! Glad to hear y'all had a good trip and you enjoyed the states.... but leave the rednecks alone!!! They're people too they have feelings...... I mean come on Does this mean you have email now??
  19. Hey there camel jockey...... What is your point of entry into the US?? DC or NYC?? Just think - you now have a whole new appreciation of being able to sit in your office and play playstation. You will never complain about being able to do that in your office back here now will you??
  20. South America...... just saw it at Virgin - but didn't know what he spun................... it's on the Perfecto label - prolly why he's going to be with jokenfold.
  21. Yeah, yeah, yeah Reval....... totally a prog junkie..... But we still remember way back when......... Would 3 redbulls do it?
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