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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. No MC's!!!!! Now that would be very interesting..... that is my only complaint about DnB.... If I wanted to listen to some guy yell in a mic I would go to a rap concert thank you...... but I still can't make it.... too broke Oh yeah...... Think Buzz could bring back Alex Whalen and D:Fuse?? Sometime??? (had to help the cause you know......)
  2. Thurs - Misstress B Fri - Politiki for Revaluation - which some people are slow to post up........ Both of which your dumb ass should come out for foo!!!!
  3. Well you see....... on my computer they're not red and those graphics didn't come up till AFTER I posted..... thus why I do zero dl'ing at work..... connection is so shody!!!!! So sorry everyone!!! My mistake....... But I did post my first thread..... next time perhaps I wont be a virgin and rush to get it up...........
  4. Or did AG just come back on line.... I checked the site just a couple mins ago and typed in Danny Howells and guess what came up??? MUSIC!!!!!!! WTF???????
  5. Nice to meet you to prplhz, although I don't exactly remember meeting you, just seeing you...... but I was pretty tired around that time so................................................. I thought the place was really done up well - granted there were too many people in there, but what are you going to do.... it was a special night. I must say however that for how crowded it was people were generally nice, minus a couple of the meatheads that just pushed everyone out of the way. People were nice and appoligized for stepping on you and such. The chillout room could have used some fans though.... REALLY bad..... I mean it's the "chill"out room..... not the "dear lord it's hotter in here than the dance floor" room. The sound was AMAZING.... I didn't think it was too low...... It certainitly didn't leave you like Glow does - deaf for the next 3 days...... I spent most of Howells set on the floor and he played well I thought. He did kind of jump around a little with the emotion.... 20 minutes of hard deep music and then like a less emotional song.... not to say his track selection was off, he played some of the most amazingly deep prog I've heard in a while and I wish I knew the names of some of the tracks or even when he played them, but I was too into closing my eyes and getting lost in the music, just bouncing and swaying around in the middle of the floor with like 500 of my closest friends (for those of you that didn't know I went sober, just caffeine for me) I loved it.... great night. I just wish I didn't have to get up and drive -, cause then I would have stayed for DT too, but I got about 10 mins of him and shut it down and grabbed some sleep. I definitely will come back to listen to him though and DH once again proves why he is one of the best!!!! I love NY!!!!
  6. I'm going for a while. But need to get some rest before tomorrow.
  7. You tell that french guy and the german guy that you're going to pull a typical work week in their country - 30 hours and that's it - you are not allowed - by law to work any longer than that. So tell them to FO!!!!!!!!!
  8. whatever........................................ *pad*
  9. Yeah..... lets see malanee's would be hot pink with white fluffy interior - the dice hanging from the mirror, some serious RIMMS!!! hydrolics..... and the entire back seat one big sub!!! Oh, could I see that..... tini's would have to be smaller!!!!!!
  10. kuro, tini, vicster..... What time are y'all thinking we should be leaving?? Around 11 or so?? And raver - if you ever read this post.... my ASS your pokemon butt is going to get up and leave that early - hell I'm sure I'll leave before you. The runner may leave before you!!!!
  11. happy brithday!!! short quick and nice......
  12. My car is full now. Those of you coming in my car. Bring only what you need - there is not going to be much room in the truck for stuff and I'm not sure what time ravermania is planning on leaving - so we can't dump the rest of the stuff in there. You will find out the reason when you see the trunk. Thus no suitcases, just bring a backpack - which I'm sure you all are going to bring anyways. So that;s it. I'm out of the rest of the planning until Friday when I tell you all when we are going up. K? SWo stay tuned to your pm's on Friday, or send me your phone numbers and I'll give you a call. Kuro - need your addy - pm it.
  13. I beleive the second car is ravermania. Why doesn't someone make an official official posting - I'm not responding to 3 damn threads anymore for this mess. I have a room - I'm driving - I made my intentions perfectly clear. I'M GOING. I have three more spots in my car - of course don't bring much to stuff in the truck cause it's not all that large and 3 large people in the back will NOT be comfortable for 4 plus hours. But that's where I am. So you all figure this out. I don't understand why this has to be so damn hard. It's one goddamn night. You come you figure a way to get up there, you don't want to come then stay the hell out of the freakin thread!!!!
  14. Oh dear lord.... I was thinking the same thing.... but then I checked the flyer again and low and behold there was a website on it for the club. www.bohemiancaverns.com The top 2 floors are called Club 2001, the actual address is 11th and U it's the building on the corner with the piano keys around the top and the huge sax hanging off the side of the building. Downstairs... aka the Caverns is where the Jazz is played - since it IS a jazz club. The thing ended around 2 - which was a little disappointing, but ok since the girl that was with us was... sleepy.... But I had just received my GG martini and had to slam the damn thing down.... Tought luck people, perhaps if there is another one y'all will have the directions now. Of course that depends on what sia does, since I'm not too sure if she was there or not.... dunno - the two other people I was with and I just sat around shooting the shit and listening to music in a booth that wasn't SO dark....... didn't see anyone I knew, but there where people enjoying themselves - although no one danced.... It felt very loungy.... Which was cool for a Saturday night.
  15. Yea no smilies from me niether.... don't have the time to run around and check them all out right now.... but Happy Birthday!!!!!! Pretty glad that minivan wasn't the french dude!!! Oh, wait I've memorized these smilies...... :bounce: :bounce:
  16. Did anyone other than ravermania and I make it to soaked on Sat.??? Much preferred that place to Glow.... after Friday night it was perfect... just wish we would have had more company.... Friday was pretty good. Seb for the first hour played some good tracks.... then his set took on a no emotion, just bang out some tunes feel. Then Henry got on and was pretty damn good.... had me bouncing that early in the morning - then he got off after like an hour or so... some other guy got on and that was it... left. I completely missed the first guy - got the last 3 tracks of his set - which I would have preferred all night - hard techno wasn't it??
  17. This is for those that are checking cp today..... I'm on the list so is Raver and girl.... so we'll see y'all there. Oh and sia is SUCH as sweetie on the phone. Yes, one more thing... check the website out - it's pretty cool!!! And there is a minor dress code... no athletic gear, work boots, or t-shirts - yes you poeple will have to dress up - sort of - y'all have to own 1 polo shirt or something...... see ya!!
  18. See I'm too lazy to finish reading all the posts!!!!! Got it now - thanks for keeping me straight there VIc!!
  19. I'm coming!!!!! Do you really want us to call you?? And where is the flyer again??? Yes I'm lazy and don't want to look for the thread.... perhaps a pm or re post it in the thread. I may have some other people coming along too... not sure - so you're saying the best way to get a hold of you is to call?
  20. So what you're saying is you're getting LAID tonight and wanted to let everyone know........ just in case we didn't know already..... you wanted to rub it in...... how ever kind of you...... Happy birthday punk!!!!!
  21. closing the place down..... after seb....... is there any doubt?????
  22. NO....... for real??? How the hell did you manage that??? I'll be there for the start of seb so around 1:30 - have plans prior to that I must attend to.....
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